Bewitch me

Snapshots of life

Jimin went with his friend, Jungkook, to the tattoo parlour. Jungkook wanted a piercing and was convinced it would help Jimin make a decision if he wanted one as well or not. The shop didn't look that bad from outside; it didn't look as scary as Jimin had feared. But then Jimin realised, that he had to actually go in there and he froze, just staring at the place. Jungkook had to drag him in there

"Yo! Jungkook, you're back" a deep voice called out. “Hey, hyung. Yeah, I’m getting my piercing today,” Jungkook answered back. Jimin’s eyes were locked onto the floor, frightened. A chuckle made him jump in surprise at how close it was. “Who’s the scared puppy?” asked the same voice as before. Jungkook looked at Jimin and sighed, seeing him facing the ground, “Jimin. He’s a good friend of mine,” he explained.

“Hey, Jimin. I’m Rap Monster. This is my parlour, great meeting you,” the voice said. Jimin slowly glanced up from the floor and behind the counter was a very handsome guy with tousled silver hair and a choker around his neck. He let his eyes run over his looks, taking note of the different piercings he could spot but suddenly, laughter brought him out of his trance. “Never saw a piercing before?” the boy, Rap Monster, asked. Jimin blushed embarrassed before shaking his head; he couldn’t help but wonder if he had tattoos as well. Rap Monster smirked and looked at Jungkook again “SUGA will be free in just a second, he’s just finishing up with Jin,” he explained. Jungkook nodded, clearly having understood what the other meant while Jimin was left bewildered. “So he finally decided to actually get them, huh? You probably convinced him, didn’t you?” Rap Monster chuckled before smirking at Jungkook’s assumption “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t,” he winked. Jungkook must have noticed Jimin’s confused expression because he leaned in and whispered; “He’s getting piercings. Rapmon is his boyfriend, so, dedicated to him.”

There was a sound of curtain being pulled aside and yet another good looking male appeared. Jimin kept his eyes locked on him, only able to think of how that person just got his s pierced. The male must have noticed Jimin’s stare because he sent him a warm smile which Jimin could only return. Rap Monster frowned and pulled Jin into his arms, not liking how Jimin was smiling at him then gave Jimin a look telling him to back off. Jimin’s eyes widened and he moved to hide a bit behind Jungkook. Jin blushed and kissed Rap Monster’s neck, which seemed to make him relax considerably. Jungkook pulled Jimin along to the curtain, where Jin just came from.

Inside was a small room, which was lit up by the streetlights that came through the small window and the lights that hung from the ceiling. The room was decorated with posters and on the table in the corner was a computer with a pile of papers on the side. However, Jimin first noticed that, after he forced himself to tear his eyes away from the extremely beautiful male sitting on the chair. The male had blonde hair under the beanie he was wearing and he had an eyebrow piercing in his left eyebrow. Jimin felt his heart accelerate like never before.

“Hey SUGA. I’m here for that piercing we discussed last week,” Jungkook voice sounded. Hesitating slightly, Jimin moved his gaze onto the beautiful male, SUGA, again only to see him staring back. This time he let himself take in his features, he had a beautiful milky white skin and on his neck was a black choker, which contrasted perfectly with his skin. He let his eyes wander down to his oversized t-shirt, seeing some edges of a tattoo, something inside Jimin was begging for him to figure out what his tattoo looked like. Jimin wasn’t used to his body reacting so strongly to someone and quickly took a seat on the other chair in the room.

That’s when he noticed, SUGA was already preparing Jungkook’s lip for the needle. He reminded himself that he came to see how the piercing took place and not to stare at the beautiful male. Seeing the big needle pierce Jungkook’s skin made him flinch, “Doesn’t it hurt?” he asked. Jungkook glanced over at him and shrugged, knowing to keep his head still or SUGA would get annoyed. SUGA put on the piercing and put his needle back where it came from “Done,” he said, his voice seductive and deep, not as deep as Rap Monster’s though. Jimin’s gaze moved to the male again the butterflies in his stomach waking up again. Jungkook grinned “Thanks, SUGA. You’re dope,” he said and jumped onto the floor again after getting a folder on how to take care of his new piercing.

They moved towards the curtain when Jimin’s wrist was grabbed “What’s your name?” it was SUGA who asked and it brought shivers down Jimin’s spine. With a low voice and a deep blush he answered “Jimin,” the smile that grew on SUGA’s face made Jimin’s blush deepen “Call me Yoongi.” Sadly, Yoongi let go and Jimin had to go before Jungkook would pop his head in again.

The second he left the small room he felt as if he had left something behind. Rap Monster, Jin, and Jungkook were discussing Jungkook’s new piercing. Jimin walked over and bowed his head “Thank you for today. Have a nice day. Goodbye,” he greeted as Jungkook started walking out. They walked side by side on the sidewalk “I want a piercing;” Jimin stated with no hesitation whatsoever. Jungkook smirked as he looked at Jimin “SUGA’s really hot isn’t he?” Jimin merely blushed, deciding not to answer that.

