My dance teacher

Guide of the newlyweds lifestyle



« Being an adult really ! » exclaimed Kim Yong Sun, as she threw back her now empty soju glass on the table.

« Well, I'm enjoying it so far. » answered Ahn Hye Jin, her childhood friend and clearly the sober one between the two of them.

« You can't understand Hyejin ah, you're barely an adult ! You're what ? 19 ? »

« Unnie..I'm 20. »

« Well, you're a baby adult, you didn't even vote yet ! So you can't understand the struggle and bitterness of that life ! »

« Really unnie ? You just four years older than me, but if we listen to you, you were born to see the construction of the great wall of China.. »

« Exactly...Hyejin I'm 24 already ! And I'll turn 25 in a few months...don't you realised ?'s half of 50..1/4 of a century...gosh I lived for ¼ of a century already... »

« should stop drinking, you're being dramatical everytime..but at least you're entertaining. » added Hwasa, with a smile..

« But Hyejin ah ! Look..imagine you life at a full circle that represent 100 can already withdraw the last quarter, I mean..and the 3rd don't do anything anymore between 50 and 75...Hyejin ah..I'm already at the half of my life, and I didn't achieve anything ! »

« Come on unnie, it's not like this, you know it..look, you have a that law degree that everybody want and you work with some huge lawyer already. You're 24 and you already have more income than both my parents won't ever have, you shouldn't complain. »

« Yeah...I switched from working my at school and university to working my for navel-gazing lawyer who can't even remember my name...KIM YONG SUN ! It's not that complicated ?! »

« Haha, navel-gazing lawyer oh my god, you're hilarious unnie ! » said Hwasa as she laughed loudly while hitting the small table they were at.


It was a tradition for the two girls, to meet at least once a week on this small district restaurant, to eat and drink their daily worries away. They knew each other since childhood as they were neighbour, and Solar being for some time Hwasa's babysitter. They already finished their dishes and now it was the hearty spoke time, tainted by the 5 soju bottles Solar already drank. It was quite new, the worries she had concerning her age. Not a long time ago, she realised it while working.


« Hyejin ah...where my youth went by ? When did it leave me ? I was so focus on my study, I became the class nerd and I barely went to party at university ! Don't get it wrong, but you're the only friend I have, and the only one with whom I go out with..When did that happened ? I had sooooo many thing I wanted to do..but now I barely have time to myself...I don't even have a boyfriend because I'm too shy and awkward to even speak with a guy...heck I don't even greet the postman ! I wait for him to go out to take my mails ! My life is soooo lousy Hyejin aaaah ! »


the Redden face girl, in her drunken state, begun to cry. As much as she wanted to crack a smile, Hwasa was concern about her friend, she tended to be very honest while drunk, and it seemed like this matter really concern her.


« Unnie..I'm sure you can find time for some activities..Is there something you really want to try ? I mean I can help you schedule and everything. »

« Really...You'll do this Hyejin ah ? »

« I wouldn't be your friend if not ! Hey..what about dancing ? I remember you're the self proclaimed dancing queen, isn't it ? »

« Oh..but..I don't know..dancing..I need to think.. »

« Come on unnie ! Don't be a wimp ! Do you remember Whee in ? She's my bestfriend and she's working as a dance teacher, I go from time to time to her dance school, I'm sure you can join me ! Beside she will be happy to see you again ! »

« Ahn Hye're the best friend every human should haaaaave » said the drunken girl, with her red cheek and brighten eyes and a silly expression on her face.

« Unnie..I'll forbid you to drink from now..and if it's make you feel any better, you look like a 5 years old girl right now.. »



They met 2 days after, in front of the dance school. It wasn't a big one, but Hwasa once told Solar that Jung Whee In, her bestfriend/sister was very proud of it. She co owned this school with one of her university sunbae and they already got some faithful customers.


« Wow..I can't believe I'm about to enter a dance school, Hyejin ah it's awesome !! »

« Unnie, I won't let you enter with that pink hair-band on your head..You'll scare everybody inside ! »

« What ? Why ? It's pretty ! »

« No, it's not, You look like a bad cosplay of flashdance with it. »

Solar unwillingly took of her hair band, and look at Hwasa with a pout on her lips.

« You meanie.. » she said with a childish voice. This took Hwasa aback

« Unnie..are you sure you're 24 ? stop this, trying to be cute won't work with me. » said the latter, but she sure was affected by those round eyes and that pout.


They entered the building, only to be welcome by arms jumping on them.


