How to wake up bae, Moonbyul style.

Guide of the newlyweds lifestyle


Kim Yong Sun is a heavy sleeper. It's a known fact and Moon Byul Yi had to cope with it for the last 4 years. She didn't realised it when they first became a couple. Whenever they had sleepover she would let the girl sleep all she wanted, because she love seeing her sleeping face. With her long brown hair and her white skin, it wasn't difficult for Moonbyul to think of her as her sleeping Beauty.


But now that the charming prince live with her princess, she had to find some ways to wake up her girlfriend, especially when the time is against them. For that, Moonbyul had to test several techniques and judge their efficacity.After months of research on the subject, she was proud to have her « waking up Yongsun scale ». Ranked from 10 to 1, they were the most efficient ways she thought of to wake up her girlfriend.


The last was also the only one she never tried, because she was too afraid of the consequences. But she get the idea because it is one of the oldest gag people do to other glued to their bed. The good old cup of water. It was simple, and certainly give some of the best reaction to make a human being jump out his sheets, but it could be also dangerous for the owner of the glass.

Moonbyul was too afraid of the repercussion, and didn't consider the idea of attacking her beloved one in the morning with 30 cl or more of fresh water. She agreed it's a good strategy, but not when you're dating Kim Yong Sun.


At the ninth place is also a classic of the gender. Even you have at least try or be the victim of it. The blanket pulling. We don't need to give explanation on how it's work, everything is in the title. For Moonbyul, the number of try with that technique is equal to one, however there wasn't a conversion of that try. If that technique is that low in the scale, there is a reason. The after effet is radical tantrum from the victim.

When she tried it, Moonbyul was sure she would be able to wake up her girlfriend, being mischevious, she even had a big smile on her face while she approched the sleeping beauty. She stayed at the end of the bed and grabbed the end of the blanket. She did do a last warning.

« Yongsun ah, if you don't wake up, I gonna do something to wake you up »

« hmm, go away... » said the latter, with a sleeping voice.

« As you want, but I did warn you. »

In a quick move, Moonbyul pulled the blancket out, half of it actually hitting her face in the process. Solar opened her eyes right away, feeling the warm disappear around her. She saw the culprit fighting with the blanket, as if it tried to avenge itself for this random action.

« Yah Moon Byul Yi ! Have you lost your mind ?! What it's all about ! ? » said the older girl, now sitting on their bed.

Moonbyul finally won over the blanket as it lay down of the floor. With hair all over her face, Moonbyl replied with a pout.

« I did told you I was going to wake you up honey.. » she sensed her girlfriend was mad, so she tried aegyo to calm her

« And I did tell you to go away ! Don't do that again or I wont kiss you anymore ! »

« WHAT ?! No, no..I'm sorry really, please don't say such extreme thing, how can I live without kissing you ? » said the blond hair girl, crawling on the bed and stopping in front of her beloved one. The latter fliked a finger on her forehead, happy to realised she won this time.

« You babo, try something else the next time ! »

From that day, Moonbyul decided to ban that technique, considering it too dangerous for her own sanity.



Coming at number 8 is a solution that show mixed results, and not really effective. In their room they got that big window which open their loving bubble to the rest of the world. Moonbyul try several time to wake up her girlfriend by letting that windows openned, and let the tumultuous life of Seoul waking her up. But they were a lot of cons with that method. First she was obligated to cope with the weather, and not using it under rain or snow. She also won't opened that window during the cold winter of South Korea, what if her princess fall sick because of that ? And also, they live in on the 5th floor of their appartment buiding, in a not so busy district, the noise isn't enough to reach Solar impervious ears.


Number 7 and 6 are in the same « try to awake bae with noise » field. Respectively making noise with everything and chatting on phone in the bedroom. Those could work with every other human, but not with Kim Yong Sun. For number 7, Moonbyul tried in the beginning common noises, like closing a door, or walking with heavier steps, but no effect. She then tried turning some music, a little louder each time, but even with Solar favourite artist, it won't work.

So she change strategy and tried having a phone call, while sitting on the bed next to her Yong-kong. It actually work once, before Solar threw her out.

She did a phone conference with their dearest friend, Hyejin and Wheein. After speaking some non senses, she actually confessed to the younger girls she was trying to wake up the oldest one. When she saw moves inside the blanket, she was praising herself, seem like it worked. Solar turned around and opened her eyes a little, and with a sleeping smile ask ed Moonbyul her phone. The latter give her, pinching Solar's nose in the process because of the cuteness that shined below her. She thought Solar would speak with the maknae, but the latter ended the call, slighty threw the phone back to Moonbyul and return to her original position, saying to Moonbyul to go call them somewhere else. So close but a true failure, that technique won't be use anymore.


Half in that scale is the « being hyper around » technique. Again the title say it all. It actually work a few times, but this is tiring for the both of them. Because Solar won't wake up as soon as her girlfriend begun being hyperactive. She won't say it, but she sometime pretend to sleep when this technique is used just to witness Moonbyul cuteness.

