
Crush ≠ Love




Jimin took out his bundle of keys, chose the right one and let himself into the apartment – into Jungkook's apartment, to be precise. He took a few steps further in and saw the black-haired boy sitting on his couch, watching some boring and cliché drama series on the television. As the boy noticed Jimin, he raised his gaze to him and nodded, greeting him with a small smile.

”Hey, I was actually waiting for you to come by.”

”Oh, really? That's convenient,” Jimin only replied and walked straight into Jungkook's kitchen, opening the refrigerator, ”Because I came to check if you'd have any pizza. I just ran out of it and thought you'd share some with me,” Jimin then continued as he scanned the contents of Jungkook's refrigerator, searching for something pizza-like. Jungkook, who had now stood up from his couch and walked to Jimin, looking at the brown-haired boy who was still carefully inspecting Jungkook's food supplies, and tilted his head slightly.

”I don't think I have any, though.”

”Aw man,” Jimin groaned and finally closed the door of the fridge. ”And I thought you were my best friend. And you don't even have any pizza for me,” he turned to look at Jungkook with a playful pout on his lips and his arms crossed.

Jungkook chuckled amusedly at Jimin's look. ”Yeah, I'm a horrible friend, aren't I?”



Jimin and Jungkook had been best friends for as long as they just could remember. The two had such an extraordinary friendship, for that they sometimes seemed more like brothers than just friends. And actually, since they really liked pranking and joking around, the two sometimes even fooled people into thinking that they actually were siblings. And as people saw how close and comfortable they were with each other, anyone rarely questioned their kinship, and more likely wouldn't believe them when they would finally tell the truth and say they were just friends, not siblings. That's just how close they were and how well they knew each other.


However, there was one thing Jungkook didn't know about Jimin. And that thing, in fact, was that Jimin loved Jungkook. He was in love with him without Jungkook knowing anything.


But even though Jimin had these kind of feelings towards his best friend, it mostly didn't bother him. Saying that it didn't bother him at all would have been a lie, though. Of course he often thought about whether he should tell Jungkook about his feelings or not and how it would affect their friendship, but mostly Jimin tried not to bother himself too much with those kinds of thoughts. The two best friends were so comfortable each other that they sometimes even resembled a real couple, though – they liked skinship, like friendly hugs, pats on the back and joking -slapping, and felt good when they were close to each other. This was enough for Jimin, enough for him to be happy and feel cared for, feel like he was loved back.


The two also had keys to each other's apartments. They lived in the college campus, in quite a huge building with lots of apartments, and their own ones were just next to each other. They walked pretty freely in and out of each other's apartments, and seemed more like roommates than just neighbours. It wasn't unusual at all for one of them to sneak into the other's apartment even at night to sleep on the couch near the other one's bed just because they were feeling lonely in their own apartment, and honestly, Jungkook did this a lot. Jimin wasn't anyhow bothered by it, though, actually it was quite the opposite. And as seen already, Jimin often used Jungkook's fridge as his own – he started cooking something in his own kitchen, walked into Jungkook's apartment and his kitchen to get some ingredients and returned then to his own kitchen to continue. But unlike many others who would have probably felt annoyed because of it, Jungkook often didn't mind it at all.




”But,” Jungkook then continued and opened the cupboards, ”I always have some ramyeon cups just for you.” He took out two noodle cups, handing one to his friend, and Jimin now had a satisfied smile on his face.

”You know me too well.”



”Anyway, Jimin, I was actually waiting for you to come by,” Jungkook then started as the two sat at the small dining table, eating their noodles.

”Something bothering you?” asked Jimin, tilting his head slightly. He could read Jungkook like an open book, and could immediately tell from his thoughtful expression that something was bothering the boy.

”Yeah, kinda. It's something related to, uh... relationships.” Jungkook kept his gaze on the table, seeming a little nervous, which got Jimin curious.

”Oh? Tell me,” he then encouraged with a small smile on his lips. Jimin was always interested in relationship problems, whether they were then involving him himself or not. However, Jungkook rarely talked about these kind of things, so for a sheer while, Jimin got his hopes up.

