is that me ??

Please Be the mother of my child



Minho POV

I never call eunseo again, so do her never call me again since yesterday. I think we already broke up. I sign some paper and read it for make sure there is no mistake. when I was doing my job until my mother text me.



to : my son

from : umma

minho-ah please come home now. yoogeun can’t stop crying. he’s keep asking us where is his umma.


oh.. no what should I do ?! yuri must be in her school. but my mother can't handle yoogeun anger. and crap I forget to ask her number or her father. where should I go. I said to my manager that I have a family problem so he let me to go. I call my mother but she didn’t pick up.

“aigo~ ~ oh the police office”I remember maybe mr.kwon leave some information where he’s living.

I drive faster to the police office. I ask to him about mr.kwon address and I got it. I go to mr.kwon home but no one home. somebody told me that mr.kwon in his office I ask them where is his office he told me the address and I go there soon.

“mr.choi what’s wrong”mr.kwon asked me when he saw me.

“umh,, can I borrow your daughter today ??”I asked him No im beg him

“it’s yoogeun isn’t it ?”he asked me back I just nodded.

“sure if she wanted”I give my wide smile to him

mr.kwon tell me where yuri school. when I arrive the school was in a break time I ask some people if she can calling yuri for meet me here. she nodded and smile then go nowhere.

“excuse me what are you doin here ?”I see a girl with a blonde hair asked me.

“umh,, I searching some one. her name is kwon yuri. are you know her ?”I asked her and she nodded.

“yes, im hyoyeon her friends just wait here I will call her for you”and she leave me.

after 10minutes I see someone run to me. wow she is beautiful.


yuri POV

I run to mr.choi avoid my friends and greet him immediately.

“umh.. mr.choi is there something wrong ?”I asked him.

“ye..yess yuri-shi will you come with me ?”he asked me back. I think it’s yoogeun. so I nodded

“thank you again yuri-shi”he suddenly hug me. gosh I love his scent so peace full. but I cant blushing in front of him

“emh..umhh..”I don’t want to him stop hugging me but I have to.

“oh.. mianhae yuri-ah”he let me go.

“it’s ok. I will go back and take my stuff so.. ”

“yes.. yess.. I will wait here” he smile awkwardly to me. so do me

I run back to class and take all my stuff put in on my bag and headed go.

“where are you going young lady ??”yoona asked me.

“I can’t tell you know. but im promise told you everything this afternoon or tomorrow ok ?”

“no.. how if you being kidnapped by him ?”yoona seems so worry about me.

“it’s ok yoong I know who is he. so do my father. I think my father told him that im here. so no need to worry ok my twins”I comfort her.

“arasso.. but take this you have to eat that”yoona handed me a chocolate bar. I hug her and go away.




while in the car we sit awkwardly. my face is just looked to the window. until I broke the silence.

“umh.. were we going mr.choi is there something wrong with yoogeun ?”I asked him with no confidence

“oh.. yeah were going to my parents house. yoogeun was looking for you and he can't stop crying”he said

“jeongmal.. well, why don’t you call yoogeun’s real mother?”I close my mouth immediately .

gosh how could I asked him like that. kwon yuri you’re death. no big deal that you should know what happen to mr.choi family.

“I wish I can do that. but I can’t yuri-shi.”he looked so sad.

“it’s ok. im sorry for asked you like that I don’t mind too…”he cut my words and smile.

“no.. it’s ok . I mean you should know about that too.”he continue his words

“well, yoogeun doesn’t have any mother since he was born. his mother was die when she giving a birth to him cause she loose to many bloods. anyway it’s all my mistake. we make yoogeun to early. she’s on your age when she’s had yoogeun.”he look so sad when he told me everything.

“oh.. sorry about your wife’s mr.choi”I feel sorry to him and yoogeun. well me and yoogeun have a same thing. we didn’t have any mother.

“it’s ok and please stop calling me mr cause it’s make me seems so old. just call me minho oppa”he smile to me and make me blush.

“neh.. oppa”I nodded shyly.

