Sins and Virtues

7 Deadly Sins

story by: serenading-waves
banner by: serenading-waves
based on: the 7 heavenly virtues and deadly sins

genre: action||fantasy||adventure||humor||friendship||romance||war


All of them sat there with their mouths hanging open. No one uttered a single word ever since Jaejoong started explaining to them about the war, how they're the only ones that can stop it and why they didn't feel like themselves when they had met each other. Everyone was too shocked to even make an initial reaction. There was nothing but the stillness of air filled with silence among the fourteen teenagers.

"Are you guys okay?" Yoona broke the silence.

Min snapped out of her trance instantly. "You're kidding right?" She asked Yoona with a I-don't-believe-any-of-this tone.

"We're not." Jaejoong answered. "Your true purpose here was because of your training and your training only." He added earning a few grins from the girls.

"You mean to say we don't have to do charity work anymore?" Nicole quirped.

"Well no..." Yoona had replied.

The smile on the girl's face dissapeared instantly.

"I thought our true purpose here was to train our powers?" Minzy asked.

"Yes, but that charity thing was also no joke." Jaejoong laughed, but his laughter died down to a soft chuckle when he saw that the girls were glaring daggers towards him. He shut his mouth and looked at the wooden floor beneath his feet. It wasn't until when Onew raised his hand that he decided to look up again.

"May I know what these so-called powers are?" He questioned and took a look at each and everyone of them already thinking of what powers they did posses.

"Of course." Jaejoong replied forgetting about the killing intent that wafted from the aura of the girls. He tend to transfer his attention to the peaceful aura that the biys emit.

"Your powers depend on the sin or virtue that you carry inside of you." He started then turned to Yoona, who seemed busy polishing her nails instead of listening to the conversation. "Let's start with the virtues shall we?"

Yoona looked up from her nails and nodded her head yes.

Jaejoong proceeded to explain and point out names. "Onew, you carry inside you the counterpart of lust."

All of them snickered. "You mean he's still a ?" Luna teased mockingly and the boys, except Onew, nodded their head. The room roared with laughter.

Jaejoong held a hand up signifying to keep quiet. When the laughter died down, he continued talking. "His power is premonition. Meaning, he can see the things that are to happen in the future. Early stages of this power are vivid dreams of what is to happen. You are to train on how to use this power when you are not asleep."

Onew nodded his head. "No wonder this all seemed familiar. And I thought it was just deja vu!" He laughed.

Jaejoong then turned to Taemin. "You are temperance. The counter-part of gluttony. You're power is lie detection. I do't have to explain what it is now right?"

Taemin shook his head no, but inside he thought of how lame his power was.

After that Jaejoong proceeded to explain to them the virtues they all possessed and the things they can do. Junhyung has charity and whatever he visualizes happens, but only for a time-limit; Donghae was diligence and his power was to control time; Chansung's virtue was patience and he can control the emotions of other people; Eunhyuk was kindness and for some reason he can satisfy other people's desires; and last was Hongki, the virtue of humility and he can nulify any kind of power thrown his way.

After the boys were done, it was time for the girls to find out about their sin. Yoona was the one to tell them this time. She explained what the sins of the girls were and what power they possesed. All of them nodded after she'd finish explaining and not one of them made a peep when she did. Maybe because they already saw it coming.

"Wait, why are the girl's powers better than ours?" Donghae asked and pointed to the girls.

"Simple, because we're better." Min answered her voice filled with arrogance.

"No." Jaejoong intervened and earned himself another death glare from the mother of all sins. "It's because that they're power was created to destruct and enhance the sin inside them. Yours were created to reveal the truth and bring peace." He explained carefully.

Hyuna snickered. "What a bunch of sissy's"

"And." Yoona added shutting up Hyuna. "They're powers were made to either resist, control or nullify the powers of the sins."

The girls and boys turned to her. "What!?" The girls screamed in unison.

"Yes. You see, the sins are powerful, yes, but the virtues are there to stop them from using their powers for evil." Jaejoong explained.

"Aren't the sins already evil?" Hongki pointed out.

"Oh I'll show you just how evil I am." Min stood from her seat and was about to pounce on Hongki, when Nicole forced her to sit back again.

"Yes..." Yoona turned to the girls and narrowed her eyes. "They're evil, but with the influence from the virtues and the fact that they're human, they're not all that bad."

Luna hissed through her teeth. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're bad girls, good girls." Taemin joked.

Luna laughed sarcastically. "Shut up and don't say a word." She said in a voice that sounded doubled. Taemin shut his mouth and stared in the distance for no apparent reason. Luna snickered and put her hand on her chin. "I could get used to this pursuasion power you speak of Yoona."

"Mind me asking Yoona, but how did you people know that our powers were already awake?" Hara asked her.

