All the small mistakes

Snapshots of life

Yoongi is sick and Jimin is taking care of him. Jimin hurries to get a wet cloth to put on Yoongi's forehead but accidently takes hot water instead of cold. He hands Yoongi the wrong pill bottle which Yoongi luckily notices before taking any pills.

After running around frantically to make sure Yoongi has everything he needs, Jimin falls asleep by the bed. Yoongi looks down at him with a smile, a feverish expression present on his face. 

"You're so bad at this... but I love you so much," he said affectionately.


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on another note, I see you uploaded the entire fic today. so ignore my comment earlier pls
authornim, please add tag romance. 22views for 11 chaps ia really sad & waste of ur energy. you might need to add more tags & perhaps remove the member only subscriber only setting. ( sorry for saying this)