What is this Feeling?

Why Did I Lose You?

A few months had past and Hongbin’s feelings for you were growing stronger by each day. Since you left his house that night he had sorted his apartment, avoided smoking and drinking and met  for coffee and walks around the park or going to the shops. They had grown really close. He wanted to tell her how he felt but he didn’t know how so he let him emotions carry him through each day.

Soon it was bonfire night and Hongbin had arranged to take you to the best spot in town to watch the display. He took you to the park and began leading you to the special place he had picked out.

"C'mon Y/N race ya!" Hongbin shouted as he legged it up the hill. "Yah! Slow down!" You shouted at him as you tried to catch up. You reached the willow tree at the top of the hill after Hongbin and found he was waiting for you having already set up the blanket on the grass. You fell onto the blanket exhausted and he laughed at your over exaggeration. They both unpacked the picnic they had made together and began eating but they ended up feeding each other instead and because they always messed around and ended up laughing every time they missed or dropped the food. If only he could tell her how he really felt towards her and she would like him back. They both sat and watched the sunset as the orange glow started to fade from the sky as night approached.

The clear skies were soon scattered with stars and they waited for the fireworks display to start. This was his favourite place and also the best view particularly for fireworks. You got cold shivers as the temperature dropped and Hongbin pulled you closer to him wrapping his jacket around your shoulders keeping you warm. He held you close to him and you swore you could hear his heartbeat. Then the first firework was sent up and Hongbin was really excited like a kid and all you could do was laugh. The fireworks were pretty showing an array of colours and illuminating the sky but every time there was a loud or high pitched scream of a firework you buried your head into Hongbin and he would hold you close and gently cover your ears. Then the show finished and Hongbin was still holding onto you. SYou looked up and saw Hongbin looking deeply into your eyes differently to any other time he had looked at you, before he slowly leaned in and kissed you gently on the lips. You had wanted this moment to happen for so long as you began to have feelings for him. you kissed him back and as he slowly pulled back he said "Y/N I love you" and smiled cutely "I love you too" You smiled and hugged him whilst watching the stars. "Y/N! A shooting star! Quick, make a wish!" Hongbin said to you and you closed your eyes really wanting this wish to come true. "So...What did you wish for?" Hongbin asked sweetly and you gave in "me and you can be together forever" Hongbin beamed at you "I will make sure that happens" and he kissed you again underneath the stars.

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Chapter 6: Waah~ Really nice story you've written~ ^^ I love how you connected the MV in the end~ ^u^ Great job! :D