"Ah that... well..." She turned to Luna and started to give out details one-by-one. "Luna, remember when you wanted that teacher to change your grade?"

Luna cocked an eyebrow. "Yeah... I can't seduct her into changing the grade so I decided to just convince her to change my grade. Didn't even break a sweat." She told them with an air of pride surrounding her.

"And you're actually proud you did that?" Onew mocked.

Luna scowled at him. "Yeah... what did you do to get good grades?"

"Oh I don't know... a little thing called STUDYING!" He said matter-of-factly.

Luna stood from her seat. "Do you want a piece of me saint Onew?" She snapped.

"Hey!" Yoona called out with both hands in front of each teen. "Let me finish the explaining first!"

Luna sat back again and Onew rolled his eyes.

"Now as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted..." She flickered her eyes back and forth towards Luna and Onew before sighing. "Luna's power awakened at that time, just as how Minzy accidentally dropped her tray at the school cafeteria for no apparent reason."

"Yeah, I wasn't able to touch solid things after that. I thought I was already dead and was a ghost until it stopped." Minzy had said.

"Hara... well we all know that her powers of imitation were always with us (see previous chapters). Nicole's powers showed she fell asleep in my class and she woke up for the next period becaue no one could literally touch her beause of the forcefield she accidentally placed around her." Yoona faced Nicole and gave her a stern look. She was still sour for her sleeping during her lecture.

"Man, I wish that could happen to me." Junhyung muttered.

"Hyuna, broke the bleachers at the school field because of her fit two months ago, dismissed it as an accident and thought that he bleachers was old and Hyoyeon attracted half of the student body in one day, but on the next they some of them didn't even know her."

"Don't remind me." Hyoyeon remarked.

Min cleared making Yoona turn to her. "What about mine?" She asked her with a cocked eyebrow.

"You're powers were always there Min, but you an't use it cause you don't know how to steal the other sins powers. Yours need training." Yoona explained to her.

"Why can Min get all of our powers anyway?" Hara asked Yoona.

"She's the source of every sin. Just as Hongki is the source of every virtue. She can steal your powers, yes, but not for very long. It weakens her whole frame and the longer she keeps your powers thebigger the possibility that she'll die." Jaejoong had said.

"Wiat what!?" Min screamed. "You mean I can die!?"

"All of you can die. Might I remind you, that you're still half-human." He pointed out. "Of course if you die, the sin and virtue inside you will return to the heavens or the underworld. If that happens, we have to release you again and wait for you to grow up and awaken, which is probably impossible because the earth will cease to exist by that time already."

Everyone grew silent.

"What about us? ow did you guys know our powers were awake?" Donghae asked, breaking the ice.

"Ah that... the times when the powers of the sins awakeed, was also the time your own powers did." Jaejoong told him.

"Wait, so they're the main here?" Chansung asked pointing to the group of girls.

"Well yes..." Jaejoong answered.

"But why!? We're the virtues here and we're the guys. Far as I know, good always triumphs over evil." Eunhyuk phrased.

"There's a reason for that." Yoona told him matter-of-factly.

He turned her head to Yoona's direction. "And what is that?"

Yoona stared into his eyes intently, her face stone hard and her jaw set. "The underworld is winning."


Author's Note:

Finally Chapter 3 is up. You people are lucky that I'm sick today. I didn't go to school so I updated. Anyways, this story will have a lot of time skips and cuts. It will be short, maybe up to 10 chapters? I don't know, but it will be short. Mostly because I'm working on a third story. Just so you know, I don't proofread anymore because I'm usually in a hurry when I type the stories here, so please bear with me.

Comments and feedbacks are well appreciated people!!

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Chapter 1: O: This story is so good, but hasn't been updated in a while :\
Nomnom08 #2
Chapter 6: Update soon author-nim!
Chapter 10: Hey readers..if you go on the author's profile..she hasn't logged in since last year.
angeliceprincess #4
Chapter 10: Omg!! You are such a cliffhanger!! D: HAHA!! Kidding!! Plz update soon, cause I really really love this fic
Nomnom08 #5
Chapter 10: Update! Its such an interesting story I just need to know what happens next >.<
Chapter 10: Update! Its so cool with the powers and under world stuff! :DD
I see HyoHyuk again <3<3<3
And I love how I almost see all of my bias here...Hyoyeon, Luna, Minzy, Hyuna, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Taemin, and Jaejoong.
Your stories are really interesting.
I wonder if a lot of people had seen your stories cause if they didn't then they should check it out cause your story is effing damn amazing and should be featured :)))
Hope you update soon ^^
rbtigersm #8
This story is awesome though!! Update soon! :)
rbtigersm #9
Omg, if you don't pair up hyuna with someone, I will like strangle you through the screen :P
jihye514 #10
update soon ~
i love this story :)