Chapter 5

The Twin Silver Heart Locket ( A Cinderella Story)

Lisa's POV 

As soon as the familiar car parked in front of us TOP went out from his car as he started to approach me. I could see that everyone was shocked at the same time curious as to why TOP knows me.

"I was waiting for you to finished your work" he said while smiling.

"Wha-" I was cut off by Kai who looked so upset.

" What are you doing here?" He asked loudly clearly there's anger evident.

"I'm taking Lisa home with me" he answered calmly as if he was unaffected by Kai's anger.

"Do you know him Lisa?" Baekhyun asked as he looked between TOP and me.

" Yeah we kinda met in an awkward situation this morning" I told him truthfully. I want to know why TOP was waiting for me it makes me think of him more suspiciously.

Baekhyun just nodded and looked at TOP and smiled.

"Please take Lisa home safely" he said 

"I will " was TOP all could say. Baekhyun drag Kai away from us but not before Kai said something.

"I was looking forward for our Best Group Award" Kai said as he looked at  TOP.

"Me too, lets do our best" TOp smirked as if he was challenging Kai.

" Yeah I was hoping to see your group get kicked for once in a while" 

" I hope too, if that's gonna happen" TOP smirked even more and I could see Kai getting angry for a second. Gladly baekhyun cut off Kai before he could talk back.

"It's getting late I'm sure Lisa is very tired now, you could take her home now." Baekhyun said his goodbye and drag Kai away from us towards his group.

TOP me to his car as he opened the passenger seat for me just like this morning I thanked him before I went inside and he followed soon. As we drove back to where I lived he stopped  and parked his car and get out. I ask him where are we going but he told me that he was gonna grab something to buy us food. We saw a restaurant and headed there. He was still wearing glasses which hides his identity and ask the waitress for a table for the two of us.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him as we took our seats. The waitress gave us both menus.TOP looked at me for a minute then back the menu. 

"Well I told you that we could see each other again right?" He gave me again one of those charming smile. 

"I mean not this kind of soon it was too early" I told him, the truth is it kinda gives me a creep when he was waiting for me to finished my work even though we met once. But I didn't show it maybe it will offend him.

"Well I kinda feel sorry for you because up to now you don't remember how to get home" he smiled as if he won the lottery.

"How did yo-" 

"Well what's the reason for a person who doesn't know me and always looking at the phone for her to know which way is her workplace" he said as he patiently waiting for my answer.

I was shocked that he knows it, but at the same time I feel embarrassed now that I was having a suspicion to him even though he was kind enough to take me home.

"Yeah your psychic power is awesome but your right, I don't know my way home" I said putting my hands on the air as if I'm surrender.

"Psychic power?" TOP asked curiously but later he suddenly grinned.

"Well you know... You guess me ... Like that" I looked down feeling embarrassed again. 

TOP laugh loudly enough that the people around us started to look like we're crazy. I put my hand on TOP's mouth to shut him up but he suddenly it and I immediately removed my hand. 

"What was that all about?!" I asked him as I wipe my hands with his saliva on it. If it were some fans I think they're not going to wipe it , I mean yuck you don't know how many bacteria in saliva that would catch you a disease, maybe I'm overreacting right now but still I don't like someone you own hands I find it disgusting, lol.

"Well that's for shutting me up way to ruin the mood Lisa" he chuckled.

I just gave him a playful glare and ordered our foods. For the entire night we ended up talking and laughing and we're having a good time. Until it was late TOP payed for our meals, I told him that I could pay for my own meal but he insist. We went out from the restaurant and he drove me back to my home. As we arrived in my apartment he get out and opened the door for me. We stayed silent for a while until he was the first one who broke the silence. 

"I'm having a good time with you" he smiled

" Me too, thank you for the ride by the way and the food was good too." I said 

"Maybe we could do it again" he suggested.

" Yeah sure" 

" So I will see you soon" he walks back to his car.

" Yeah see you soon" I waved at him and he waved back at me.

I went inside of my apartment and I saw TOP was gone. I put down my bag and I notice there was a card in it. As I looked at it closely I smiled. TOP put his number on the card and there he wrote "save it we could be text buddies ;)". I laugh at his attempt and saved his number on my phone. I text him to know that it's me. But he replied fast telling me to go to sleep. I send him a reply while changing my clothes into comfortable one. After I changed he send me "goodnight don't let the big bugs bite " and I chuckled as I send him a reply saying goodnight. And the I fell asleep peacefully ever since my parents died.

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Reader123456 #1
seem interesting