Chapter 2

Crush ≠ Love


Chapter 2 - The Next Level




”...Jimin you won't ever believe what happened!!” Jungkook almost yelled as he darted straight into Jimin's apartment. However, as he got no reply, he quickly glanced around the apartment, only to find out it was empty.

”Oh, I should've known,” the boy then ruffled his hair and muttered to himself. He exited Jimin's apartment, took out his keys again and instead unlocked the door of the apartment next door.

”Jimin, you'll never believe what happened!” he then started again as he managed to step inside his own apartment, and this time he was immediately replied with an excited and loud ”Tell me!” by Jimin who almost ran up to Jungkook and grabbed his shoulders, wanting to shake the answer out of the boy immediately.

Jungkook took a deep breath, thinking about how to tell it all as shortly as possible and as clearly as possible without slurring his speech because of the excitement and shock.

”Okay, here it comes,” he started. Jimin was still grasping onto his shoulders, impatiently waiting for him to tell what had happened. Jungkook let out a sigh, calming down.

”I think Yoongi just asked me out.”




After telling everything very detailedly to Jimin, a short moment of silence descented upon the two. Jimin leaned onto the backrest of the couch they were now sitting on, looking at Jungkook with an amazed expression on his face.

”Woah,” he then managed to get out, ”Yoongi definitely has some kind of an interest in you if he really himself said he'd like to hang out with you more,” he nodded thoughtfully.

”I know, right,” Jungkook was still shocked and astonished about everything and didn't know how to handle it, ”And we agreed to execute this 'hanging out' on Friday, after school. Which is the day after tomorrow. Oh no,” a slightly worried, even panicky expression then suddenly spread onto Jungkook's face, ”What do I do?”

Jimin placed his hand calmingly onto the panicking boy's shoulder and took a deep breath. ”Jungkook,” he then started, his voice and expression all serious now, ”It's time for you to get on the next level with Yoongi.”

”Next level?”

A smirk rose onto the brown-haired one's lips. ”Flirting,” he then dramatically whispered.


Flirting? Jungkook had never flirted with anyone, and therefore had no idea how to do it. He turned his desperate, miserable gaze to Jimin again, silently pleading for help.

”Jungkook, how much do you know about flirting? Do you have any idea what you should do?” Jimin's hand was still resting on the boy's shoulder.

”Uh... Flirting...” Jungkook pondered, trying to remember everything he had learned from movies, dramas and on the Internet, ”Oh. Should I send him pics?”

Jimin tilted his head, questioningly raising his other eyebrow. ”Pics?”

”...Of my .”

Jimin opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't seem to find the words. ”...What? No!” he then finally managed to stutter out with a shocked expression on his face. ”That's, um, kind of a different level of flirting.”


”Where did you learn that anyway?” Jimin wondered.

Jungkook lowered his gaze to the couch, hanging his head, slightly embarrassed. ”The Internet is a funny place.”



”...So, you got it now?”

”Yeah, I think so.”

Jungkook tried to still process everything that Jimin had just taught him about flirting so that he would remember all the advice when he the next time would see Yoongi. Jungkook was extremely glad that he had a friend like Jimin who knew a lot about these things and was able to help the completely clueless boy.

”The main point is to not be too obvious, but to leave just some clear hints,” Jimin summarized, ”if he's really interested in you at all, he'll definitely get it.”

Jungkook took a deep breath, trying to calm down from all the nervousness. ”Yeah. I think I got it now – smiling, little 'accidental' skinship thingies, maybe winking if he answers the flirting... Right?”

Jimin nodded and smiled proudly at his student. ”Perfect.”



Friday came sooner than Jungkook had expected. He was both excited and nervous, and his nervousness seemed to be the conquering feeling when the last class of the day neared its end.

”Jungkookie, you need to breathe sometimes, too,” Jimin chuckled at the nervous boy quietly. Jungkook turned his panicky gaze to his friend sitting at the desk right beside him and took a deep breath.

”Right, what if when I'm hanging out with Yoongi I completely forget to breathe and just faint and die in front of him?” Jungkook's eyes widened as he imagined the horrifying scenario, ”That'd be so embarrassing.”

”Don't worry, it'll be fine,” Jimin chuckled..



Jungkook met Yoongi outside the school building's main doors and greeted him a little nervously with a smile he couldn't prevent from rising onto his lips as he saw him. Yoongi answered with a cool, laid-back greeting and a small smile, and so the two started walking towards downtown.


