Sanghyuk, Son of Athena

Camp VIXXBlood

"Why am I even doing this?" Hakyeon asks, slipping on a red helmet. Taekwoon and Wonshik stand beside him, fixing their own red armor on their bodies.
"Because Jaehwan is the only one who can get out of this," Wonshik answers, grabbing his sword.
"Great," Hakyeon mutters, slowly unsheathing his.
"You'll be fine," Taekwoon speaks, resting a hand on his shoulder.
"How did you get so tall?" Hakyeon mutters, as they move into the woods.
"Godly magic," Taekwoon combats, as they take their position.
"Who made the teams?" Wonshik asks, swinging his sword around.
"My cabin and Athena's," Taekwoon answers, fixing his sheathe. "Hongbin's in blue."
"Let's do this then," Hakyeon whispers, rubbing the metal. The horn blares off in the distance. Countless change forward, deeper into the woods. Hakyeon stands near their flag, curling his hands around his sword. Silence consumes the fields.
Taekwoon stands in front of the pair, watching the woods. He squints, and runs off. Helmets of blue appear, dodging Taekwoon's attacks. Hakyeon gulps, and rights his grip. Wonshik steps to a center position, as more reds run to join Taekwoon. Hakyeon looks back, watching the red flag.
A single blue helmet wearer walks out from the trees. Hakyeon's eyes widen, and he charges at him. He smirks, and holds up his own shield, blocking the sword. Hakyeon looks over him. He doesn't make it far before beautiful grey eyes greet him. They crinkle, as the child lunges. Hakyeon shifts back, brings the sword up to defend himself. He attempts to parry the blows. The child swings slow, bringing Hakyeon to his knees. He smiles, and walks around Hakyeon. He grabs the flag, before running off with it.

Hakyeon sighs, and sets his helmet among the others. He puts his sword back, before peeling off his armor. He rubs his wrist, turning to go to the camp's hearth. The boy stands before him, smiling up to his eyes.
"Hey, you did good out there," he speaks, looking up at Hakyeon.
"Thanks. Who's your parent? Your eyes remind me of both Aphrodite and Athena," Hakyeon asks, watching them blink.
"Athena. They're grey. My name is Sanghyuk. It was nice to fight briefly with you," he speaks, moving to remove his own armor. He nods at Hakyeon, smiling happily. Hakyeon nods back, smiling just as bright.






A/N: Here is Sanghyuk's. Quick ages for you guys. N/Leo: 18, Ken: 16, Ravi/Hongbin: 15, Hyuk: 13. I hope this helps you all some. The next will have real plot, when ever that will be. (-<) <3 ^_^

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AjSummer #1
Chapter 6: This is so cute haha. Would have imagined Leo as a hades kid though. He's quiet but a kid at heart like Nico.
Chapter 6: Omg this like percy jackson