The apocalypse

Snapshots of life


Jimin did. His thighs were burning from the nonstop running they had done the last few days, but the moans mixed with gurgling kept him running. That's when he made the biggest mistake to look over his shoulder; behind him was a group of undead catching up to them.

"I told you not to look back!"

Jimin quickly tore his eyes away from the disturbing sight of his former classmates and neighbours chasing them, instead he focused on his hyung, Yoongi, who he was running with. He could feel himself losing his breath, Yoongi seemed to notice this as well and quickly looked around. 
"... In there!" 
Yoongi turned and opened a door for Jimin, who ran inside. The second Yoongi got in, he shut the door and pushed a heavy bookshelf in front of it "Let’s go upstairs," he said between pants. Reaching out, he grabbed Jimin's hand and together they walked up the stairs. Jimin squeezed Yoongi's hand, which squeezed his back in return. 

Jimin quickly collected some different things, so they could make a fire, while Yoongi checked the entrances. Jimin had started a fire and unpacked their blanket when Yoongi returned. "It's all good. It should hold them back for more than a night," he said as he sat down besides Jimin, who placed his head on Yoongi's shoulder. "V was there..." Jimin mumbled as he choked back a sob, "H-he didn't make it... They got him. Th-they got him, hyung" that was it; Jimin broke into sobs. Yoongi wrapped his arms around him silently, just letting Jimin cry into his shoulder.
Silent tears fell from Yoongi's eyes, not wanting to make Jimin sadder by being audible.  When the sobs slowly had died out, Jimin turned to look at the fire, his head still on Yoongi's shoulder.

"Hyung... You won't leave me, right?"


Yoongi kissed Jimin's temple before taking a deep breath. "We should sleep. We need the energy," he said. They lay down by the fire, cuddled up under the blanket.


Jimin woke up from being violently shaken "Hyung?" he asked confused but widened his eyes seeing an unfamiliar face.

"Don't ing touch him!"

Yoongi was fighting the grip two people had on him. "He's cute. We don't need the other, he's too rebellious," the man, who woke Jimin up, said. Jimin assumed he was the leader. His heart was beating a mile a minute, tears sprung to his eyes. "No... Don't separate us, please don't," but the man did not care. "Throw him to the undead."

"No! Don't! Yoongi!" Jimin screamed and fought to get out of the strong hold the man had on him. Yoongi was being pulled away by two strong men, he was fighting to get back to Jimin, how dare someone hold his Jimin like that. 

"Let go of him!" Yoongi snapped at the men.

They went to a full wall window and without further warning they threw Yoongi out of it, out to all the undead. "Yoongi!" Jimin screamed, tears streaming down, and violent sobs leaving his body "You killed him! Yoongi... You killed him!"

Jimin continued sobbing but remembered Yoongi's words about grieving when safe. He looked around, his head already feeling heavy from all the crying. The men were busy going through their stuff. Jimin made a quick decision and ran, he ran as fast as he could to the entrance Yoongi had told him about as they had lain so close they could feel each other's breath. Jimin ran until he saw the edge of the town, not a single undead in sight nor any of the men.

Jimin walked to a small house, his body heavy with sorrow. He wondered what life was worth anymore. Finally inside a safe spot he broke into broken sobs, tears streaming down

"Yoongi..." he cried.

His heart was hurting; it felt like his soul was being pulled apart. The crying left Jimin tired and he fell asleep in the corner he had hid in.


It was spring again now. One year exactly since Yoongi died, just thinking about it made Jimin's heart squeeze. He had found a boy, who he had decided to help, just like Yoongi decided to help him when the apocalypse broke out. The boy, Jungkook, kept close to Jimin and was always talking. Jimin couldn't find it in himself to smile, especially not on this day. Jungkook had noticed his mood was worse than usual and had questioned it, only to be snapped at. They were walking along the road when they saw a big building

"Don't move!" yelled one of the guards, gun ready.

"They won't do any harm, Namjoon... look at them," said the other, brown haired guard before receiving a nod from the guard, who lowered his gun.

"Are you hungry? You're so young... to be all alone," the brown haired asked with a smile. Jungkook nodded and Jimin courtly did as well. Inside the building behind the walls it was nice, Jimin didn't feel like he should be on guard. They were lead to a big room with a table, "Eat all you can," they were told as food was placed in front of them. Jimin stared at them with suspicion while Jungkook started eating. 

Yoongi told him to not trust people that easily.

"We didn't do anything to the food, really." the brown haired reassured, "I'm Seokjin, this is Namjoon."

"I'm Jungkook and this is Jimin," Jungkook introduced. Seokjin frowned a bit "Jimin? I heard that name somewhere..." he mumbled while Namjoon wrapped an arm around him. "Wait. It was that guy! he mumbled it in his sleep," he said.

"Who?" Namjoon asked and furrowed his eyebrows, Jimin watching them closely. Jungkook didn't seem that interested, as he kept eating. "The guy that almost killed J-Hope before he collapsed!" Seokjin was looking at Namjoon in frustration.

"Oh! That guy. Yeah? Maybe they know each other? Maybe he can get a word out of the guy," Namjoon said with a grin. Jimin tilted his head "Who are we talking about?" "A guy we found in the city a year ago, who killed a ton of undead and almost our friend as well." 

Jimin felt his heart stop "Wh-what?" he asked, paling. The strangers shared a look "I'll go with him, you stay here," Namjoon said and kissed Seokjin's cheek.

Yoongi used to do that.

Jimin felt his heart sink. Namjoon motioned with his head for Jimin to follow and so he did. The hallway was empty and they were quiet. In front of a big blue door they stopped, Jimin felt his heart speed up, his palms getting sweaty, and felt short of breath. Namjoon showed him inside and Jimin gasped.

He was in shock, his body felt non-existent if it wasn't for his heart pounding in his chest.

"Yoongi..." he whispered but it was loud enough to catch the attention of the boy on the bed. His head shot up and his eyes widened in recognition.


He quickly attempted to get out of the bed but groaned in pain. Jimin ran over and fell down besides the bed, cupping Yoongi's cheeks;

"Yoongi..." he cried.

"Jimin," Yoongi's voice was rough.

It was really him.

"You're alive," Jimin cried. Yoongi answered by catching Jimin's lips in a kiss. He flinched in pain and pulled away, "I should have gone to find you..." he whispered. Jimin shook his head still crying, "You can't even leave the bed after a year," he said. "I tried a week ago... Raiders attacked me. I would have been dead if it wasn't for the lovebirds," Yoongi explained. Jimin smiled again after so long.

"You won't leave me, right?"


They shared another kiss.

They were finally together.


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on another note, I see you uploaded the entire fic today. so ignore my comment earlier pls
authornim, please add tag romance. 22views for 11 chaps ia really sad & waste of ur energy. you might need to add more tags & perhaps remove the member only subscriber only setting. ( sorry for saying this)