
Crush ≠ Love


Epilogue – Everything's Not Always What It Seems Like






Jungkook had a neutral, serious expression on his face. ”I've cheated on you.”

Yoongi tilted his head questioningly and raised his other eyebrow, his expression turning into a partly confused, partly shocked and skeptical one. ”...What?”

”You heard it,” Jungkook crossed his arms to look more convincing, ”I cheated on you. With my best friend. Or well, he's actually my boyfriend now, we kinda got together after that... But anyway, the point is that I'm indeed cheating on you.”

”What are you trying? You're such a good and innocent kid, I know you'd never do anything like that,” the older one didn't believe a word the younger one just said.

”But maybe I'm not as 'good and innocent' as you think after all.”

Yoongi frowned, wondering what on Earth was the boy talking about. ”Jungkook, you're not making any sense. Why would you even cheat on me? You love me, right?”

Jungkook let out an amused chuckle. ”Yoongi, I knew from the beginning that you've just been using me, trying to fool me into thinking that you really cared about me. So, I acted like an innocent kid and in turn took advantage of you,” Jungkook lied but tried to look and sound as confident and convincing as he just could in order to get Yoongi to buy his little lie, ”And therefore, in the end, I was the one fooling you instead, right?”

Yoongi was confused, his jaw slightly open as he stared at Jungkook. His mind and thoughts got all messy as he tried to process what Jungkook had just said.


Had Jungkook seriously been fooling him all this time? It was true that Yoongi had been kind of using the boy, only liking him because of his cuteness and innocence, but if Jungkook had truly seen through it since the beginning and only acted like a pure angel, didn't that indeed make Yoongi the fooled one?


”All this time... You've just been using me while I've been trying to use you?” Yoongi started to lose his own confidence.

Jungkook nodded, his expression neutral.

”You've just been acting all the time?”

Jungkook nodded confidently again. Yoongi seemed to be buying his little story pretty well. Jungkook didn't usually like lying and would normally feel very bad about it, but this time he felt like Yoongi deserved it. Yoongi had been lying to him the whole time, fooled him so bad, so it was finally time for a payback. ”So, I'm now finally 'officially' breaking up with you. We had a fun little relationship, but I don't have time to play and fool around anymore.”

”Well... Wow,” Yoongi didn't know what to say anymore. He had truly gotten to taste his own medicine. ”I seriously thought you loved me...”

”Don't even bother talking to me anymore,” Jungkook harshly said, ”And don't try playing all sad and regretful, it'll help nothing.”

”I would've never thought you were such a after all,” the older one started to just become frustrated.

Jungkook let out a chuckle. ”Everything's not always what it seems like,” he then stated as a slightly crooked smirk rose onto his lips. The boy then his heels, starting to walk away from Yoongi who was left standing alone, confusedly wondering what was true and what was false anymore.











A/N: Sorry that this took so long to update, I did write already ages ago but I had some problems and could only update now... Anyways, thank you for reading ^^ Don't forget to leave a comment and tell me how you liked this fic, I would really appreaciate it! ^^





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Chapter 8: I love how kookie played yoongi at the end :p
dabbingarmy #3
I'd die for a sequel for this.
exo_saranghae456 #4
Chapter 8: Hahah Jungkook is so cute trying to act all tough in front of Yoongi. I really liked this story, it'll be amazing if u write a sequel and bring other characters in. I enjoyed it so much that I don't want it to end T.T
exo_saranghae456 #5
Chapter 7: Yassss!!!! OMG!!! Jikook officially sailed!!!! Jimin is such a caring guy^^ And Jungkook is so cute >.<
Chapter 7: Yassss!!! Jikook get it!
Miniminttu #7
Chapter 6: I can't wait for the next chapter, I really wanna know how this all turns out~ and I feel so bad for jungkookie ;__; I still kinda hope jikook will get together in the end, jimin would take so much better care of jungkook I feel like >.<
I really like this fic, you write really well ^u^
Chapter 6: I just noticed the title, "crush does not equal love", and Yoongi is Jungkook's crush, but according to the title, what he feels for Yoongi is nothing less and more than a crush, meaning that he does not love him. Right? o-o is JiKook gonna sail? <3333

OKAY, back to this chapter. Poor Kookie. ;-; It more seemed like a . ;----; if Jimin hears about it, then he will surely beat the out of Yoongi lmao.

I am wondering what will happen, if Jimin takes move or not, if Yoongi makes something worse or better, or if Jimin finds out about their and stuff. Like it is pretty obvious, that Kookie won't be able to move. coughsss

Authoooor, you write amazingly, I loved it a lot and I hope for more bottom!jungkook centered stories, because you are amazing in writing those. <3

much love from me~
dabbingarmy #9
Chapter 6: OH MY GOD, YOONGI. I still like him, despite all these. Anyways. ;-;

And, that my friends, is the another reason why Jungkook would be better off with Jimin. (even though I love SugaKookie just as much...okay a little less)
It will be the last one though?T-T This fanfiction is written amazingly and ughhh, knowing that your favorite fiction is gonna end soon.:(

Update as soon as you can, thank you. <3
Chapter 6: Can't wait for the next chapter!