The Princess and the Frog

Guide of the newlyweds lifestyle

 « Hmm...can someone tell me where am I ? »


Looking around her, Moon Byul Yi could only see water and water lilies around, it was something strange, because she didn't remember coming to a lake.


« I am so cold that's strange ? I shouldn't feel that cold..wait am I ? »


At this point Moonbyul begun to freak out, she got no memory on how she ended at this place, without clothes. She looked around but everything seems so big, or maybe she was just being too short. Wanting to gather herself, she went to the edge of the lake, to splash herself some water, but screamed when she saw her reflection.




She begun to panic, but as she tried to runaway, she ended up falling, because she had yet but being used to her frog leg.


« Ah dammit ! How those thing do to move ? Oh right...they jump.. »


Moonbyul tried to focus, to remember if she ever saw a frog jump in the past


« This is insane...I don't have a clue about what happen, how did I turn into a frog ?? »


After a few try she could feel herself being use to jumping, but her last jump was way too far, and she saw herself going on the water.


« Crap ! I still can't use those damn legs to jump properly so how I am going to swim ?! Ah...good bye world ! »


Accepting her fate, Moonbyul close her eyes, not wanting to see her death. But instead of the cold water, her frail green body bumped into something. She wasn't falling anymore but land on a soft and warm surface.


« Omo...what a cute frog, sorry little fellow I prohibited you from going underwater. »


That voice


Moonbyul stood up, and realised she landed on the palm of a hand, a human hand. She looked up and a wave of relief washed her.


« Yongsun ah ! »


« AAAAH ! »


Moonbyul felt herself flying again, as Solar threw her on the ground.


« Aww...that hurt ! »


« Oh my gosh...are you a magic frog or something ? How can you talk ?! How can I understand you ? »


« Yongsun ah ! It's me ! Byulyi ! »


The brown hair girl looked at the frog with curious eyes. Moonbyul couldn't help but admire her girlfriend, who happened to wear a flower crown and the most beautiful white and pink dress Moonbyul ever saw.


« I am sorry Ms frog but, who is Yongsun ? »

« It's you ! Yah Yongsun it's not funny ! »

« You must take me for someone else, I am Solar Taeyang, Princess of the Kingdom of Radishes. »


What the hell...she's a princess and I am a frog...wait I know that fairytale...maybe...


« Yongsun you have to help me ! »

« I just told you my name was Solar Taeyang, Ms frog. »

« Excuse me Solar Taeyang...but please help me ! »

« Well...I guess you're considered as a citizen of my kingdom so..what can I do for you ? »


Solar at this point took Moonbyul on her hand, for her to hear more the small voice of the frog. 


« Kiss me princess »


« WHAT ?! »


But she made her fall again, surprised by her request ! 


« Ewh ! That completely gross, why I would do that ?! »

« Please princess, It might be what I need to regain a human form ! »

« Dear lord the only speaking frog in the world happen to be a ert, I won't kiss a batrachian that pure madness, I'm out, I must not feeling well... »


Moonbyul watched, helpless as Solar run away from her. She knew her condition of a small frog won't allow her to catch her.


« Yongsun ! Come back please ! I can't stay like this ! Yongsun ! »


« Byul ? »


Moonbyul heard the lovely voice of her girlfriend once again, but couldn't see her


« Hey Byul. »


She begun to get scared, as the ground begun to shake. As the intensity of the shaking increase, everything became dark around her.


« Moon Byul Yi ! »


Moonbyul open her eyes once again, but she wasn't near the lake anymore. She felt the comfort of a mattress she laid on, and saw the face she longed for once her eyes adjust to the light.


« Hey sleepy head. »


It was...a dream ?



« Yongsun ? »


« Hey, are you okay Byul ? You were screaming my name in your sleep, so much you woke me up. »


Solar tenderly the cheek of her girlfriend who had yet to regain fully her mind. But abruptly the later wrapped her arms around the older girl, to envelop her in a tight hug


« Oh my god Yongsun ah ! I had the weirdest dream ever ! I was a frog and you were Prince Solar Taeyang with your crown and pink dress but you didn't want to kiss me and you run away and I nearly drown myself too ! How can frogs can move with their leg and- »


« Wow wow..okay slow down will you ? You were a frog ? »

« Yes ! »

« Oh my gosh Byul ah...I knew we should have watch that movie yesterday...or is it the hot chocolate I give you while watching it ? You can have weird dreams really. »

« Haha...I guess I do...but you runaway from me you meanie, saying it was gross to kiss me. »

« Hey that wasn't me, but Solar Taeyang. »


Solar, who was sitting on their bed lean until face was in front of Moonbyul's one, she put her two hands on the sides of Moonbyul head before aiming for the later lips, pecking her softly.


« And know that Kim Yong Sun love to kiss you, Ms frog. » said the older girl before kissing her girlfriend once again.




Hey \o/

This is just a random drabble because I was too much imagination, this and because Moonbyul can have weird pose on pictures xD

Until later guys~

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Jsonmb #1
Chapter 1: Are you Hwasa or Whee In, who's updating us Moo moos on things that happen between moonsun? I mean I can TOTALLY see this happening...
Chapter 5: Im also curious, how does frogs move, its like, they only use their big legs xD but hhhoooow xD
Chapter 5: Beautiful bed time story
Chapter 5: omg these losers are cute
Chapter 5: What a nice bed time story for me ㅋㅋㅋ im giggling around now lol
chibey143 #6
Chapter 5: ㅋㅋㅋ~ omo! this is so cute: 3
hyolover183 #7
Chapter 4: awww~~sweetest pepero game everrr!! XD Good to be reading ur writing again. ^_~
Himegami #8
Chapter 2: Absolutely terrific. I LOVE your stories.