Chapter 1

Crush ≠ Love


Chapter 1 - The Chemistry Between Us




Yoongi was on the same chemistry course with Jungkook and Jimin's class, since he had failed the said course last year and therefore had to retake it this year. The teacher had told the class that they would be doing some small projects in pairs in the future, and Jimin had stated it would be just more than a perfect opportunity for Jungkook to get a little closer to his crush. So, Jungkook had it all planned out.



”So, class, today we will pair you all up and give you the projects you will be doing,” the teacher, a pretty, young lady, said at the beginning of the class. Jungkook had been waiting for this moment. He glanced at Jimin who was sitting at the desk right next to him. The brown-haired boy gave him a small, encouraging smile.


As the teacher told all the students to find a pair, Jungkook immediately glanced at the back of the class where his target was sitting, looking bored and letting out an uninterested sigh while leaning his head onto his palm. As all the students started wandering around the classroom, pairing up wih their friends – including Jimin, who now paired up with a fellow classmate Taehyung – Jungkook got up as well and confidently (or at least he tried to look like it) walked up to Yoongi. The blonde guy raised his gaze to Jungkook who flashed him a small smile.

”Hey, I thought that maybe we could pair up?” Jungkook then asked after gathering his courage.

”Sure, whatever,” Yoongi shrugged. He didn't really care whom he was paired up with, since he had no friends on this course, and therefore his pair would be a stranger anyway. Jungkook sat at the desk beside him, and soon the teacher came to give them their project.

”Do you understand any of this ?” Yoongi asked Jungkook as he looked at the paper where their project's instructions were written.

”Yeah, it seems pretty simple, actually,” Jungkook nodded after reading the instructions through.

”Then can't you just do it alone and in the end just write my name on the paper, too?”

Jungkook looked at Yoongi with a wondering gaze. ”But that wouldn't be fair now, would it?”

Yoongi stared at Jungkook, wondering if they boy was really serious. ”So you're that kinda good and innocent little kid, huh?”

”Huh?” Jungkook tilted his head, wondering what Yoongi meant.

But Yoongi only chuckled to himself, his lips turning into a small smile.



The two agreed to meet in the school library after their last classes and then go to Yoongi's apartment together to take care of the chemistry project. Jungkook was already sitting in the library, waiting for Yoongi. He glanced at the huge clock on the wall every now and then, wondering what took Yoongi so long. All the last classes of the day ended at the same time, and Jungkook had already been waiting for ten minutes. He let out a small sigh.


But then, finally, a familiar character and some others walked to the doorway of the library. It was obviously Yoongi and his friends. Yoongi seemed to say goodbyes and see ya laters to his friends before finally entering the library and finding Jungkook at the nearest table.

”Hey. So, we goin'?” he shrugged, his hands in his pockets.

Jungkook rose from the chair he had been sitting on and replied with a small smile, ”Yeah, let's go.”



”Can you give me the thermometer?”


”Thanks. Could you bring me the sodium chloride, too?”

”Sodium what?”

Jungkook turned to look at Yoongi who looked completely lost. ”Salt. It's just common salt.”

”Jeez, why didn't you just say so...” Yoongi ruffled his blonde hair frustratedly and walked to the other side of his small kitchen to get the ingredient from the cupboards.


Jungkook had three small beakers in front of him, each of them filled with different mixtures. He observed them carefully, measuring their temperatures every now and then and writing notes about all the little changes into his notebook. Yoongi sat at the opposite side of the table, leaning his head onto the palm of his hand and watching Jungkook's working carefully. It wasn't because Yoongi was lazy and didn't want to do the little experiment at all, but because he was totally lost and didn't understand anything Jungkook was doing.


”...And as we can see, this mixture reacts definitely the fastest,” Jungkook commentated, staring at the beaker that had a taped label ”C” on it. ”Just look at all the bubbles that are forming at the bottom. Quite cool, huh?”

”Oh, sure,” Yoongi said a little absent-mindedly.

Jungkook raised his gaze into him. ”Were you even listening?”

”Huh? Of course I was,” Yoongi moved his thoughtful gaze from Jungkook to the three beakers.

”Okay then,” the dark-haired one let it go and chuckled slightly, turning to look at the experiment again. Yoongi, however, raised his gaze again from the boring mixtures to the boy observing them carefully. He had a thoughtful expression on his face, and a small smile rose onto his lips.


Jungkook was cute. Yoongi had to admit, Jungkook looked really cute and fluffy. Also, the black-haired boy seemed very smart, knowing all the chemical names of the ingredients and seeming so professional while observing the mixtures. Yoongi leaned his head onto his palm again. Jungkook had this kind of pure, innocent aura around him, which the blonde guy found very interesting.


”You seem to know a lot about this ,” Yoongi then stated, trying to start some kind of a conversation as Jungkook wrote down some more notes. The younger one raised his gaze to him and chuckled.

”Yeah, I guess. I just really like chemistry, it's so interesting.”

”Seems like it. Is it your favorite subject or something? You planning to become a scientist or something?”

”Not really,” Jungkook answered, with a thoughtful expression on his face as he wrote something down again, ”I like biology more, though it does have a lot to do with chemistry. I'd actually really want to become a doctor in the future, like a surgeon or some disease researcher. How about you? You got any future plans?” he moved his gaze to his crush again, secretly admiring him and his godly good looks.