“im just 2 years older than you anyway”I just nodded again. then I see he take his wallet from his back and give it to me.

“umh.. what was this ??”I asked just like a stupid.

“this is my wallet.”gosh I know that a wallet -_-

“no.. I mean for what ??”I don’t know what to say.

“just open it. you will know why yoogeun keep calling you umma”I give him an ‘O’ face then quickly grab the wallet and open it.

my jaws was dropped when I see a picture in his wallet. is that me ?? no way.. how could yoogeun mother’s face just exactly same with me. this is a destiny kwon yuri you should accept that.


(yoogeun's mother picture)


“you look so shocked”he said and giggle. I fix my shocking face into a normal mode.




Minho POV

she look so shock when he saw the picture. yeah just like me when I met her for the first time. I talk a lot about my family, and anything to her. I feel so comfortable to talk. well it’s not like me but I trust her just like I trust to my wife. and she told me about her family too. I still can’t believe that her mother die too. just like yoogeun.

“were here yuri-shi”I told her and she’s sleeping after we talk.

‘she’s cute when fall a sleep’I said to my self

“umh..were already here oppa ??”I just nodded slightly

we out from the car. I can hear clearly yoogeun’s crying so loud and make me worried so much. I press the bell in hurry and my mom open the door quickly. while yuri fix her hair on my car’s mirror.

“finally youre here. looks yoogeun was cry all day. and he kick everything he saw or throw it away. all he said just umma. maybe we should take him to her mother grave”my mom looks so tired.

“it’s ok umma. I bring his mother”and my mom looks confused.

“you bring eunseo ??”I shook my head the yuri come to us.

“omona”my mom’s seems so surprised when she look at yuri.

“anyeong hanseo kwon yuri imida.”she bow to my mother.

“ummaaaaaa……………..”I can hear yoogeun’s cry inside the house.

I pull yuri wrist and take her to where yoogeun’s is. he was cry and my father try to stoping him.

“yoogeun-ah don’t cry”I said and carry him.

“looks who’s behind appa”I said and wipe his tears.

“ummaa……..”he screams so loud then yuri carry him.

“aigo~ why my baby crying.”she yoogeun’s hair.

“umma why you leave me?”he asked with his baby voice well someone will doesn’t get what he said but as I am his father I know what he said. I think yuri already understand what he said.

“im not leaving you yoogeun-ah.”she kiss my baby.

I left them to talk and play. yoogeun stop crying when he see her. so yuri look so excited when he see yoogeun. I go downstairs to meet my mother and father.

“choi minho, how you find her ? is he the one who kidnap our grand child ??”my mother question make me giggle.

“no umma, she’s not kidnapped my son. but I told you already yoogeun was the one who follow her. because her face look a like his real mother”I explain to her.

“gosh.. her face really looks like”my mother still cannot believe.




Yuri POV

I was so excited to meet yoogeun. I miss this baby so much. I hug, kiss him, tickle him, his soft hair and playing around with him.

“umma.. stop it”he said while laugh of my tickle.

“arasso..arasoo..”I kiss him again.

I play with yoogeun until minho oppa’s mother come smile and said

“you look like his real mother”I blush when she said that to me.

“well, our yoogeunie have to take a bath first”she said but yoogeun avoid her.

“yoogeun-ah listen to ur grandmother please”I said to him.

“but.. I want play with umma“said with pout.

“aigo,, how cute are you. we will play again after you take a bath”I promise him.

“see,, you will play with your mother after a bath”his grandma said.

“I want umma taking me a bath”he said make me a little bit shocked

“of course your umma will taking you a bath ”gosh how could she said that.

“so yuri can you take my grandchild for a shower?”she asked me.

“neh.. ahjumma”I nodded shyly.

“oh.. don’t call me ahjumma just call me umma from now on”she said and pat my shoulder.

gosh im freezing. well like son like mother I though. then she take’s me to the bath room. and start taking my baby a bath. then she show me yoogeun’s rooms. so after he’s bath I can dress him. I really love this all im being a one day mother’s again.