« Hyejin !! Unnie !! Anyeooooong !!! »

« Oï Jung Whee In, you almost choke me ! »

« Whee In ah !! long time no see ! »


Whee In let go of Hwasa, to envelop Solar with a tight bear hug. The two of them were ecstatic to meet again, they were doing small jumps while turning around


« I miss you unnie !! I was so happy when Hyejin told me you wanted to dance here ! »

« I really want to give a try ! Will you be my teacher ? »

« Yup, twice a week at that time it's the class for beginner, but according to your level, you might go to other classes ! »


« Byulyi unnie is not here Wheeny ? I wanted to greet her. »

« She's training upstair, you know we have the district festival in a few weeks now, she's practising for our choreo. I'm sure she will come and greet you after. So Yongsun unnie, are you ready ? The class is about to begin ! »


Solar did her best during the 2 hours of class. After a brief introduction, Whee In decided to teacher her, as well as the other 14 people inside, the basic movement of random kpop song, only to judge their abilities. Solar wasn't the best dancer there, but she certainly was the most motivated. She would follow Whee In's instruction and reply with enthusiasm to the teacher's order, with too much enthusiasm, to be honest.


Hwasa and Solar stayed at the end of the class, while the other student went to the locker room.


« So unnie, how was it ? You first class ? »

« Soooo great really ! And you know what ? I didn't even thought about my damn job or anything else, I just enjoy myself, I think it's the best thing that happened ! »

« I'm glad you like it unnie, so, do you want to be an official student ? » asked Wheein, while giving her a bottle of water.

« Absolutely ! And you too Hyejin ah ! You have to come everytime with me, it's better dancing with friends ! » 

« I'm already registered here unnie, but I don't have beginner class anymore, I follow Byulyi unnie's class »

« But I think Yongsun unnie can take other class as well, with some more practice she will be able to join Byulyi unnie class. »

« Where is she by the way ? » asked Hwasa. She sat close to Solar and took her bottle to drink on it.

« Excuse me but, who is this Byulyi ? Hyejin ah only have her name on ever since we entered. »

« Byulyi unnie is my co worker, she was my sunbae in my dance school. She was the one who wanted to open a dance school once she graduated, I just follow her path. »

« And, she's everyone crush, boys and girls include. Don't look at her for more than 5 seconds and if you speak with her, you'll fall for her too. »


« What ? That ridiculous Hyejin ah ! »

« Well..her nickname here is heartbreaker but..I never saw her going out with students, she is very professional unnie. She to flirt I guess. »


« Are you talking about me ? »


The three of them turn to the sound of that voice, only to witness a tall and slim girl entered in the dance studio they were in. She got golden hair put in a messy ponytail and a obviously oversized tee shirt, which was sleeve free. There were holes on the skinny jeans she was wearing. Every part of her being screamed « cool » and Solar couldn't detach her eyes of the new addition of the room.


« Yes unnie, I was telling how much I love you. » said Hwasa, with a fake fangirling voice.

« Hi Hyejin ah~ please stop saying this, my heart is weak when it come to you. » answered Moonbyul in a teasing tone, she didn't forget to wore her best charming smile.


Hwasa stood up to greet the new arrival, but Solar stayed on the floor, her round eyes never leaving the girl. Feeling those heavy stare, Moonbyul look at her.


« Oh, hello. I'm Moon Byul Yi, founder of this modest dance school, and you must be Whee In's friend right ? She spoke so much about you coming here, I was eager to meet you. » she said, with a smooth and charming voice and a gentle smile.


Is it okay for me to think she's handsome for a girl ? And she look so cool too, and her voice..


« Unnie..are you with us ? » asked Wheein, whose voice broke Solar's reverie.


« Oh..sorry ! I'm Kim Yong Sun, nice to meet you » The older girl stood so quickly, she nearly fall because of the slippery floor.


« Yes, this my old and clumsy childhood friend Byulyi unnie. Yongsun unnie decided to take to take dance class because she want her youth back, but it's too late, if you want my opinion. » said Hwasa, an arm wrapped around Moonbyul's one, obviously teasing the older girl.


« Y..yah Hyejin ah ! It's not funny ! »

« But..she seemed young, look at her baby face.. » and she is cute too

« Don't be fooled Byulyi unnie, she's actually 24. »

«'s really nice to meet you, Yongsun unnie »




Solar had to admit that the warning of Hwasa was founded.



She fall under the charm of the handsome owner and her appealing appearance, bright and mischievous eyes and her outgoing personality. But as Hwasa also told her, she was a total flirt with other people, willingly or not.


What scared Solar was her reaction, she barely knew the girl but felt jealous whenever someone speak with her. But unless the other, since she was friend with Whee In, she got some advantages, the younger girl didn't mind her being here in advance for example, and Solar quickly became for 4th members of this particular gang of friend. They often went to eat together after the dance class and they quickly became more than just acquittance.


It only be 2 weeks since her first try, but she already love the place, it was cosy and she was at ease inside, and dancing became a great way to relieve her stress.


« Hi unnie, You're here earlier today »

Whee In was in her office, doing some paperworks, as much as she hate it, it was part of the deal of working in a dance school.


« Hello Wheeny ! Well, I rather be here than in my lonely house. »


You wouldn't say this if is Byulyi unnie was in your house.


