The boy on the bus

Snapshots of life

Yoongi kept glancing up at the boy sitting opposite of him. He was wearing earbuds, but the thing was, it was loud. Yoongi looked at the nametag on the boy's uniform 'Park Jimin' it read. This time the boy seemed to notice Yoongi's stare. He took out one of his earbuds and tilted his head in curioustity.
"I can hear your music," the statement made the boy blush in embarrassment. 
He fumbled to pull out his phone but Yoongi simply shrugged "I like the song."
All of a sudden the boy was sitting beside him smiling brightly and with the other earbud in his hand; extended towards him. Hesitantly, Yoongi reached out and took the earbud then put it in his ear and quickly looked out the window to hide his blush. Jimin smiled as he peeked at the boy from the corner of his eye with a blush. 

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on another note, I see you uploaded the entire fic today. so ignore my comment earlier pls
authornim, please add tag romance. 22views for 11 chaps ia really sad & waste of ur energy. you might need to add more tags & perhaps remove the member only subscriber only setting. ( sorry for saying this)