The florist

Snapshots of life

Jimin was arranging some flowers outside the shop, waiting for the boy, who had moved in above the shop. The boy walked past Jimin but stopped for a second as Jimin smiled and wished him a good day, as he always did. The boy never answered back but simply walked faster while looking down. However, he still made Jimin's heart pound. 

One day, Jimin was being held up by an indecisive customer. Jimin was impatient as he kept glancing at the clock, hoping the customer would hurry up.

Finally he got the order and he hurried to collect the flowers. The second the customer left the store he glanced at the clock and gasped, he was 10 minutes late. He ran out of the store, blinking in surprise when he saw the cute boy standing there, “You’re late…” Yoongi said with his arms crossed, making Jimin blush and smile. 
“Welcome back. Did you have a good day?” he said as always with a bright smile but this time Yoongi smiled back at him.

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on another note, I see you uploaded the entire fic today. so ignore my comment earlier pls
authornim, please add tag romance. 22views for 11 chaps ia really sad & waste of ur energy. you might need to add more tags & perhaps remove the member only subscriber only setting. ( sorry for saying this)