« Oh and unnie ? Can you and Hyejin stay after the class ? Byulyi unnie and I want to show you our choreo for the festival. »


« Oh, ok, what song your dancing to ? »

« Troublemaker. »


Solar's eyes grew big earring the name of the song. Everybody knows how the choreo was, and thinking Moonbyul dancing to it made Solar's imagination go wild.


« that's a..awesome Wheeny..Hey ! I need to change for today's class, see you later ! »


Whee In laugh to herself seeing the older girl reaction. She noticed the crush that was developing itself on Solar's mind for her co-worker. It was nothing new, working here for more than a year already, she witness a lot of fangirls and fanboys, who would spoke among themselves how fine the owner was. But something about Solar was different, the way she try to hide it was cute, and she was lucky enough to crush on the most oblivious person in Korea, because other people would have suspect something in age. In a way, Solar remind her of Moonbyul, those two already discovered they had a lot in common, so Whee In was rooting for her, more than anyone.


Solar couldn't help but blush just thinking of Moonbyul dancing. She wasn't in her class yet, but she already witness her moves, and saying the girl was good was a understatement. First of all, the dance teacher was physically made for this, she may be slim, but Solar notice the visible muscles, and nearly faint the first time she slightly saw Moonbyul's abs, it last for less than a second, but she felt dying of a nosebleed.

The dance teacher was also very creative and open minded. For the sake of the festival she needed to create several choreo to teach the students, and she saw how she would always ask Whee In and ended joking with her after.

But the most important part was that Moonbyul was passionate, everytime Solar get the chance to see her dance, the smile on her lips never leave. The older girl new favourite hobby was to watch those smile through the mirror. Those time when she could see a sweaty and passionate Moonbyul, dancing her heart out while smiling, it was very difficult for her to hide a giggle.


Just thinking of Moonbyul bring a smile on her lips, as she walked to the locker room she had to hide behind her hands, she felt like a teenager again, and in a midst of her « 25 years old crisis » she was more than happy to feel like this.




« Hey Yongsun unnie, you're already here ? »


Solar's back went rigid hearing Moonbyul's voice, she just change into her dancing clothes and was about to close her locker, but those few words were enough for her to wish to hide inside it.


« Byulyi ssi, he..hello » she said without turning around, pretending being busy with her locker


« I already told you unnie, don't need to be so formal~ » replied Moonbyul, with a flirtatious voice. This always confuse Solar. The younger girl was always so flirty with everyone, from small jokes to random hugs, the older one didn't know if she was even aware of this.


« S..sorry » Solar didn't dare to turn around, just a moment ago she was daydreaming about the perfect body of Moon Byul Yi, and she knew she still blushed like crazy, even more now that the perfect body was in the same room.


« So unnie, will you stay after ? I really want to show you the dance move. »

« Y.yes Wheeny asked me already..but I'm a rookie dancer, you should ask for someone else. »

« Unnie~ don't be like this, I saw you dancing and I'm impress,really. You're good for a beginner and beside, you've got the body for it. », did she just said that ?!


« It's only because Whee In is a good...tea..cher. »


Solar replied while turning around, to finally give some attention to the younger girl, but then, she wasn't aware Moonbyul was changing, not giving a damn about doing it in the middle of the female locker room. The view that greet Solar nearly made her faint. Moonbyul already ed her dark shirt and was about to remove it. Solar was frozen, her eyes already roamed around what was display before them. The slightly preview of the Moon's abs didn't gave them justice and she gasped when she saw the matching black bra. She knew the girl was y yet she didn't fully comprehend she was to that extend.


Her face, redder than a traffic light, turn around in the speed of light, and hide her face inside her locker, wishing she could just go inside and lock herself. She was hyperventilating and her eyes still big.


She...she's a goddess, she have to...look at her body, oh my god..


« So..sorry Byulyi I... »


She heard some clothes ruffle and a chuckle coming from the younger girl.


« It's nothing unnie, beside, we're both girl, but.. »


I shouldn't hear her like she's just behind me..


The flustered girl felt some tap on the top of her head.


« Unnie, don't be shy like that, you're just being cute and you made it hard for me to resist you~ »


Solar could picture the smile that went along, but her mind was blocked on the sentence. It repeated it again and again, as the younger girl went out of the locker room.


Did..did she just said that ?



Solar got a lot of difficulties to stay focus for the class, as the previous scene keep on replaying on her mind. She mess up with the choreo a few time and stumble too. The fact that Moonbyul was watching the class didn't help either. She wasn't sure of it, but Solar felt the stare of the owner, for more than half of the class, and during the small break, Moonbyul gave her a bottle of water she knew the latter drink on it already. That last move actually earned her some jealous stare from other students.

Why was Moonbyul doing this ? She got no idea, but it was driving her crazy.


« Unnie, are you okay ? You were quite dispersed today ? » asked Hwasa, actually laying on the dance floor. The class finished 30 minutes ago, and the 4 friends were lazying around for a bit.


« Nothing..I'm..a bit hungry I guess » she said as she briefly looked at Moonbyul, only to see the girl attention was already on her. She got a small smile looking at her.


