Start of Something New

Why Did I Lose You?

Bright light filled his mind, was he in heaven? Then he adjusted and found himself staring at the ceiling. He heard muffled voices but then they became clear “He’s awake! I can’t believe he made it” He tried to form words “Wha- what happened?” His voice was hoarse and stiff. He sat up a little but a stinging pain shot through his side. “Here let me help you” a girl said as she adjusted the bedding and pillows so he could sit more upright. “Who are you?” he asked his voice more normal now. “Me? I’m just a girl who saved your life after you got hit by that car. I saw you get hit and the driver just panicked so I made sure you got to the hospital and made it through” you said. Her voice was light and she smiled brightly. He nodded as he processed the information but he couldn’t help but admire her. “I didn’t catch your name” “Y/N. And yours is?” she asked politely “Cute name, I’m Hongbin" he smiled back at her.  He watched her float across the room as she delicately arranged the flowers in the vase, touching them softly with her fingertips. He looked her up and down. She wore simple black soles with a sky blue cotton dress and short white cardigan. Her hair was halfway down her back with slight curls in the ends. She wore very little makeup, only a little lip gloss, mascara and eyeliner but it made her look stunning. You smiled at him and he quickly looked away trying not to be caught admiring you. A nurse then entered the room “Ah you’re awake. We had to remove your kidney as it was damaged in the crash else you’re just mostly bruised. You can leave the hospital once the doctors checked you over” and she left as quickly as she had entered.

You was going to head for the door “Wait!” Hongbin shouted. You turned around to him and he reduced his voice to ask “Could you… stay with me?” You smiled at him and laughed a bit “Of course I will silly, just thought you might be hungry so was gonna find something. I’ll be back in a sec okay?” You smiled again showing your pearly white teeth before heading out down the corridor. Hongbin let out a sigh of relief and couldn’t help but smile to himself. She was a beauty and everything he always wished for. He quickly fixed his hair slightly to try and make himself more presentable. Soon you returned with cake, coffee, biscuits and Hongbin couldn’t be happier.


After a while and a lot of talking the doctor arrived. He gave Hongbin a quick check over and then he was free to go. You helped him out the hospital and back into the world they lived in.

“Right so where abouts do you live?” You asked “Uh well it’s a bit rough, I don’t really want you walking down that way” Hongbin explained “And me to leave you like this? No way, I’m helping you whether you like it or not” You said and started guiding him in any direction. “It’s this way” He sighed as he gave in and they walked back to his apartment.

They arrived after climbing several flights of stairs and they reached his door. He opened the door to his messed up house that had remained in the state he had left it in. He wandered into his bedroom and you cautiously stepped through the door. You observed the house, with cans left scattered across the floor and cigarette butts overflowing the ash tray. “So…Do you live with someone?” you asked.  Hongbin peered around the door and replied bluntly “No always been on my own” You nodded “So these are your bad habits then” Hongbin jumped back into the room “What no. Not habits just…help me get over things” He said ashamed. “Yeah I think you need some help. What was it? Passing of family? Girlfriend?” You asked curious. Hongbin swallowed then looked at his feet as he said “My girlfriend cheated on me with another guy” “You poor thing” you said softly and hugged him comfortingly. Hongbin was surprised by your actions but he hugged you back grateful for the feeling that someone cared. He didn’t want to let you go but he knew he had to. “Well I better get going before it gets dark” you said as she looked out the window. “Yeah, um thanks for everything, could I- could I possibly get a coffee with you sometime? I mean if you want to” Hongbin nervously asked. You laughed lightly “Yeah sure, sounds good to me” you handed him a piece of paper, before walking to the door, waving goodbye and then you were gone. Hongbin looked at the paper and saw your number. Was this the start of something new?

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Chapter 6: Waah~ Really nice story you've written~ ^^ I love how you connected the MV in the end~ ^u^ Great job! :D