My upstairs neighbour

Snapshots of life

It was that time of the day. His upstairs neighbour was taking a bath again. 
Jimin closed his eyes as he listened to his neighbour rap. A few weeks ago he had discovered that he could hear his neighbour and now he would tune in to listen to him, as he always bathed at the same time.
This was the day, he decided. He knocked on his upstairs neighbour's door and hurried to hide behind the corner. The door opened and showed a handsome boy, Min Yoongi, as Jimin had read on the sign on the wall. 
Yoongi looked down seeing the box and picked it up then read the note a smile growing on his lips, which made Jimin's heart beat faster.

'Hey upstairs neighbour! :D Every day I can hear you rap in the shower and I want to tell you that, you’re really good and it makes my day! >//u//<'

Yoongi could only think one thing 'cute'.

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on another note, I see you uploaded the entire fic today. so ignore my comment earlier pls
authornim, please add tag romance. 22views for 11 chaps ia really sad & waste of ur energy. you might need to add more tags & perhaps remove the member only subscriber only setting. ( sorry for saying this)