Is she trying to play with me today ?


« Ah ! I got it, the mp3 I mean, Byulyi unnie, are you ready ? »

« I always am, my little puppy~ » Moonbyul said with fondness over her coworker.


Here we go again..ah, I can't understand her really..


Hwasa and Solar found some seats on the back of the room. And the pout on the older face quickly turn to a gasp, and to just hanging open, as she couldn't take all what was display before her.


Whee In and Moonbyul were definitively good dancers, their moves were flawless, smooth and sensual, but never too provocative. That seemed so easy just watching them, the way they contorted their body, do waves and dance in unison. The both of them were used to dance together, and this performance was definitively a proof enough.

Solar tried to understand the look on Moonbyul face, something between attention, passion. She was enjoying herself so much, Solar was kind of jealous, while the younger girl was able to mix her passion and her job, she root in hell in her company.

She was pull out of her daydream when Hwasa loudly applauded, she soon realised the dance was over so she clapped along.


« And you said you didn't train ? That was perfect girls ! »

« No, we made a lot of mistake Hyejin ah.. »

« Yongsun unnie, what did you think of it ? » asked a breathless Moonbyul.


Solar once again was lost in her thought, she looked at Moonbyul and the way her chest would go up and down as she regained her breathe. She was already sweaty and her skin glow under the neon of the dancing room. She had a small smile printed on her lips. All this together made her look ethereal in Solar's eyes, who couldn't help but blush..


She's so...gorgeous..


« Unnie ? »

« Oh ! Sorry ! You're dance was great,really ! » Solar said it by automatism, she didn't listen the question since she was occupied by checking Moonbyul out.


« Good..because we have something to tell you unnie. »

« What is it Wheeny ? »

« Well..We had a meeting with Byulyi unnie and we thought it would be interesting to let a student dance my part of the choreo. »

« But why ? You did well here, and kinda have a good chemistry. »

« We need to show how can a student can improve quickly in our school, that can be a good way to advertise our establishment. »

« That clever..I'm sure it's Byulyi unnie who thought of it.. »

« Yah Ahn Hye Jin ! »

« ..Anyway, Yongsun unnie..we thought about you, to dance with me. »

« ..WHAT ?! »

« Ok, this is getting interesting, Yongsun unnie, you should totally do it. »

« But Hyejin, you're far better than me, why don't you do it ? »

« Yongsung unnie, you the most recent Student in our school, and beside, I took a good look on you today, and you're..perfect for it, please, can you do it for us ? »


The way Moonbyul smile at her was already more than convincing to agree, but Solar feared what could happen being with the younger girl that can made her wild.


They only had 2 weeks to teach the dance to Solar, therefore, the student agreed on coming every day after work. She would begun to learn the basic movement with Whee In before the regular class, and stayed with Moonbyul to learn the rest of the choreo after the closure time. Whee In would stay with them to help from time to time.


As Solar predict it, it was hard for her to stay focus on the choreo, because 90 % of it consisted of them touching each other, and the older felt like melting whenever Moonbyul's hands would slide on her skin.

However, Moonbyul seemed oblivious of those feelings, and unlike the rest of their meeting, she was professional and focus on teaching Solar, giving her tips in the midst of the choreo embrace.


« Unnie, don't be shy, it's just dance, no harm are done ok ? » Moonbyul once said, trying to make the older at ease. But the more they practice, the more Solar knew her silly crush was about to turn into something deeper.


They were taking a break and decided to order some food, the day she realised it. The both of them sat on the floor, enjoying some chicken in the middle of the dancing room. The festival would happen two days from there, and they were almost ready.


« But really unnie, I'm impress you're doing well so far. »

« It's mostly because of you Byulyi, you're a awesome teacher. »


By then Solar didn't even tried to hide her blush anymore, beside, Moonbyul has to have seen it, because of the countless times their faces were close to each other.


The golden hair girl abruptly put an arm around the older one neck, pulling her closer in an awkward hug.


« Hey, don't say that, be more confident about yourself unnie ! » Maybe it was because of the fatigue, but Moonbyul look quite jovial, and her intonation reflected it.

« Y..Yah, your's not necessary. »

« I already told you, when you're being cute like this, it's difficult for me to resist you unnie~ »

« We should..resume our training don't you think ? »


Solar didn't trust her voice or her actions. In this peculiar embrace they were in, she felt conflicted. Of course like it, no, love to be that close to the dance teacher, and it will be for sure one of her most treasure memory. But at the same time, she couldn't help but wonder if that act really meant something for Moonbyul, or she was just being her flirty self.

Solar looked at her feet, she didn't dare to move her head because she knew and felt the stare of Moonbyul. The younger girl was scrutinizing her.


« Tell me unnie, how can you be so pretty and cute at the same time ? »

« Wow..What ?! Yah Byulyi, stop that already ! »


The said girl got a big smile as her right hand aimed to tickle the older chin


« Answer me unnie~ »


Solar's body acted on its own to escape a mental breakdown, her hand catch the latter cap, only to drag it on her eyes


« I won't answer that ! »


She stood up to make some space between the two of them, fanning her face with her right hand.


