Chapter 3

Crush ≠ Love


Chapter 3 – Happy




Jungkook had agreed to hang out at Yoongi's place on Monday. Also, he had promised himself that it would be the time for him to finally spit out his confession.


After the last class of the day had ended, Jungkook met with Yoongi outside the main doors of the college building again. The two then started heading towards Yoongi's apartment.



”Do you like video games? I thought we could play something,” Yoongi then suggested as they finally got inside the apartment.

Jungkook nodded. ”Yeah, sure I do. What kinda game were you thinking about?”

”I was thinking about...” Yoongi started as he led them both into the small living room where his consoles were set up, ”...this one,” he finally finished as he picked up a disc case from the floor, showing it to Jungkook.

”'Call of Duty'?” Jungkook wondered. He had heard about the game but never played it himself. He wasn't really a fan of fighting and shooting games, and actually preferred roleplaying or adventure type of games that required skills and thinking, but he still nodded in agreement. Who knows, maybe something little different could be fun, too.


They set up the console and started the game, playing the co-op version, as a team. Yoongi had obviously played a lot since he knew all the tricks and moved around very smoothly, all the time knowing what to do. Jungkook learned quickly, though, and with Yoongi's advices, the game became quite enjoyable for him, too.


Somehow, the two managed to spend hours with the game, just playing and having fun. After they both eventually grew tired of, they put the controllers down and Yoongi turned off the console, asking then,

”So, whatcha wanna do next? Play something else?”

”Well, I was thinking about... If we could just talk for a while,” the younger one then suggested.

”Okay, sure, I guess. Whatcha wanna talk about?” Yoongi tilted his head.

”Well, there is this one thing I've been meaning to say...” Jungkook lowered his gaze, trying to sort out his thoughts and form his sentences. He then let out a small sigh, and after gathering his courage, he finally said with a small, sweet smile on his lips, ”It's that I really like you, Yoongi.”

Jungkook's heart was beating fast and he felt his cheeks blush slightly as he nervously and curiously waited for Yoongi's reply, waited to see his reaction. He didn't have to wait too long, though, since Yoongi's lips curved into the characteristic smirk of his almost immediately.

”I've been waiting for you to say that,” he then replied.

”Oh?” Jungkook wondered. ”Is that a good thing?”

Yoongi let out a small chuckle and then inched closer to Jungkook, placing his hands onto the boy's sides, sliding them down to hold his waist. His face was only a few inches from Jungkook's, and soon there wasn't even an inch between their lips anymore. Yoongi tilted his head to the right and closed his eyes, pulling the younger one even closer to him before pressing their lips together.


Jungkook moved his own hands to rest on Yoongi's shoulders, to press himself more tightly against the older one's body as their lips collided. Jungkook was nervous and a little awkward at first, but relaxed soon as he remembered what Jimin had taught him. However, the kiss was majorly different from the one he had had with Jimin. Yoongi was definitely more dominating as he kept and nibbling on Jungkook's lower lip while groping his waist with his fingers. Also, what slightly surprised Jungkook and got him off guard for a second was how Yoongi suddenly turned the innocent kiss into a hot tongue one, ing his tongue into Jungkook's mouth from between his slightly parted teeth. But after catching up with what was happening, Jungkook learned to relax again and unintentionally let out an unclear, quiet moan, which Yoongi seemed to only like since he tightened his grasp of Jungkook's waist and pulled the boy as close to his own body as just possible.


After finally pulling away and letting both of them catch their breaths, Yoongi looked Jungkook straight in the eyes and with the slightly crooked smirk he then said,

”I really like you, too.”

”So... Are we like... Together now?” Jungkook cautiously asked, feeling his cheeks blushing again.

Yoongi nodded. ”I'd call it so,” he said before pressing another, this time a little more innocent, kiss onto his new boyfriend's lips.





Jimin loved seeing Jungkook so happy. He couldn't prevent a small smile from rising onto his lips as he watched how excitedly Jungkook told him how his confession had went and how he had had his first official kiss with Yoongi. Jimin was genuinely happy for Jungkook, and was able to forget the sadness that came from the fact that Jungkook was so in love with someone else. If something made Jungkook so happy, it made Jimin at least as happy, too.











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Chapter 8: I love how kookie played yoongi at the end :p
dabbingarmy #3
I'd die for a sequel for this.
exo_saranghae456 #4
Chapter 8: Hahah Jungkook is so cute trying to act all tough in front of Yoongi. I really liked this story, it'll be amazing if u write a sequel and bring other characters in. I enjoyed it so much that I don't want it to end T.T
exo_saranghae456 #5
Chapter 7: Yassss!!!! OMG!!! Jikook officially sailed!!!! Jimin is such a caring guy^^ And Jungkook is so cute >.<
Chapter 7: Yassss!!! Jikook get it!
Miniminttu #7
Chapter 6: I can't wait for the next chapter, I really wanna know how this all turns out~ and I feel so bad for jungkookie ;__; I still kinda hope jikook will get together in the end, jimin would take so much better care of jungkook I feel like >.<
I really like this fic, you write really well ^u^
Chapter 6: I just noticed the title, "crush does not equal love", and Yoongi is Jungkook's crush, but according to the title, what he feels for Yoongi is nothing less and more than a crush, meaning that he does not love him. Right? o-o is JiKook gonna sail? <3333

OKAY, back to this chapter. Poor Kookie. ;-; It more seemed like a . ;----; if Jimin hears about it, then he will surely beat the out of Yoongi lmao.

I am wondering what will happen, if Jimin takes move or not, if Yoongi makes something worse or better, or if Jimin finds out about their and stuff. Like it is pretty obvious, that Kookie won't be able to move. coughsss

Authoooor, you write amazingly, I loved it a lot and I hope for more bottom!jungkook centered stories, because you are amazing in writing those. <3

much love from me~
dabbingarmy #9
Chapter 6: OH MY GOD, YOONGI. I still like him, despite all these. Anyways. ;-;

And, that my friends, is the another reason why Jungkook would be better off with Jimin. (even though I love SugaKookie just as much...okay a little less)
It will be the last one though?T-T This fanfiction is written amazingly and ughhh, knowing that your favorite fiction is gonna end soon.:(

Update as soon as you can, thank you. <3
Chapter 6: Can't wait for the next chapter!