The Dark Days

Why Did I Lose You?

It was a cold night. He pulled his jet black hood over his head and set off down the street in a search for answers. It was quiet; the wind pushed him sending shivers down his spine as he proceeded down through the maze of alleyways growing blindingly darker. He wore mostly black and grey, with simple ripped denim jeans and shirt with his hoodie. His eyes were dark and lonely and his hair was messy underneath the hood. He glanced behind him but only saw the shadows lurking in the corners. He charged on, running now, out into the open streets. He was on a mission that he needed the answers for. He reached a crossing of the main road, where the streets were more alive now. He caught sight of his breath in the frozen air but as he looked in the distance ahead in the small coffee shop, he saw what he came for. He had found her. He smiled as he ran across the road as soon as the traffic stopped but he stopped in his tracks when his eyes met with the tall figure standing beside her. He stormed over towards both of them and the girl noticed his sudden arrival. She began to speak “Hongbin I-“but she was cut off harshly “Who the hell is this?!” He shouted at her. The dark figure stepped out into the light in front of the girl and looked down on him. His voice was low and threatening “She’s with me, stand back from my girl”. “Your girl? Oh I get it Taeyeon; you just played me like you did with all those other guys huh. Well I’m glad I don’t have to put up with you anymore” He turned sharply and stormed back the way he came.  “Hongbin I-I-“She stuttered but couldn’t get her words out in time he had already disappeared around the corner.


Hongbin trudged back home, confused and alone. “Why. What did I not do for her?” He kept going over the event again and again in his mind, each time he was either mad or heart-broken. She had been cheating on him all this time. All they had was fake. Problem was, he loved her so much and he didn’t know what he would do without her.

A few days had passed and he hadn’t gotten any better. He heard nothing from her, and just grew more depressed with each new day. He began to take up his old habit of smoking, he wanted the cigarettes to just take the pain away, but it was no use. He spent days shut in his house. Just figuring it out in his mind. He refused to eat. Didn’t sleep. In the evening he sat in the bath tub and just let the thoughts circle his mind. But then he snapped. He had enough. He was reading the various love letters she had given him, but the words on the page didn’t match her actions. He took out his lighter and let them go up in flames as he began to piece together his life once again.


Today he was determined to get out for a bit. He rose from his sleep and sluggishly wandered into the bathroom. He opened the cupboard and took out his anti-depressants. He swallowed them painfully and stared at his reflection in the water, wandering how he ended up like this. He clawed the water diminishing the image and took off to his room preparing himself to go outside. He grabbed his hoodie, and pulled the hood back up as he walked out the door and downwards towards the streets. The air felt good on his lungs as he took a deep breath before stepping into the busy world. He walked for ages, trying to find a solution, a way to get help, but he could see nothing. He angrily spat at the ground and knocked a beer can off the wall in his frustration as daylight hours were soon disappearing. He had a gut feeling he knew the guy who stole Taeyeon from him. He wanted to confront him. He stormed towards the block of apartments in the rough edges of the town. He headed up the staircase his hand grazing along the graffiti on the wall making his approach towards his enemy. He heard shouting and girl’s tears from a room down the corridor. He silently approached to find the door was open a crack and he could see Taeyeon having her hair pulled by this man and him swearing in her face. His anger grew from deep within and he picked up an empty glass bottle from the table beside him. He flung the door open and charged at the man. He hurled the glass bottle across his cheek, giving him a shock and stumbled back a few steps. Taeyeon stood back shocked and speechless but Hongbin wasn’t finished yet. He grabbed his shirt and held him against the wall as he stabbed the sharp edges at the base of the glass bottle into his stomach. The man doubled over at the pain but Hongbin kept going, repetitively stabbing him with every word “Don’t. Hurt. My. GIRL.” And blood began to spill. Taeyeon pulled Hongbin back away from the man as the tears rolled down her cheeks as they watched him collapse and bleed out on the floor. Hongbin dropped the glass and looked down at his blood covered palms. Then he realised, he was a murderer. Taeyeon stood dead still, frightened what Hongbin might do next. He looked at her and said bluntly “I had to” as he walked out the building making a run for it. He had to get away. It was dark now and the shadows meant anyone could be hiding anywhere. He took the quick way home, through the garage but he bashed shoulders as he turned the corner with two other men. They were taller than him, and looked stronger than him both wearing all black and were probably part of a gang. He tried to keep walking but they turned around and came after him. They pushed him against a garage door and punched him across the jaw. They repeated again and again before pulling him by the collar and throwing him into another door and kicking his stomach until he sunk down into the floor. Pleased with what they accomplished they spat at him and continued on their way. Hongbin now battered and bruised still had far to go. He limped his way out of the garage onto the main road where the bright lights came nearer. Before he could do anything, he was hit and lying on the cold hard ground. The last thing he heard was a girl shouting “Someone get him help! He’s been hit by a driver” Then it all went black.

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Chapter 6: Waah~ Really nice story you've written~ ^^ I love how you connected the MV in the end~ ^u^ Great job! :D