« We...we should really continue the practice ? Or maybe ended it for today right ? »


« Oh come on unnie, I was just teasing still are so tense and it's showing on your movement. »


There is a reason why I am tense..


« Why can't you be comfortable around me ? You don't hate me right ? »


« No, of course not Byulyi.. »


« Thank god ! No, we need to finish today's training, my lovely unnie~ »



The night training was about the chorus dance, the one Solar anticipate the most.


« Ok unnie, When the 1st verse is over, count three and then stretch you right leg, let's try »


It needed some more rehearsal but since Solar was a fast learner so she quickly memorized the step. She could see Moonbyul behind her, thank to glass, matching her movement, and would always flinch when her hand came in contact with her shoulder, or her waist.


« Just follow where my hand is leading you unnie, bend you right knee a bit while turning to the right, liiiike this. And then, go back to your original position. »


Solar did as told and follow Moonbyul's hand, as the younger girl lead her by adding some pressure on her waist, to where she have to turn. Solar knew this gesture was genuine but her confuse feeling and unstoppable attraction to the younger girl made the most slight touch feel like a jolt of electricity, running all over her body.

They repeated those steps a few more time before mastered it, but what Solar was worried about were the next step.

« I never expected to teach you the dance so fast unnie, really, aigo, I'm proud of you~ » Moonbyul said as she patted the older hair.


« Ok now, for the next part.. »


The dance teacher took Solar left arm and raised it, she pondered for a moment how high it should stayed before arboured her satisfied smile.


« Ok, remember unnie to let you arm about that height. In the choreo you're the one who raise it, but I needed to verify myself first. »


Solar heart was pounding, she knew very well the choreography, and she knew what was about to happened. Moonbyul hummed the matching part of the song and aimed for Solar's hand in the air, interlacing their fingers.


« For this part unnie, you should turn your head and look at me while...Well while I leaned near you ok ? »


Solar said nothing, she didn't trust anything anymore, her heart was racing, she was sweating and got knot on her stomach. Her breathing was short and quick and she wanted to run away as much as she wanted to kiss the girl before her.


What's that ? I'm feeling so much conflicted thing right now..Moon Byul Yi...what have you done to me ?


Moonbyul leaned her head, following the path of the raised arm. In Solar point of view, everything happened in slow motion, Moonbyul stare on her, slightly opened and her bangs half prisoner of that cap she wore backward. No, it was just to intense for Solar, dancing with that goddess was she too much, touching her and being touched by her felt surreal. So she close her eyes tightly when Moonbyul was a few centimetre away from her. She could actually feel the hot air coming from her breathing. And she heard that chuckle.


« What is it unnie ? Why did you close you eyes ? Are you afraid of me or something ? »


Solar heard genuine surprise in Moonbyul's voice


Isn't it obvious why I did close my eyes...really Byulyi, really ?


She opened them, only to be welcome by Moonbyul's adorable and curious orbs, an inch from her face.


« Byulyi... »

« Hey unnie, you can tell me anything, we're dance partner now, I'm also here for confidence you know ? » said Byulyi, Solar's hair with her available hand. Solar's one wasn't raised anymore, but their fingers were still interlaced.

That action of the younger girl was the last straw for Solar, She needed to do something about her those feeling, before they actually consume her. She used her free arm and wrapped it around Moonbyul's neck, and close the distance between them, as her lips gently touched Moonbyul's one.


She stayed like this, no daring to make any movement, for a few seconds until she felt Moonbyul's free hand moving her closer by pulling her by the waist. Her eyes shot opened by surprised when the younger girls lips moved on her own, only to see Moonbyul's blushing, as much as she does.

So she close her eyes again, and just enjoyed the feeling of those lips she craved for, but she couldn't help but smile on it.

They broke away, too soon for Solar liking, and the both of them got silly smiles on their faces.


« What was that for Unnie ? »

« Isn't it obvious Byulyi..I think I like you. »

« Well, I like you too but that kiss- »

« No Byulyi..I like you..but not as a friend. »

« Oh..haha..I..well I.. »


She's stuttering ? Really ? But, there isn't a day where she stop flirting, how can she sutter ?


« What is this Byulyi ? How come you be so shy now ? » asked Solar, her silly smile only grew wider.

« I'm not I''s just..It's like I just realised it now. »

« Realised what ? »


Moonbyul was still trying to organize her thoughts. That kiss certainly took her by surprise. She always enjoy the older girl company, and she never ask herself why she was the first person she was looking for her she was in the dance school, nor why she really wanted her as her dance partner. Slowly but surely, that messy puzzle that was her feelings solve itself, the last missing piece given by Solar herself.


Moonbyul, too shy to admit it out loud she went to Solar ears, to whisper softy on it


« That I might like you too, unnie. » She said, not forgetting to kiss Solar's temple afterwards.


