Chapter 2

The Twin Silver Heart Locket ( A Cinderella Story)

Lisa's Outfit 


(I do not own this photo ) 


Lisa's POV

I was walking while holding my phone. I turn on my gps and search my workplace destination. Even though I already went there once still I don't remember that place. Suddenly I bumped into a stranger hard enough that his sunglasses fell off.

 "Sorry I didn't know tha-" When I help him up first thing I saw was his eyes , and I look closer to his face I didn't know that this guy hiding his entire face was so handsome. I was snapped out in my thoughts when that guy grab my hand and started to run as fast as he could. I don't know what's going on but suddenly I heard a bunch of crazy girls screaming and started to chase us. Soon it registered in my mind that this guy could be famous. Oh snap.

We found a secret alleyway with big garbage cans and hide from there. We waited for a minute until the his fans passed from our hiding place. We waited for several minutes to make sure that the area is free from his crazy fans. I look at our hands and he was still holding me. Feeling uncomfortable I gathered my courage to say something but instead... 

"Ehemm..." I tap his shoulder and he's looking at me curiously. 

I use my finger to point our hands and finally he noticed that he is still holding my hand and he immediately let go of me and said "sorry" after I retracted my hands away from him.

I was gonna say something but was cut off when he is grab my hand again leading me out of this smelly place.

"We're going to talk in a nice place or would you rather stay in that place? I cannot tolerate smelly places" He was right I too cannot tolerate that kind of place when meeting a handsome stranger like him. Lucky me.

We stop in front of his blue Ferrari car. He open the passenger door for me and I thanked him before I went inside and he follows after.

" Ummm.... Are you famous by any chance, i noticed that when we were chased by some crazy girls ?" I asked him while holding my bag in my lap.

" Yes i a-... Wait you don't know me?" He looked at me shockingly then turned his head back to the road.

" I'm sorry, I am not a kpop fan and it' s been a year since I transferred here." I told him still remembered the past but I manage to shook it off not wanting to cry in front of this handsome stranger. Soon I remembered that I have work today and I have 8 minutes before the work starts.

"Oh shoot I forgot my work!!!" I started to face palm myself and worried about the work.

" Oh sorry I took most of your time" he took a glance on me and apologized.

"No it's okay, it's my fault too you know I bumped you while looking at my phone" 

" Ha, it's okay too and where do you work I'm going to take you there " he offered.

" Oh no it's o-" I was cut off by him.

"Atleast just take my offer for once,please?" He looked at me and smiled. OH MY GEE SO HANDSOME! 

I couldn't say no because of his smile damn this beauty.

We arrived within three minutes in my work place so I still have 5 minutes to meet Ms. AhRi. I turned around and was gonna say thanks to him when I was cut off again.

" Please don't tell anyone about this okay because if the press finds out you are going to be in troubled and I don't want you to be in this kind of mess" he said as he hold my arm.

" Okay , I understand your situation." I reassuringly smiled at him.

"Thank you " he smiled back at me.

I was gonna start to walk when he called me again.

"Hey!, what's your name?!" He didn't went out from his car.

"Lisa Brooke, you?" I asked him back.

"My name is TOP, thats what i want you to call me now" he answered back.

"Oh a nickname, well TOP it was nice to see you but I'm gonna have to go now, see you soon?" Well I accidentally make the last part more questionable.

"Of course I'm going to see you again maybe we can have some coffee or anything" 

"Yeah sure" I replied 

" See you soon?" 

"See you soon" I smiled but before he leave he gave me one of those charming smile and then leave.

After he leave I look at my watch and I still have 2 minutes before meeting Ms. AhRi . I groaned and started to walk fast well more like running to the building. But still I never thought I could meet a friend who is famous and handsome.


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Reader123456 #1
seem interesting