
Heart Beat

Taeyeon's POV


Me,Sooyoung and Hyoyeon are in Yuri's office.We still talking about 'that' topic.




"What do you think about Tiffany?" Sooyoung's question snaps me to the reality.I don't really know the answer.

I just think that she is beautiful.

She has a lovely eye smiles that could make everyone's heart melt down and when I said everyone,of course me included.



But I seriously confuse with my feeling for her.

They were right.I never act like this with woman.

She is the first.


She succeed in make my heart beats unnormally.


"Tae?" Hyoyeon calls for my name.


"She is lovely.I love her eye smiles.I could see that she is a really nice and sweet girl." I unconciously said that and it makes three of them laugh.


"Seriously Kim Taeyeon? OMG! My best friend is in love!" Yuri said in joy.


"But...I just confuse with my feeling.Don't take it seriously,guys..." I look down.


"Well,you can deny all you want but just wait until you are confirm liking her." Hyoyeon pats my shoulder.


"We believe in you." Sooyoung and Yuri did the same.


'Tiffany Hwang,who are you?'


* * *


Tiffany's POV


I'm cleaning my table as I need to prepare for a surgeon.Me and Dr.Park will be in charge in a heart surgeon.So,after finish cleaning up,I head up to the surgery room,proceed with the surgeon.


"Are you ready,Dr.Hwang?" Dr.Park look at me.


I wear my glove and mask.


"I'm always ready."


5 freaking hours later...


"Congratulation,everyone.We did it!" Dr.Park said while lower her surgeon mask.Everyone is smiling as they are satisfied with their job.Yes,the surgery was a succeed.Me and Dr.Park walking out from the surgeon room to meet with the patient's family.


"How was it,doc?" A woman around 50 quickly reach us and ask for her husband condition.Dr. Park smiles while kindly saying it was a succeed.


"God thanks! Thank you,doctor!" The woman is grateful and hug both of us.


Helping people to regain smiles is the kind thing.

And that's why I love this job.


Two days later...


It had been two days that I don't meet Taeyeon.Hey,don't get me wrong,I just feel kind of weird when it's almost everyday I see him in SMC.






I jolt up and 'kindly' hit the person behind me without knowing who it was.


"OUCH!!!" The person groans.


"Uh-oh! Taeyeon!" I'm kind of shock when know that he is the one that startled me.It such a pity to look he groans in pain right now.

Who asked him to do that,right?



"Taeyeon,are you alright? I'm sorry...I don't know it's you..." I concernly look at the latter and....what?!

Did I heard him chuckles?


"What so funny?" I ask annoyingly.Pissed off.






He burst into laughter.Am I that funny? I intentionally checking myself.


"Tae~~~~~" I whining while shaking his arm and I'm doing this?! !!!


And you know what? He stops laughing and look at me.


Our eyes met!


Until I knock my sense.


"Oh,I-I'm sorry." I release her arm and look down.


"It's okay.Err,by the way,have you eaten?" He asks while smiling and I need to say that it's cuuuuuuute~


Tiffany! Get your mind of from this thought!!




"Would you have a lunch with me? I'm quite hungry and I don't have friend to go with.If you don't have work,I--"


"I would like so.Let's go!" I pull his hand unconciously to the cafeteria.


* * *


Taeyeon's POV


Dugeun Dugeun Dugeun


My heart!

Can you beats normally!

I'm freaking dead when her hand touch mine!


I keep looking at our connecting hand while on the way to the cafeteria.

Actually,I'm not that hungry but I just want to be with her.


I think I'm slowly falling for her.



"Tae? What would you want to eat?"


Did she called me 'Tae'?

It's not that I'm not like the nickname.My friends call me that but just feel another feeling.Like an electric shock shot in my brain and heart.

So good.


"Tae?" She calls.




"You are daydreaming.I asked what do you want to eat.Hihi~" She chuckles in the end of her words.Could not make me to stop smiling like crazy.


"Anything you want.I'm okay with that." I said,not running my eyes from her.

Later,we buy the food before bring it to an empty table near the window.She is sitting in front of me.We talk about random thing and how she ended up working here.

Little did I know that she is a caring girl cause she like to help people.She don't like to see people suffer.


That's enough to make me falling hard for her.


"So,let's talk about you.From the start it just me who talking.I want to know you more."


'I want to know you more.'


Those words...