The latter let a wild giggle flee, it was just too much for her.


« Unnie, don't make that kind of noise again, it's too cute for me or the common mortal to handle it. »

« On the contrary, you better get use to it Byulyi, because it's difficult for me to act sane when you're around. »


The kept exchanging sweet words at each other, forgetting completely the purpose of their presence in the dancing room. By 1 am they decided to part away, not before hugging each other. The both of them return to their home with a lighted heart afterward.


And it was with a goofy smile that Solar's cameback the next day, already happy just thinking about spending time with Moonbyul. It was sure new to her, this kind of flirting openly, knowing the feeling of the other, but she was enjoying it, so much she barely slept at night. To lost in her world, she didn't greet Whee In and Hwasa, who were standing at the entrance.


« Wait, she's being weird or what ? » asked Hwasa

« 100 % weird » sipping on an apple juice

« Something happened, It's the only way.. »

« Don't tell me.. »


The two bestfriend look at each other, communicating through their minds.


Solar was walking to the locker room, already planning to greet Moonbyul after, but she saw the latter in a dance room, she was with 2 others students, teaching them, but Solar also notice Moonbyul's flirt side overflowed the room, as she threw numerous charming smile, her signature by now, and she went to hug the students a few times.


Wow...wait a minute, is she serious ? But Yesterday..wasn't it she another way to play her fell for it..stupid Yongsun ah, stupid !


Without wanting to hear any explanations, Solar went to change herself. She was gloomy during all the class, but try to not show it. But the thought on spending time with the younger girl irked her, because she was mad and disappointed, at herself mostly. She knew beforehand the behaviour of Moonbyul.


I fell for it..I knew how she was yet I fell for it...for her...aish Kim Yong Sun, you're so desperate for romance you fell for the first player that cross your path...


It didn't help the object of her disappointment show herself during the break, to speak with Whee In, but Solar also saw the winks she throw at other students.


She even dare to do it in front of me ? She has no shame really ? What yesterday meant for her ?


« Hi Yongsun unnie~ » Moonbyul finally walk toward her, but the cold stare of the older girl refracted her. She shrugged it off, thinking it was due to the fatigue.


« Ahem..Whee In will be with us after class, to check the dance on it's whole..And I think Hwasa wants to tag along, it's okay with you. »


« Yes, it is. »


« Hey, are you okay ? » asked Moonbyul while she patted Solar's shoulder. The latter quickly move it, making Moonbyul's hand fall.

« Yes I am, sorry, I need to use the restroom. »


Moonbyul stay frozen on her spot as the older girl leave the room. The both of them were more than fine yesterday night, why Solar gave her a cold shower ?


What happened ? Did I do something wrong ?




Troublemaker was blasting loudly on the speaker of the dance room, as Solar and Moonbyul display the result of their hard work. In a short time they manage to master the whole choreography, and their movements were smooth and precise.

Whee in was impress, by the technique and the easiness they were showing, but she was concern about their chemistry. Something was definitively off, Moonbyul look awkward and Solar...mad ?


The song came to its hand and soon after, Hwasa's clapping resonated inside the room


« Wow, Yongsun unnie, I'm so proud of you, you were amazing, maybe you deserve it, the dancing queen title. And you Byulyi unnie, don't come any closer, I might jump on you. »

« Ahn Hye Jin, what did I told you already ? Don't do this to me~ »


What ?! With my friend too..Moon Byul Yi...I'm so done with you !!


« Well that was great but...Is there something wrong with you two ? I mean you weren't that happy while dancing..more bored ? »


« Sorry Wheeny, I'm just tired, but don't worry, everything will work perfectly tomorrow. » said Solar, half lying, sure thing she was going to give her best for the festival, but for her partner..She was still mad at her, and her own self, to even hope something could happened.


« Hey girls you now what ? I'm going home for tonight, beside, we trained enough for today right ? See you later then. »


Solar was literally running away, she didn't even took times to change herself, she just grabbed her belonging and walk away, as fast as she could.


« Unnie wait ! »




« Unnie, is there something wrong ? »


Moonbyul was the one who stopped her, and she slowly made her turned around. At that point Solar wanted to cry, but why ? It was nothing but a silly crush that was shattered.


« let me go, thanks. »


« Not until you tell me, don't you remember what I told you last night ? We're partner, you can tell me everything. »


Partner huh..


« It's nothing Byulyi..I..I need to go now.. »


« Unnie.. why are you so cold with me today..did I do something wrong ? »




« The fact you have to ask is a proof enough..good night Byulyi. »


Solar freed herself from Moonbyul grip on her arm and walked away, leaving a confuse dance teacher.


« But what did I do...aish ! I don't understand ! »


Moonbyul threw her arm in the air, only to ruffle her hair in a way to express her frustration.


Whee In and Hwasa witness the scene, unwillingly, their previous suspicion just get real.


