The Downfall

Why Did I Lose You?

It had been almost a year since Hongbin and you started dating. They were the perfect couple who did everything together. They couldn’t have been happier.

You were walking back home from work as the sun was setting across the horizon. You smiled at the peacefulness of the town as you made her way down the street. Then your phone rang. “Unknown number? Who’s this?” you questioned as you answered “Hello?” “Hello is this Y/N?” “Yes it is, who are you?” “It’s Hongbin he’s here in hospital. We need you here as soon as possible. We need to discuss options” The other caller replied. “Okay I’ll be there” Then you hung up. Tears began to fall in fear as you ran back towards the hospital to go to Hongbin.

You arrived at the hospital and had spoken to the doctor. Now you had a decision to make. You called his best friend Ravi to explain and help make the choices. “Basically, Hongbin collapsed was brought into hospital and has been identified to have a brain tumour. And- and I have to decide whether we operate and he may live but with severe side effects or we put him on life sustaining equipment for the rest of his life” you said through tears down the phone. “Wait there, I’m on my way” And Ravi cut the call as he rushed to the hospital. You sat by Hongbin’s bedside and held his hand as tears wouldn’t stop.

Ravi arrived in a short while and hugged you. He sat with you and discussed their options. After many tears they came to a decision. He would undergo the operation.

Several hours went by whilst the surgeons operated. Ravi offered you food and coffee but you didn’t want either, you just wanted Hongbin. After many hours, they saw the doctor emerge and bring Hongbin with him on his bed. They rushed to his side and you held his hand tight. The doctor explained “He should wake up soon” and then left. Ravi and you waited and waited to the point that you had fallen asleep. Then a man flung the door open. “Hongbin? Wait what happened?” he asked. “Um who are you?” Ravi asked “Who am I? I’m his father. Now will you please tell me what happened to my son?” Ravi swallowed and shakily explained “He uh had a brain tumour and uh they operated and we- we’re seeing when he wakes up” His father took a step back and sat down on the chair nearing tears himself “I left him to go abroad and this happens. Why? Why did this happen”

Once he had got a grip with himself the room was silent. Then they heard a groan and Hongbin’s eyes fluttered open “Hongbin? Hongbin!” You ran next to his side but he looked at you confused. He pulled his hand away from yours “Who are you?” He asked then he looked up at his Dad and Ravi “Who are you all? I don’t know you! GET OUT!” he shouted angrily and Ravi pulled you to your feet and escorted you outside as you cried into his chest. “He doesn’t remember…He doesn’t remember” You sobbed into his chest.

A few days passed and Hongbin had only recollected old memories with his father so his father said he should move with them to Canada. Hongbin had no objections and was going to leave as soon as he was able to leave the hospital.

You hadn’t slept in days. You couldn’t bear the fact he had completely forgotten you. You can’t get his words out of her head. You tried to visit him again yesterday and he called you a stalker for getting a picture of you and him as his wallpaper on his phone. He shouted at you in a way he never had before but what hurt the most was he couldn’t remember all the memories they shared. You cried until her tears ran dry but still you couldn’t stop them. You curled up in the covers of your bed holding the photo frame of the two of them.

It was Hongbin's leaving day and he stood at the airport with his luggage about to board his plane to Canada he cautiously looked out for his ‘Stalker’ as the flight assistant announced “Boarding for Canada” he picked up his bags and that’s when he saw you with the same guy. You were in tears and crying into him. Hongbin shook his head and marched onto the plane wanting to get away from this madness. He put his headphones in and escaped to a place where he could start fresh once more.

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Chapter 6: Waah~ Really nice story you've written~ ^^ I love how you connected the MV in the end~ ^u^ Great job! :D