”The thing is that I... Really like someone. Have a huge crush on someone,” Jungkook finally said, a little flusteredly still keeping his gaze down and nervously just stirring his noodles with his chopsticks.

”Oh,” a small smirk rose onto Jimin's lips. This was getting interesting, he thought. ”Who is this mysterious 'someone'?”

Finally, Jungkook raised his gaze to his friend again. ”It's this one guy... Yoongi. You know him, right? Min Yoongi... From second year.”

”Oh, that Yoongi?” Jimin's reaction was surprised but curious as he heard the name. ”That cool kid? You like him?”

Jungkook nodded. ”He's just so cute and everything...” he leaned his head onto his palm, now having a thoughtful and dreamy expression on his face.

”So you're asking me for advice on how to get closer to him?” Jimin already guessed.

Jungkook nodded. ”Yeah, you guessed right.”

”Aww, I'm glad you're finally interested in relationships and dating and that kinda stuff too,” Jimin smirked. ”Like, relationships with real people in the real world, not just in video games.”

Jungkook let out a slightly embarrassed chuckle.

”But of course I'll help you with anything you need,” Jimin then assured, ”Though I never really thought he'd be your type.”



Min Yoongi was that typical ”bad boy” who liked ditching classes and only barely passed his courses. He was a second year student and therefore a year older than Jimin and Jungkook. He was quite handsome, though, Jimin had to admit, but otherwise he didn't really understand what Jungkook saw in him. But of course, being his best friend, it was clear that Jimin would without a doubt help Jungkook in getting closer with Yoongi and eventually, possibly, even together with him. If Jungkook really liked Yoongi that much, Jimin couldn't help but be happy for him. Also, maybe Yoongi was really a totally different guy from what he seemed like. Never judge a book by its cover, right?









A/N: The prologue is a bit shorter, but otherwise I plan on keeping the chapters something around 2000-3000 words so don't worry haha ^^ Anyway, I hope you liked this little prologue. Please do leave comments too, I'd really want to know if you guys are interested in this and if you want me to upload the first chapter soon~ Subscribing and upvoting always helps me out a lot, too!





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Chapter 8: I love how kookie played yoongi at the end :p
dabbingarmy #3
I'd die for a sequel for this.
exo_saranghae456 #4
Chapter 8: Hahah Jungkook is so cute trying to act all tough in front of Yoongi. I really liked this story, it'll be amazing if u write a sequel and bring other characters in. I enjoyed it so much that I don't want it to end T.T
exo_saranghae456 #5
Chapter 7: Yassss!!!! OMG!!! Jikook officially sailed!!!! Jimin is such a caring guy^^ And Jungkook is so cute >.<
Chapter 7: Yassss!!! Jikook get it!
Miniminttu #7
Chapter 6: I can't wait for the next chapter, I really wanna know how this all turns out~ and I feel so bad for jungkookie ;__; I still kinda hope jikook will get together in the end, jimin would take so much better care of jungkook I feel like >.<
I really like this fic, you write really well ^u^
Chapter 6: I just noticed the title, "crush does not equal love", and Yoongi is Jungkook's crush, but according to the title, what he feels for Yoongi is nothing less and more than a crush, meaning that he does not love him. Right? o-o is JiKook gonna sail? <3333

OKAY, back to this chapter. Poor Kookie. ;-; It more seemed like a . ;----; if Jimin hears about it, then he will surely beat the out of Yoongi lmao.

I am wondering what will happen, if Jimin takes move or not, if Yoongi makes something worse or better, or if Jimin finds out about their and stuff. Like it is pretty obvious, that Kookie won't be able to move. coughsss

Authoooor, you write amazingly, I loved it a lot and I hope for more bottom!jungkook centered stories, because you are amazing in writing those. <3

much love from me~
dabbingarmy #9
Chapter 6: OH MY GOD, YOONGI. I still like him, despite all these. Anyways. ;-;

And, that my friends, is the another reason why Jungkook would be better off with Jimin. (even though I love SugaKookie just as much...okay a little less)
It will be the last one though?T-T This fanfiction is written amazingly and ughhh, knowing that your favorite fiction is gonna end soon.:(

Update as soon as you can, thank you. <3
Chapter 6: Can't wait for the next chapter!