« Are they ? »

« Well..Yongsun unnie at least. »

« But Byulyi unnie.. »

« If you don't restrain me, I gonna punch her. »

« Yah, aren't you too radical ? »

« No, she hurt Yongsun unnie Wheeny, and it's not something she need to feel right now. »


The both of them weren't what we could call ninjas, and soon Moonbyul stood in front of them.


« You guys saw that right ? »

« Yup »

« Then maybe you can help me...I don't understand anything. »

« Well, I understand you were being an  »

« Hyejin ! »

« What, it's true. »

« Why is she mad at me..Yesterday everything was fine, more than fine actually. »

« What happened ? »


Thinking about the previous night grew a smile on Moonbyul pouty lips


« We grew closer..she kissed me. »


« ...WHAT ?! » the maknaes said in unison

« She also told me she liked me and...I think I like her too. But you know, I never like someone before, so it difficult to tell! » said Moonbyul, with a childish voice, full of confusion.

« Wait what ? You never date someone before ? »

« No. »

« No ways...unnie, I can't believe you. »

« Why ? »

« The word flirt is flying over you, always, 24/7 unnie ! »

« What ? »

« Byulyi unnie. » begun Whee In, trying to be the collected one, « the way you act with everybody, do you even realised how it can affect them ? »

« What is wrong with it ? I like everybody here, they are my friends so..there is nothing wrong about hugging my friend right ? »

« Well, there are ways to do it..and you doing it wrong unnie. »

« I can't believe it, so you're saying you flirt with everybody, without even notice it ?! »

« I guess so. »


Hwasa literally face palmed herself.


No wonder Yongsun unnie was mad, she surely witness Byulyi unnie's « act of friendship »..ah, I smell a stupid drama right here..


« Unnie, you should explain this to Yongsun unnie then. »

« But why ? »

« She's must be jealous as hell, that's why. »

« But she don't have any reason to be..The way I like her is different. »

« Ah Wheeny, take care of this mess please, she's too cringy for me !» said Hwasa, as she leave the main hall.



The next day was filled with noises, child running everywhere and food smells all over the district. The festival was in full swing, and the dance school was full. Whee In entertained the visitor by teaching them some simple moves while some student volunteer to bring foods to give to the visitors. Meanwhile Moonbyul was getting ready for the stage latter on the afternoon and Hwasa was helping her.


« Why isn't she here already, I really need to apologize. »


The maknae, mostly Whee In, spent a part of yesterday night explaining to the oldest of them three how her behaviour affected the people in general, and why is was certainly the reason of Solar sudden change of heart.


« She will arrive soon unnie, but don't forget what we told you ! »

« Yeah, I won't..hey Hyejin ah, should I put the tie or not ? »


Moonbyul was already on her stage outfit, a simple dark suit with a white shirt, but she look incredibly handsome with it, and she already had her make up done.


« Leave it, it would be weird on you.»



Solar run to the dance school, she was so immersed into the festival she lost track of time, fortunately for her, she wasn't late. She reflected on what happened the previous night and decided to act as if nothing happened, to the sake of their stage. But she made up her mind, she would quit the dance school afterwards, in order to stay away from Moonbyul while it was still possible.


But her wild feeling for her were still there, and it's not a Moon Byul Yi in suit that will tell her otherwise. She nearly gasped looking at her when she entered the room they use for backstage, seeing the younger girl with that suit, she already knew it would be hard to ignore her.


« Yongsun unnie ! » Moonbyul's face brightened, all she wanted know, was to clear the misunderstanding, but Hwasa ed it.


« Hello unnie ! You need to get ready asap, so please go and change to this. »


Solar executed herself and return in a simple yet beautiful white dress that perfectly matched Moonbyul's suit.


« How come you knew my size Hyejin ? »

« I have my ways. Come here, I'll help you with your make up. »

« Yongsun unnie I.. »

« Byulyi unnie, not now please. »

« But Hyejin ah... »


Hwasa sighed, she knew Moonbyul would bother them until she get the chance to speak with Solar.


« Be quick please, don't forget the stage begun soon. » she said as she leave the room, giving them some intimacy.


« What it is Byulyi ? » asked Solar, trying her best poker face.

« Unnie, I'm sorry, really. »

« ...about what ? »

« Well..I don't really know but... »

« How can you apology without a reason ? »

« Look unnie...the maknaes, they told me yesterday...that I was flirty with people ? »


Is she trying to say she didn't mean that kiss ? And those words ?


« Go on.. »

« I mean I really, reaaaally didn't realised my behaviour could be interpreted this way so... » Moonbyul hands were sweaty, she was nervous and anxious about her explanation.

« So ? » Solar felt how nervous the younger girl was, and couldn't help but to find her cute


You're already too wicked Kim Yong Sun...