Yoongi was quite impressed. Jungkook had pretty demanding dreams, but Yoongi saw no reason why the boy couldn't someday reach them. As for himself, though, he had no idea what he wanted to do in the future.

”I don't really know yet,” he finally shrugged.


The two kept up a light conversation, getting to know each other a little better. Jungkook was happy that it was easy to chat with Yoongi, and that the guy seemed talk with him rather gladly. Maybe, just maybe he might just have some kind of a chance with his crush. As they kept chatting, about their studies, their lives, just a little bit everything in general, Jungkook couldn't hide his smile anymore.


Jungkook's smile was utterly adorable. So light, real and pure, like an angel's. A slightly crooked smirk rose onto Yoongi's own lips. However, there was something that Yoongi had been wondering a little about. When in the chemistry class all the students had been told to pair up, Jungkook had immediately approached him and not his friend Jimin he always seemed to do all the pairworks with. Why was that? Had Jungkook actually really wanted to do this project with him? With particularly him? Did Jungkook want to become friends with him? Or something else? These questions ran in Yoongi's mind, and in the end he came to a conclusion that most probably, judging by the way the younger boy smiled at him and seemed so happy and cheerful, Jungkook might have a crush on him. Yoongi was good at reading people like books (although he hated books and nothing in the world could make him read one) and knew how to add one plus one, and therefore he could often guess when a person had a crush on him. He looked at the dark-haired boy, who now stood up and was about to start cleaning up, and smiled his crooked smile slightly to himself.

”Not bad,” he then quietly said.


After finishing cleaning up, the two agreed to do the written part of the project the next day, at Yoongi's place again. After Jungkook left and finally got to his own apartment again, he found his best friend Jimin lying on the couch, doing his homework. As the older boy noticed him, he smirked and asked Jungkook about how was the project going with Yoongi, but Jungkook refused to tell anything yet. He would meet with Yoongi the next day again and see how things would turn out, and then he promised to tell Jimin everything.




Jungkook waited anxiously for the history class to end. And when it finally, after a million desperate years (or at least it felt like it) was dismissed, Jungkook almost rushed out of the classroom. He walked to the library again, where he had agreed to meet with Yoongi again, and as he stepped in, he saw the familiar blonde guy sitting there already.



”...And as a conclusion, the experiment was a definite success,” Jungkook finished.

”...A... definite... success... Done,” Yoongi wrote the last words with the writing program on his laptop and clicked print. The printer on his desk, next to his laptop, soon came alive and shortly after spat out the written explanation and conclusion of the project. Jungkook grabbed the paper and skimmed it through.

”It's good,” he then nodded, ”it's definitely good.”

”Yeah, at least it has a lot of damn difficult words in it,” Yoongi stated.

Jungkook chuckled. ”True. But it was a nice little project, though.”

”Sure,” the older one agreed. ”It's really nice working with you.”

Jungkook flashed a small smile and almost felt himself blush.

”By the way, though...” Yoongi then started, ”You know, you seem like a pretty cool guy. Would you like to hang out with me sometime?” he then asked out of nowhere, surprising Jungkook. Only positively, though, of course.

”Hang out? Sure, of course,” the younger one nodded, ”Anytime,” he couldn't hide his smile anymore.







A/N: Here's finally the first actual chapter, yay~ So, as always, please do leave a comment too and tell me what you think of this so far and how fast would you want me to upload the second chapter ^^




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Chapter 8: I love how kookie played yoongi at the end :p
dabbingarmy #3
I'd die for a sequel for this.
exo_saranghae456 #4
Chapter 8: Hahah Jungkook is so cute trying to act all tough in front of Yoongi. I really liked this story, it'll be amazing if u write a sequel and bring other characters in. I enjoyed it so much that I don't want it to end T.T
exo_saranghae456 #5
Chapter 7: Yassss!!!! OMG!!! Jikook officially sailed!!!! Jimin is such a caring guy^^ And Jungkook is so cute >.<
Chapter 7: Yassss!!! Jikook get it!
Miniminttu #7
Chapter 6: I can't wait for the next chapter, I really wanna know how this all turns out~ and I feel so bad for jungkookie ;__; I still kinda hope jikook will get together in the end, jimin would take so much better care of jungkook I feel like >.<
I really like this fic, you write really well ^u^
Chapter 6: I just noticed the title, "crush does not equal love", and Yoongi is Jungkook's crush, but according to the title, what he feels for Yoongi is nothing less and more than a crush, meaning that he does not love him. Right? o-o is JiKook gonna sail? <3333

OKAY, back to this chapter. Poor Kookie. ;-; It more seemed like a . ;----; if Jimin hears about it, then he will surely beat the out of Yoongi lmao.

I am wondering what will happen, if Jimin takes move or not, if Yoongi makes something worse or better, or if Jimin finds out about their and stuff. Like it is pretty obvious, that Kookie won't be able to move. coughsss

Authoooor, you write amazingly, I loved it a lot and I hope for more bottom!jungkook centered stories, because you are amazing in writing those. <3

much love from me~
dabbingarmy #9
Chapter 6: OH MY GOD, YOONGI. I still like him, despite all these. Anyways. ;-;

And, that my friends, is the another reason why Jungkook would be better off with Jimin. (even though I love SugaKookie just as much...okay a little less)
It will be the last one though?T-T This fanfiction is written amazingly and ughhh, knowing that your favorite fiction is gonna end soon.:(

Update as soon as you can, thank you. <3
Chapter 6: Can't wait for the next chapter!