He waited three days before he was driving himself insane with waiting. Jimin walked down to the tattoo parlour again but this time it was Jin, who was standing behind the counter. “Oh! It’s you again. What brings you here?” he asked with a tilt of his head “I want a piercing,” Jin’s interested seemed to peak and he grinned brightly “Yeah? What kind?” he asked. To be frank, Jimin had yet to think of where his piercing should be “What about one in the ear to start off easy, hm?” he asked Jimin who nodded in relief. Jin walked over to the curtain and peeked in “You done soon?” he asked, “In an hour or so. V should be free,” Jimin could feel his body shiver from the sound of the well-known voice of SUGA. Jin turned to look at Jimin again “V should be free. Follow me,” he said before motioning for Jimin to follow and so he did.

A part of Jimin was disappointed that he didn’t get to see Yoongi but he knew he had to it up. In the back was a boy, who smiled brightly seeing Jin and Jimin. The smile surprised Jimin, not expecting someone who looked so bright to be at that sort of place but the tattoos on his neck and arms revealed the truth. “Can you fix Jimin here up with a piercing?” the boy put his juice box on the table before raising an eyebrow “SUGA usually does those,” he commented. Jin shrugged “He’s doing a tattoo. It’s only an ear-piercing you can do it,” the boy glanced at Jimin before nodding “Sure.” Jin patted Jimin’s shoulder then walked out to the counter again. Suddenly a hand was in front of Jimin’s face, which made him jump in surprise “You must be Jimin. I’m V, tattoo artist here at ‘Dark & Wild’” the boy introduced himself with a smile, Jimin could only smile back and shake his hand.

V walked over to his chair again and Jimin sat down on the exam table, he felt surprisingly comfortable considering he was going to get pierced by a needle. Yoongi was so beautiful, usually Jimin was a bit iffy about tattoos but from what he had seen on Yoongi, it was bewitching. A sudden clank brought Jimin out of his daydream and he looked over at V, who had found all the tools “Where on your ear do you want it and which ear?” he asked. Jimin bit his bottom lip as he thought about it before looking at V “I want two in my left ear. In the earlobe and right besides each other,” his explained while V nodded, showing he understood. With the pen, V marked two spots on Jimin’s earlobe and then showed him them in a mirror “Like this?”, “Yeah” V grinned cheekily. He grabbed the piercing gun and shot the piercings in, Jimin frozen in his spot. V was rambling while he was working and Jimin just sat on the exam table, frozen in fear. When he was done, V patted Jimin’s shoulder “There you go, want to see it?” he asked. Jimin felt like his ear was burning “Ye-yeah… please,” he was handed a mirror and he looked at his earrings then nodded in approval “I like it.” V grabbed his juice box again and started drinking with a big smile but then shoved it towards Jimin, when he saw him staring at it “Want to taste?” Jimin blushed and smiled shyly before shaking his head “You’re too cute, Jiminnie.”

Of course that was the moment, Yoongi had to walk in. Jimin, not so silently, gasped as he stared at Yoongi who had just walked in with a frown. For some reason, Yoongi didn’t look pleased and he was practically glaring at V, who simply smiled back at him. Jimin glanced between them before standing up “I’ll go pay. Thank you, V—“,”Please, call me Taehyung,” V said with a wink, which made Jimin blush. A growl sounded behind Jimin and suddenly someone grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the room to the front again, where Jin was reading a book while Rap Monster was back hugging him, resting his head on his shoulder. Jin looked up from his book at them with a smile “SUGA? I thought you went to take a break?” for some reason his tone sounded teasing, which left Jimin wondering. Yoongi tightened his hold on Jimin’s wrist and glared at him “I thought we had a deal,” but he only received a shrug in return “You were busy.” The answer did not please Yoongi who walked closer to Jin, clearly irritated “You didn’t tell me it was him,” Jimin let the words process and turned bright red at what he had just heard. Yoongi seemed to realise it as well and glanced at Jimin from the corner of his eyes. A light pinked seemed to coat his cheeks, which made Jimin’s heart accelerate.

Rap Monster frowned at Yoongi and held Jin close, obviously ready to protect his boyfriend at any cost but did not seem ready to attack Yoongi just yet. Jin leaned back against Rap Monster to show he was fine and help him relax. Yoongi groaned and pulled Jimin along to his own room behind the curtain. Jimin kept his eyes locked on Yoongi. That was when he decided to do something; he thought he would never do “I hoped you were free today. I came to see you,” he mumbled and Yoongi tensed. Slowly, he turned to look at Jimin “I would have pierced you if you came to ask me,” the answer made Jimin blush and smile. He moved his hand and grabbed Yoongi’s, then interlocked their fingers “Will you pierce me?” he asked with a bright smile, which was slightly returned. Jimin thought he had already seen how beautiful Yoongi could be, but him smiling was on a different level “Yeah. I’ll pierce you any day and anywhere.”

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on another note, I see you uploaded the entire fic today. so ignore my comment earlier pls
authornim, please add tag romance. 22views for 11 chaps ia really sad & waste of ur energy. you might need to add more tags & perhaps remove the member only subscriber only setting. ( sorry for saying this)