Their ”hanging out downtown and grabbing something to eat at a fast-food place” was going as planned. They chatted a lot, freely and lightly, they got along well and got to know each other a little better. But there was something that was bothering Jungkook a little. Jimin had told him all about flirting and he was ready to execute the advices when it would be an appropriate moment at the end of their ”hanging out time,” but halfway through he realized something.


Smiling, smirking, pats on the back, an arm around the shoulders, a hinting gaze – those were the definite signs of flirting. And those were the exact things Yoongi had been doing to him the whole time.


Yoongi was without a doubt flirting with him. As Jungkook realized this, he freaked out for a second, feverishly thinking about what to do now, how to answer. Jimin had never told him what should be done if Yoongi started to flirt with him first, and Jungkook had no idea how to proceed. However, as he calmed down a little from his panicky state, he figured that the best way to answer a flirt was to flirt back. He hoped he wasn't completely wrong.



Every time Yoongi flashed Jungkook the crooked smirk of his, the younger one answered with a sweet smile and a slight tilting of his head. When Yoongi looked at Jungkook with that specific, hinting gaze, the dark-haired boy got courageous enough and winked at him. It caused Jungkook to immediately regret it, though, panicking about if he had gone a little too far already. Yoongi, however, only placed his arm around the younger one's shoulders and chuckled amusedly.

”You're such a flirt, aren't you?”

Jungkook's eyes widened from shock and he turned his gaze a bit downwards again, internally panicking about what should he do or say now. How do you answer that kind of a statement? Should you flirt more or does that mean you went too far already? Jungkook's mind was filled with worried questions.

Yoongi let out another light chuckle. ”Anyway, I gotta go soon. Wanna grab some coffee before I go?”


The incident was soon forgotten about. After drinking the coffees at Starbucks the two said their goodbyes and see you laters, agreeing to hang out again soon and eventually going separate ways. Jungkook was a mix of panic, excitement and nervousness as he walked home, but he couldn't help the wide smile spreading all over his face. He would have so much to tell to Jimin.



”Jimin, you'll never guess what happened!” Jungkook now entered his own apartment straight away and expected Jimin to be there again, but as he got no reply and noticed no lights were on, he let out a slightly frustrated sigh and exited the apartment, entering the apartment next door instead.

”Jimin, you'll--” he couldn't even finish his sentence as the brown-haired boy already rushed towards him.

”So how was it did you flirt did he get it did he flirt back just tell me all that happened!” Jimin demanded right away, dragging Jungkook into the small living room as soon as the boy just got his shoes off.


When Jungkook got everything finally told to Jimin, even the smallest details and the most irrelevant things, the brown-haired boy gave him a small smirk.

”That is the most obvious sign ever that he likes you, too,” Jimin then poked Jungkook's side, teasing him a little, ”He was definitely flirting with you there.”

”Yeah, I kinda figured that out,” Jungkook chuckled. ”But anyway... Jimin, I still need your help.”

”In finally really confessing?” Jimin guessed already, getting a nod as an answer. ”Okay. The good thing is that confessing is the easiest part.”


”Yeah,” Jimin shrugged, ”Since it's so obvious that he likes you back and you yourself seem to be so head over heels for him, you have absolutely no fear of rejection, I can guarantee it.”

”I guess so,” Jungkook agreed as he thought about it. Jimin's reasoning seemed legit. ”So how do I actually do it?”

”I don't think it needs anything more than some calm place where you get to be alone with him, preferably, and a short but meaningful 'I really like you',” Jimin advised, ”And of course, a sweet little smile helps a lot, too.”

Jungkook nodded, understanding. The confessing seemed easy indeed, but when he thought about what could possibly happen next, he became a little doubtful and nervous.

”Okay, I think I can do it. But... After that... What if he wants to kiss me or something? Isn't that what they always do in movies? A confession and a kiss after...” there was a slightly worried tone in is voice.

Jimin tilted his head slightly questioningly. ”Don't you want him to kiss you?”

”Yeah, I do, but I have no idea what to do then,” Jungkook lowered his gaze, seeming slightly embarrassed. Jungkook had never kissed anyone yet, and therefore he was nervous if he would just ruin the moment with his inexperience.

”Oh, right,” Jimin's expression turned into a slightly thoughtful one as well and he leaned his chin onto the palm of his hand as he thought about how to explain the boy how kissing worked. However, he soon came to a conclusion that it was quite impossible to explain and that Jungkook would just have to trust himself that it would come naturally, but he knew it would just make the poor boy a scared, nervous wreck. He had to come up with something else.


”Well, uh... You want me to show you?”


