I Need Memories

Why Did I Lose You?

It had been a few weeks and Hongbin was settling into his new lifestyle well. He could get a job, he lived in a nice house but he felt something was wrong but he couldn’t pin what it was. Every night he would get weird dreams, where he was with this beautiful girl and they smiled together but when he woke up he didn’t know where this girl was. He was slowly beginning to remember more people and suddenly he dropped his coffee as he remembered his best friend Ravi. He ran to his computer to try and find him and contact him. He got his number and called him, and after many rings he finally picked up “H-hello?” Ravi’s voice was shaky “Ravi! It’s me Hongbin! I remember who you are!” Hongbin said triumphantly. “Uh yeah that’s great but do you remember her?” Ravi asked quietly “Who? There isn’t any girl Ravi, don’t be stupid” Hongbin laughed, Ravi didn’t “Y/N. The girl who loved you.” He was blunt. “Sorry mate, don’t have a clue who you’re on about” Hongbin said “Yeah? Well listen closely and remember this if you ever remember her. She’s long gone. Killed herself. Couldn’t live with the fact you couldn’t remember her. Her funerals tomorrow” Ravi said holding back his tears “Ravi you’re mad stop tryna scare me it ain’t gonna work” Hongbin laughed it off “You . Don’t talk to me ever again” and Ravi hung up. Hongbin was left even more confused now, was Ravi really serious? Did he know this girl?

Hongbin struggled to sleep for a few nights, his dreams always took him to this beautiful girl, and they played tennis in the park and went to the beach and cuddled up watching movies. But she always just vanished in the dream. He didn’t know who she was. He wanted to know.

He was walking through town the following morning and he walked past a jewellers. He glanced in the window and his eye caught on this one necklace. Then it hit him like a truck, all the memories made sense, her remembered who always wore that necklace, who was always there for him. Y/N.

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Chapter 6: Waah~ Really nice story you've written~ ^^ I love how you connected the MV in the end~ ^u^ Great job! :D