Jaehwan, Son of Dionysus

Camp VIXXBlood

Hakyeon pokes at the fire before him. Taekwoon sits behind him, hands twitching around his sword. He groans and stands. He starts moving through several motions, holding the blade close. Hakyeon watches him, moving another log on the flame.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Taekwoon asks, looking at him. Hakyeon nods, smiling at him.
"It's something my mother taught me," he whispers, adjusting the new log.
"What about your father? You never have talked about him," Taekwoon questions, shifting the sword around.
"I don't have a father," Hakyeon speaks, fixing the pile. A figure looms over him. Hakyeon turns, and stands to face the man before him. "Hello, Dionysus."
"Hyekyun. I'm tasking you with watching my newest son here at camp," he speaks, glaring at Hakyeon.
"Of course, sir," he agrees, nodding at him. A small child walks out from behind him. A stuffed toy is held in his hands.
"Hi! I'm Jaehwan!" He squeaks out, pushing up the thick glasses on his face. Hakyeon walks over to him, and grabs his hand. He leads him to the fire, smiling back.
"I'm Hakyeon. I hope you don't mind, but I need to watch the fire here," he speaks, sitting down. Jaehwan moves down beside him, watching the flames.
"Why do you have to watch it?" He asks, as his glasses slide back down. He pushes them back up, as Hakyeon shifts the wood. Taekwoon steps over, and lays beside the flames. He watches him work, not missing Jaehwan's look of awe.








A/N: (SORRY I FORGOT TO UPDATE YESTERDAY!) Like I said. Short. I am taking ideas for this AU. I don't know where I will be taking this yet. (-<) <3 ^_^

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AjSummer #1
Chapter 6: This is so cute haha. Would have imagined Leo as a hades kid though. He's quiet but a kid at heart like Nico.
Chapter 6: Omg this like percy jackson