Jimin looked at his secret love with a neutral expression, being totally serious. He waited for some kind of a reply from the boy who stared at him with a slightly astonished expression, a little dumbfounded due to Jimin's suggestion. However, Jungkook really wanted to know what kissing felt like so that he would know what to do when he would possibly have his first official kiss with Yoongi, so the offer was quite tempting. And, finally, he managed to get a reply out of his throat.


”...If it's okay to you.”


A small smile rose onto Jimin's lips.

”Of course it is.”


Jimin guided Jungkook's hands to rest on his shoulders while he wrapped his own arms around Jungkook's waist, pulling the boy a little closer. He felt good holding him so close, feeling his body against his own. Slowly he tilted his head and leaned in.


He closed his eyes and finally felt the boy's warm lips on his owns. He could feel how nervous and stiff the boy was, and thus mumbled a quiet ”relax” into the kiss, which seemed to have an immediate effect on the boy. Jimin brushed their lips slowly against each other, very gently and softly on Jungkook's lower lip. The boy answered the kiss naturally, not too forcingly or stiffly at all, but like he had known all the time what to do. It felt so right. Jimin wanted the moment to last forever.


Jimin was in love with Jungkook. Knowing that Jungkook was head over heels for someone else did make the insides of Jimin hurt a little, but bravely he beared it and didn't show it. This small moment, however, when he finally got his first and probably last kiss with the one he loved, made him feel a little better again, made him forget the sadness lurking inside him. He was extremely grateful for getting to feel this moment.


After a while, Jimin reluctantly pulled away as he needed to catch his breath. His hands were still holding Jungkook's waist, but he soon let go of him as Jungkook moved his own hands from Jimin's shoulders onto his own lap. It hurt Jimin a little to wake up back to reality again, to realize he would probably never get to kiss Jungkook like that again. However, he hid those feelings behind a small smile.


”See? You don't have to worry about it, it does come naturally,” Jimin then finally broke the silence.

”Yeah, I guess I won't have to worry about it that much anymore,” Jungkook stated, still a little confused about the experiment and his still tingling lips. However, he showed a small smile to Jimin, glad that he had a friend like him who would help him in any situation no matter what.









A/N: And so the second chapter is out as well~ Anyways, don't forget to leave a comment, I'd really like to know what you guys think of this so far! And if you seem to like this, an upvote would be very nice, too~ ^^''



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Chapter 8: I love how kookie played yoongi at the end :p
dabbingarmy #3
I'd die for a sequel for this.
exo_saranghae456 #4
Chapter 8: Hahah Jungkook is so cute trying to act all tough in front of Yoongi. I really liked this story, it'll be amazing if u write a sequel and bring other characters in. I enjoyed it so much that I don't want it to end T.T
exo_saranghae456 #5
Chapter 7: Yassss!!!! OMG!!! Jikook officially sailed!!!! Jimin is such a caring guy^^ And Jungkook is so cute >.<
Chapter 7: Yassss!!! Jikook get it!
Miniminttu #7
Chapter 6: I can't wait for the next chapter, I really wanna know how this all turns out~ and I feel so bad for jungkookie ;__; I still kinda hope jikook will get together in the end, jimin would take so much better care of jungkook I feel like >.<
I really like this fic, you write really well ^u^
Chapter 6: I just noticed the title, "crush does not equal love", and Yoongi is Jungkook's crush, but according to the title, what he feels for Yoongi is nothing less and more than a crush, meaning that he does not love him. Right? o-o is JiKook gonna sail? <3333

OKAY, back to this chapter. Poor Kookie. ;-; It more seemed like a . ;----; if Jimin hears about it, then he will surely beat the out of Yoongi lmao.

I am wondering what will happen, if Jimin takes move or not, if Yoongi makes something worse or better, or if Jimin finds out about their and stuff. Like it is pretty obvious, that Kookie won't be able to move. coughsss

Authoooor, you write amazingly, I loved it a lot and I hope for more bottom!jungkook centered stories, because you are amazing in writing those. <3

much love from me~
dabbingarmy #9
Chapter 6: OH MY GOD, YOONGI. I still like him, despite all these. Anyways. ;-;

And, that my friends, is the another reason why Jungkook would be better off with Jimin. (even though I love SugaKookie just as much...okay a little less)
It will be the last one though?T-T This fanfiction is written amazingly and ughhh, knowing that your favorite fiction is gonna end soon.:(

Update as soon as you can, thank you. <3
Chapter 6: Can't wait for the next chapter!