Iya, go first, uhgiya diyuracha

Protect him, so he won't forget me
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16 years old

"YAH!!! Lee Sungyeol! Wait up for me!" Myungsoo ran out the school ground to chase Sungyeol, his bodyguards trailing behind him. Sungyeol did not stop even when Myungsoo called his name earlier.

"Lee Sungyeol! Didn't you hear me calling?" Myungsoo grabbed Sungyeol's hand but he threw Myungsoo's hand off.

"Yah, Lee Sungyeol. What's wrong with you?"

"Young master, you should be friend with someone your own level." Sungyeol refused to look at him so Myungsoo moved in front of him.

"Is this about the placement exam?" Sungyeol nodded.

"My result is not enough to get into the science classes. I barely passed for the art classes."

"Wow, is there even a brain inside your big head?" Myungsoo pretended to knock on Sungyeol's head, earning a glare from his bestfriend.

"You placed number one again, right?"

"Sunggyu hyung will kill me if I get anything else."

"You two are really brothers, you even get the same results." Sungyeol scoffed at Myungsoo's smile.

"You do realise that your father tutors both me and my brother, right? Wait a minute, are you adopted?" Myungsoo geniunely asked. Annoyed, Sungyeol playfully hit Myungsoo's shoulder. His bodyguards stepped up but Myungsoo held him back before he could do anything.

"Geez~ I won't leave you, Lee Sungyeol. We might be in the same class." Myungsoo turned around and walked away.

"YAH! Kim Myungsoo,what do you mean?"



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This is a myungyeol fanfic


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Chapter 27: I just finished reading this and god I think I'll keep the intrigue for sunggyu and myungyeol's relationship, the story is so good that I hope to reread it here :'3
neko_chan #2
Chapter 27: I hope Sunggyu will be alright and that Myungsoo can revive his friendship, and hopefully start a relationship, with Sungyeol. You're not a strawberry, Myungsoo :(
neko_chan #3
Chapter 8: When I was reading this I thought it seemed familiar. I recall now that I read this fic before but didn't finish reading it, that unfortunately it got lost somewhere amongst my bookmarked fics. I'm glad that I've found it again and I'm enjoying the second read as much as the first ^^
Yasinta91 #4
Chapter 27: No, no, no, no.... Please dont stop breathing gyu ㅠㅠ
StrawberryHunny #5
Chapter 27: No no no no no sunggyu can’t do that to woohyun!
Chapter 27: Omg gyu .... yeoljong are doing something to make L mad
crepusculo #7
Chapter 26: Thank you so much for update I was waiting for the story and thank you forgive Sunggyu a chance Im happy now thestory is very good please continue it
Chapter 26: Omg ... an update after so long .... it's soon coming to an end
Chapter 25: Omg this is so good. And lemme give you loads of kisses for not killing Sunggyu. I would've cried my eyes out if he had died :p
Is it safe to say that I hope you won't discontinue this story cuz I really love it and wanna know the end of it. Positively waiting till you make a comeback :)
nataliawong #10
Authornim, your story is amazing, please update soon.