There are several stage of hypeness, jumping on the bed, signing « Unnie wake up » while jumping everywhere in the bedroom, the classic banana imitation close to Solar ears or even jumping on top of her and playing with her hair. But the one Solar prefer is when Moonbyul paw at the ground, beagle style and stop in front of her face. With an cute voice she would push every part of her face with her forefinger saying « Unnie, time to wakey wakey, where is your « on » button  ? »

This technique was one of Solar favorite, because of her girlfriend antics. She would wake up fast enough and always reward the latter with a sweet morning kiss.


Number 4 is very enjoyable for the both of them. It wasn't at first meant to be a « wake up tool » but a gesture of a worried girlfriend. A few months back Solar got ill and had to stay on her bed for a few days, doctor's order. Moonbyul made sure the only moment her girlfriend move from that bed was went she need to use the restroom, or to shower, and for that last part she helped her, without any naughty thought. So, it was natural for Moonbyul to bring Solar her meals of their bedroom. She would feed her too.

« You don't have to do that Byul-kong, I might be bedridden, but I can move my arm, see ? » said the older girl while moving her right arm. Moonbyul with her worried eyes could only see how pale her girlfriend was, and those beads of sweat she gained from the fever.

« Stop talking and open your mouth, let me do that for you, please. » with a small smile, Solar executed herself.

« How can you still making me fall in love with you more each day Byul ah ? » She wanted to kiss her badly, but was afraid Moonbyul would fall sick afterward.

The point is, It's more difficult to wake up a sick Solar than a regular Solar, but one morning while Moonbyul came in their bedroom, food in her hand, she got the pleasant surprise to see her girlfriend waking up on her own, the smell of the food was a natural alarm clock for the latter. So not only they established a « breakfast on bed week end » every months, but from that day Moonbyul easily lured her girlfriend with the smell of fresh croissant or pancake. Futhermore she will feed her to start the day.


The third one, tickle, was dangerous, Moonbyul knew that, still it rank on the top 3 for that same reason. At first you can think, what's dangerous about tickle ? It's an effective way to wake up someone. But Moonbyul got her own tickle style, and it can quickly escalade to something else. She would slide under the blanket and position herself on top of her target before attacking her with tickles. Solar would react right away, laughing and trying to escape that assault. But sometime they found themselve in such incriminating position, their bodies interwined, face to face, of course they would ended up kissing, and most of the time their naughty side would took the chance to make some moves. Moonbyul would never forget that fateful sunday morning where they stay in their bedroom all morning because of that, not that she minded it of course.


The second one could sometime escalade like the 3rd one, but most of the time, it even failed the first purpose. In fact, how can she ever thought cuddle could be a way to wake up someone ? She would take her girlfriend in her arms, encircled her waist with her long arms and resting her hands on the latter stomach. After that she would approach near Solar ear and begun the greasy show. Telling nothing but sweet thing to the older girl, sometime nible that same ear. Sure, Solar would woke up with that technique, but the problem here is that the both of them won't move from that bed, their cuddling session can last for hours, and if Moonbyul pull that card on their day off, they can even fall asleep together again.


And finally come the number one. The most effective and the most simple, the favorite one for the both of them, the one they would never get tired of. Moonbyul know that if she want to wake up her girlfriend in the morning, all she had to do is kissing her. Because their lips are like magnet, they can't be seperate for to long. Yongsun is her sleeping beauty and she's the charming prince, so only her can wake her up from the darkness with a simple yet a powerful act of love. There were no dragons to fight with, but Moonbyul would walk until the bed her beloved is trap into, she would sometime sit on it or just kneeling on the floor, close to the face of her princess. If needed, she would comb the wild hair she got on her face, putting them behind her ear. After admiring the face she love the most, and carressing those cheeks with her thumb, she would slowly lean, and take those lips with her. No rush, no long kiss, sometime it would only be a peck, but she was 100 % she would see those brown eyes after. And like that, her universe would awake as Solar would look at her and smile.


« Good morning, my love. »



Et voilà~ Here it is, the first one of this compilation \o/

Dunno when I'll update for this one, since I need to continue my other fics too ! But whenever I got a small idea, you can be sure it will end here XD

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Jsonmb #1
Chapter 1: Are you Hwasa or Whee In, who's updating us Moo moos on things that happen between moonsun? I mean I can TOTALLY see this happening...
Chapter 5: Im also curious, how does frogs move, its like, they only use their big legs xD but hhhoooow xD
Chapter 5: Beautiful bed time story
Chapter 5: omg these losers are cute
Chapter 5: What a nice bed time story for me ㅋㅋㅋ im giggling around now lol
chibey143 #6
Chapter 5: ㅋㅋㅋ~ omo! this is so cute: 3
hyolover183 #7
Chapter 4: awww~~sweetest pepero game everrr!! XD Good to be reading ur writing again. ^_~
Himegami #8
Chapter 2: Absolutely terrific. I LOVE your stories.