So It Is


“What happened?” Woozi was staring at me with in intensity that could burn through the back of someone’s head.


“It wasn’t my fault. The8 and I had just gotten to her house and the door was open as all hell. It seemed like she was just fine but I ended up having to do a blood transfusion instead.”

“And this is only the second week we’ve all known her.” Vernon sat down on the steps and rubbed his eyes.


It was very evident that none of us wanted to ever experience or deal with this situation again. Once was enough and it had only been a year since the last time. That was when we had to move; there was no choice.


“Our leader will not be happy to hear this one.”

“That’s evident enough Wonwoo. Considering what these guys found in her house, her condition won’t get better.”

Woozi turned to me with a blank look on his face. “Joshua, you’ll need to keep giving her blood transfusions if you want to keep her alive.”


“Stop Woozi. He’s been through enough for one day. We’re all upset and disturbed but you don’t see us lashing out.”

Vernon said as he stood up and walked away; his hands in his pockets. Wonwoo looked down at Woozi and frowned. His normal blank expression became icy.


“I’ll be on my way to Margo’s house. Someone has to stay there with her.”

We watched him walk away slowly with a calmness that seemed unrealistic at the moment.


“I’ll go with him.” The8 stood up and followed after the tall figure that was fading away slowly.


Woozi looked down at me for moment, sighed and pulled me up to standing. When I looked at him, his eyes were turning black. I realized right then and there things were about to get worse than I had anticipated.


“Joshua, you go back to the dorm.” I blinked. Did he really just say what I think he said?


“I said go back to the dorm. Rest and try to slow your heart rate,” he placed a hand over my heart “I can tell it’s about to beat out of your chest.”


I nodded my head slowly, but all the same, it was rather strange to have Woozi say that to me. He’s a very nice and caring person but when he gets upset or mad…that’s not normally how he reacts.


He smiled a bit, then began to walk off to meet The8 and Wonwoo. As I watched him walk away I felt a slight pinch in my chest. “Ah!”


I kneeled down quickly and hunched my upper body over with my eyes shut tightly. I placed my hand over my heart and I could tell that my blood transfusion had not only given her blood, but somehow I had contracted something.


“This can’t be happening.” I spoke softly to myself so that no one could hear me. “I can’t let her know.”

When I stood up, I could feel my heart beat ever so slightly faster than its normal pace. Margo and I were now one in the same, so to speak. We shared blood and now shared the same condition. Her heart would become half stronger than it was and mine would be half weaker than before.


Right then it hit me that I would have to start drinking blood again. I absolutely hated everything about it. From the taste to the fact that it was human blood, I hated it with all my life.


Then again, drinking it wasn’t the bad part. Oh not even close. The worst part was that we had to take the blood from a freshly dead body, or kill someone to get the blood to keep ourselves from turning to dust.


This may be the worst part to being a vampire. When you turn into one, you drink the blood of other humans and even kill to get your fangs in it. Jun knew this all too well due to his last experience with drinking blood.


All the same, all thirteen of us have drunk blood before and it didn’t matter where it came from. The point is that we all had to kill a living creature to get it. The thing that flows through every living being and the one thing that we all share even though it’s us vs. the humans.


I must have been spacing out because the next thing I knew, Vernon was standing next to me in silence. I turned to look at him and when I did the look on his face was heart breaking.



Her turned to me but said nothing. How could he?


“Can you help me find some blood? I’m afraid my blood transfusion with Margo may have given me her heart condition.”


Vernon nodded his head slowly then helped brace me as we began to walk to a blood bank. If we couldn’t get blood there then that would mean doing the one thing we both hated most in our lives.








“You need blood?” The nurse asked in a rather high-pitched tone.


“Yes. My friend is at a loss for blood at the moment. Could we get an IV started for him?”

The woman looked at us skeptically but nodded her head all the same. She stood up and went to get a room ready for us.




“No problem. You ok? You’re talking really quietly.”

“I’m not sure. All I know is that I do NOT feel good right about now.” I rubbed my temples and tried not to think about the strange pain that was welling up in my stomach.


I could feel Vernon’s eyes staring at me; it was somewhat uncomfortable. It didn’t last long though, he pulled out his phone soon enough and called someone.


“The room is ready for you now.”