“wow.. my son look so handsome just like me”minho come from nowhere when I comb yoogeun’s hair.

“appa…”he said and run with his little feet to his father.

“thank you umma for make my son so handsome”he said that and yes he makes me blush.

“umma face is red”yoogeun said and make me more and more ashamed.

“shhsshh.. don’t say that yoogeun-ah ur umma was blushing cause of us”

‘please..pleasee somebody help me from this two adorable guy who make me blushing.’I said to my self

“anyway yuri-ah, I want to go to my office again now. would you mind to taking care my son until this afternoon ??”

‘of course I want’I want say that but it’s to obvious. so I just nodded.

“I’ll pick you on afternoon. and you can change ur cloth’s with some cloth’s over there”he’s pointing on an old cupboard.

“just pick whatever you want”I nodded slightly.

“umma just nodded and nodded just like this”yoogeun imitating me.

I laugh

“aww.. so cute”I said and kiss him on cheek.

“so yoogeun-ah let’s out your umma must change her uniform”he left me in this room alone.

I lock the door and walk to the cupboard open it and wow.. all the cloth was beauty I pick one of the dress im worried if it’s fit on me or no.


(the dress)


yes.. it’s fit I smile unlock the door and go outside the room. I see minho oppa play with his son. and his parents laugh at they both in the back garden.
“umma…..”yoogeun see me and make’s all of them see me.

I can see minho oppa drop his jaw. am I looks so fat wear this ?! I asked to my self. I walk close to them.

“you looks so stunning yuri”minho’s father said and make me blush.

“wow.. you looks goodness in that dress. isn’t it choi minho ?”her mother make he wake up from his day dreaming.


Minho POV

“umma..”yoogeun scream when he see his mother.

I look at the girl who wear my wife’s clote. gosh she was wonderful, pretty, beauty, goodness, just exactly like yoogeuns mother. I though is real her.

“wow.. you looks goodness in that dress. isn’t it choi minho ?”my mom make me wake to the reality.

“umh..uh.. ne”I act like a stupid boy.

“’s just because this dress really beauty and fit on my body”she’s try to refuse.

“no.. it’s because ur pretty and of course you will fit wear that. yoogeun’s mother body just exactly like you”I try to make her confidence.

I see she’s blushing with my word but I talk honest.

crap I forget to get work. I look at my watch damn it’s already 11

“umh.. I should go now. yoogeunnie must be a good boy here with umma. arrasso ?”I asked my little baby and carry him. he nodded

“and yuri, is ok you stay here for a while ?”I asked her and adore her again.

“ne.. im ok oppa”she’s smile to me and now my turn to blush.

“ok then, if you need anything just ask my parents. and if yoogeun be a naughty you can call me”i said.

“im not naughty appa”he said with a pout face.

“I know that my baby boy”I said and kiss his cheek.

I grab my coat and car’s key, then go into my car start the engine. I see yuri carry yoogeun and they both waved at me so I waved them back. well, I just felt that my beloved wife and son waiting for me. but yuri just my dongsaeng at all. she just look a like my wife.


*how this chapter ?? is this bad or good i read this part over and over  kekeke  =]

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horrribleeeh grammar and stuff omg my first minyul story. gotta fix this when i have lots of free time mkay hunhun ??


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lorraineOT9 #1
Chapter 78: JJANG!!!!!!!! THIS FANFIC WAS GREAT! thank you for making this! ;-)
I came to read this again for the nth time! This is so good!
Am I the only one who has read this story 6-8 times ?
Chapter 78: i came 2 read tis again..
its a gud story..i think ihv read tis story countless time already..
mo_mo_moana #5
Chapter 78: i love it thank you!
143015 #6
Chapter 78: I love this story.
Chapter 78: Daebakkkk!!!! hehe
great job loved the story plot :) x
YuRiHolics #9
Hi !~~ I have finish reading this story . and looks like someone is copying this ..
VinaKimberly #10
Chapter 78: i read this fanfic again gosh i don't know how many times i read this fanfic. make a sequel eonni please!!!!