« Well...I don't pretend to know you by heart unnie but...did I offend you in someway yesterday ? »


« I saw you, being clingy with other students yesterday..maybe my reaction was too much Byulyi but...I did tell you that I like you and the next day you're hugging someone else and.. »

« were jealou ? »

« Of course I was ! »

« Unnie...the way I interact with other...It's genuine, really ! I may look flirtatious but I only appreciate them as friends. »

« »

« However, I did not lie about my feeling for you unnie, and I'm very sorry if I hurt you. It won't happen again, you can be sure about that. »

« Byulyi.. »

« Can you give me a second chance ? »


The both of them were on the room's sofa, face to face. As she listen to the younger girl she felt a big weight lift of her shoulder. All this time, Moonbyul was just dense ?


« Do you realise how dense you are ? »

« Hmmm, yep I am..and I'm not very use to be in relationship too.. »

« Relationship ? »

« Of course unnie, aren't we dating now ? »

« Hey, easy ! You have to take me somewhere first ! »


Moonbyul was relieved, Solar seemed to have accepted her apology.


« Ok, we'll go anywhere you want after the stage. »

« You can't back off now, understand ? »

« I won't. »



The stage was located in the middle of the main street, where a scene was build for the occasion. All the different groups of students already show their moves, and it was time for Solar and Moonbyul's one.

They snapped their fingers in synch with the music, their facial expression were on point.

They danced in turn for the first verse, giving life to the lyric through the move of their bodies. As focus as she was, Moonbyul couldn't help but gawking at Solar, maybe it was because of their new status, but for her, Solar's iness was overflowing. And finally the first chorus showed up, the couple dance coming with it. They danced in unison, as if they shared one mind. When Moonbyul leaned until her face, Solar almost wish she wouldn't stop, but them kissing in the middle of the street wasn't the best idea. Instead they both arboured smirks, and Solar went farther when she wink at the girl in front of her.


They had in turn their dance solo, and to the audience, it was a surprise to learn that Solar only took class for a few weeks, her move were smooth and delicate, but also sensual. As for Moonbyul, she show her skill and even improvised some moves.


During the break of the song, they danced together again, Solar being the one on the back, wrapping her arms around Moonbyul, whose focus face let out a smile. She took the brown hair girl hands in her own to let them slide on her body. Solar felt the Moon's abs and it took all her willpower to not scream like a fangirl she was at the moment.

They continued to the last chorus, enjoying their closeness one last time. This one was different because they face each other, Solar's hands on Moonbyul shoulder and the latter one on her waist. It was part of the choreo, that their hands should slide up and down, left and right, but Solar acting on own went to softy Moonbyul's right cheek, and the latter couldn't help but gasp and smile like a fool.

It was time for the last pose and for this one, Moonbyul hugged the older girl more than necessary.


The song over, they could hear loud cheering and clapping, those worked like an alarm clock, waking them from their daydream. They quickly bow and left the stage, practically running back to the dance school to hide inside Moonbyul's office. Once the door loudly shut. The both of them look at the other, a flock of feelings passing through their eyes. They were breathing heavily and broke into laughter in concert, because of the excitation.


Once they calm down for a bit, Moonbyul took a lock of Solar hair, in order to put it behind her ear.


« You were perfect Yongsun unnie. »

« And were gorgeous. »


A romantic mood install itself when after alternating between her eyes and her lips, Moonbyul leaned to finally kiss her girl.

But it was also the same moment Whee In choose to barge in.


« Byulyi unnie you're here..oh..OH WOW HEY SORRY, SORRY. I'M OUT GUYS I SAW NOTHING ! »


« Aish...I should lock the door next time.. so..unnie, what about that date ? Let's go ? »

« But where ? »

« Anywhere, as long as I'm with you it's fine~ »

« Yah, stop that~ »


After a impromptu last hug from Moonbyul, the two of them left the office hand in hand and left the building under the teasing stare of Hwasa and Whee In, to the first of their long list of dates.





I had the idea of this plot a long time ago now, thank to a twitter talk =D (btw, if you ever feel like talking through the blue bird, I'm @pirouetteradish on here !)


But...I didn't expect it to be this long °o°


I tried my best to describe the dance part but...I'm still lacking for that, so I'm sorry if it's not detailed as it should ;A; (I think I never watch a troublemaker cover on youtube before this XD)


Anyway, I have another Moonsun one shot in mind (as well as others fic idea, stop me please) so stay tunned !

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Jsonmb #1
Chapter 1: Are you Hwasa or Whee In, who's updating us Moo moos on things that happen between moonsun? I mean I can TOTALLY see this happening...
Chapter 5: Im also curious, how does frogs move, its like, they only use their big legs xD but hhhoooow xD
Chapter 5: Beautiful bed time story
Chapter 5: omg these losers are cute
Chapter 5: What a nice bed time story for me ㅋㅋㅋ im giggling around now lol
chibey143 #6
Chapter 5: ㅋㅋㅋ~ omo! this is so cute: 3
hyolover183 #7
Chapter 4: awww~~sweetest pepero game everrr!! XD Good to be reading ur writing again. ^_~
Himegami #8
Chapter 2: Absolutely terrific. I LOVE your stories.