Vernon came over to me, helping me stand on me feet. We followed the nurse down the hallway and went into a smallish room. I saw the IV and a chair in the corner.


“Please sit and I’ll get you hooked up.”

I sat down in the chair slowly; my heart was beating in strange intervals thus making my every movement more difficult.


My eyes must have been closed because the next thing I knew, a needle was being inserted into my vein. I didn’t move though, I had been poked with needles too many times to really care anymore.


“Alright. I’ll leave you now and come back when the pint is done.”


She left the room and closed the door softly. Vernon looked back at me; leaning against the counter all the while. I glanced at him and sighed.


“You know…We can’t tell her anything. It’s too soon for this.”

“I know Vernon. I can’t control the situation.” I leaned back in my chair, closing my eyes. This was a nightmare and had started way too soon to be realistic.


“Is your heart okay?”


“I guess. I mean I acquired Margo’s heart condition when I gave her the blood transfusion. And this…I could deal with the other problems, but this…heart condition…huh.”

“But you do like her though? Right? I mean, all of us can tell you like her. Don’t get upset with her.”

I shook my head. Of course I couldn’t hate her, she was funny, kind, had a sense of humor and a very accepting person.


“I do like her. How can I not?”

“So other than the obvious, why are you upset?”

“This.” I held up my arm that had the IV in it and frowned. “This is why I’m upset. I really just...”


“I understand, but Joshua. You gave her a blood transfusion. A damn blood transfusion. You know the consequences, we’ve been told these too many times and you, just broke the rule again.”


“You, Vernon, would do exactly the same thing. Violet was the last person you did the transfusion with. And now you are stuck with violent periods of depression.” I said mater of factly.


He nodded his head and stayed silent until the woman came back. When she did, she had a clipboard with her and checked off some things on the list. Then she smiled at Vernon and I.


“Alright, it seems like your blood pressure is up to normal standards so you are free to go. But do drink plenty of water and eat enough for the rest of the day.”

I nodded as she took out the IV and placed a cotton ball on my view and secured it. I stood up quickly and left the room with Vernon running after me.








“Well, she seems to be fine for now.” Wonwoo stood over Margo.


“The8, are you sure that stone is what you think it is?”

“Yes Woozi. I was trained to see the difference.”

The older nodded his head but remained silent. Wonwoo looked around the room for a moment then walked to a corner of the room where a bookshelf stood.


“Hyung, there’s something strange about this right?”

Woozi turned his head slowly, walked over and took a look for himself. The bookshelf, at first glance, seemed perfectly normal. Then Woozi ran a finger over one of the shelves and withdrew his hand almost immediately.


“Wonwoo…This is how they got in. Whoever it was cut through the wall and made this bookcase a door.”

“Who would have the time to do that?”

“Guys…She’s dropping again.” The8’s voice wasn’t panicked. It was quite calm in fact that the two of them couldn’t even tell there was a problem.


“We can’t get Joshua to give her more blood. He’s lost two pints and had to get another one just now.”

Woozi sighed heavily but kept the same facial expression. “So…what do we do?”

“There’s a way I can keep her stable but it’s not going to last for too long.” The8 said as he placed a hand on her forehead and another on her stomach.


“How long do we have?”

“Three days. I’ve used this treatment many times and it works but we have to get Joshua back her in that period of time.”



Wonwoo stared out the window. The8 looked at him for a moment then went back to his treatment.



“Wonwoo, call S.Coups and tell him what happened. I think it’s time that we all meet with the council.”



The latter nodded his head and took out his phone. Woozi watched The8 do the treatment.



“He’s not answering.” Wonwoo said in monotone.



“What? I know he’s free right now. Why wouldn’t he answer his phone?” Woozi was growing irritated by everything. He grabbed his phone and called S.Coups himself.



“Whoa…Woozi calm down. What’s wrong?”



“What’s wrong? What’s wrong? Oh I’ll tell you what’s wrong. You didn’t answer your phone and we have a problem.”

The leader didn’t speak for a moment. He only spoke again when Woozi began yelling into the phone.



“What kind of problem?”

“Black stone, fake bookcase and blood transfusion.” Woozi spoke quickly.




















Hey guys! I’m back! I’m sorry for such a short chapter but I’ll be adding more to this one and hopefully have another chapter out soon. Sorry to keep you guys waiting.


As always, happy reading!

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