"Let's start about your family.How many siblings do you have?" She shoves the food in .


"Err,no.I'm the only child." She seems startles.




"It's okay."


"Your parents?"


Omo! Should I tell her about my father is the owner of SMC?

Yes or no?


I'm confuse!!!


Maybe I should hide it from her.


"T-they are at h-hometown.J-Jeonju it is..." Stupid Kim Taeyeon is stutter!!!


I hope she don't know I'm lying to her.Sorry,Fany-ah...


"Ooh..." She said while shoves another spoon.


"Where do you study?"


Should I say the truth?


"I-I graduated in US.E-Engineering!" I lower my head to avoid eye contact.




"Excuse me,Dr.Hwang! I had a bad news!!" Suddenly a nurse interrupt us in the middle of lunch.


"What is it?" Tiffany asks,I could sense panic on her face.


"The patient...The patient in room 218...He..he..."


"He what?!" Tiffany stand up and looking to the nurse worriedly.


"He is having a sudden complication! I would suggest you to go there now!" The nurse said in panic.Tiffany turns to me.


"I'm sorry,Tae but I've an emergency case.I should go now! See you later!" She rush to the place.


"Fany,wait!" I drink my water really fast and follow the latter from the back.Luckily I can reach her pace.


"What happen actually?" I asks while running side by side with her.


"Oh? Taeyeon! Why you follow me?!" She asks me,still not slowing down her pace.


"Just answer me!" I insist.


"The patient that I'd operate,he is having complication! He have a heart disease!" She panicly tell me.


Heart disease?

I'm a cardiologist!


Later,we arrive in front of the room number 218.Tiffany hurrily enter the room.I follow her.

All I can see are some nurse already gather in the room and major of them are senior staff that know me.They bow to me but I ask them no need as Tiffany is here.There are the patient's family too.

I look to the patient.He looks like don't get enough oxygen.

I know this symptom.


He is having sudden cardiac arrest!

*Sudden cardiac arrest is the sudden, unexpected loss of heart function, breathing and consciousness, often caused by an arrhythmia. Sudden cardiac arrest is a medical emergency. If not treated immediately, it is fatal, resulting in sudden cardiac death.


He need a quick treatment or it would bring to death!


"Where is Dr.Park?!" Tiffany is panic.I know.She is not a cardiologist cause she is an anesthesiologist.


"I'm sorry Dr.Hwang but he is outside Seoul because of some private matters." Said the previous nurse.

I look to Tiffany.She is seriously panic.I couldn't bear to see her face like that.A sweat flow on her forehead.


"Other doctors?! Ugh,just call anyone that can settle this!" She said.


"No,other cardiologist are having outstation practical outside the country.We don't have enough doctor here!"


I heard Tiffany groans.




"Please,doc....Help my husband!" An old woman plead her.


"Please save my father...." A teenage girl cry.


A pity sudden come to my sense.


The ECG machine beeping slowly as it signing that the patient's heart is beating slowly,almost dead.

"Doc,the ECG..." Said one of the nurse.


A thought knock my sense.


You're a cardiologist and you're not doing anything?!


Do something! It's your patient!


I get the patient and check on him.Tiffany is sure shock.


"What are you waiting for?! Get him to the surgeon room!! Faster!" I shout.The nurse shock and also Tiffany.Only senior staff understand what to do and quickly settle the task.


"Tae,what are you doing?!" Tiffany grabs my arm and shake it.


"Just watch." I look to her."Prepare me the surgeon suit and anything that related! We will do an operation in no time!" I heard Tiffany gasp.I run out from the room to prepare myself.


"Kim Taeyeon!" She follow me behind and chasing my quick pace.


"Stop what are you doing! This is not funny and something can play with!" I just ignore her.


What I need to do is to save the patient.




I stop.


"I'm just take my responsible.Dr.Hwang,step aside." I want to walk again but I face her again."You are an anesthesiologist,right?" 

She nods.

"You will be join me."

I walk pass her.




"Don't worry.He's my father." 

I reveal the secret.


"Don't play joke with me,Kim Taeyeon!" She shout but I ignore her.Finally we arrive in the surgeon room.


"Mr.Kim,here's your mask and surgeon suit." A senior staff hand me the things and I hurrily wear it."Please give another to Dr.Hwang." I said while finishing wear it.Tiffany is clueless.


She receive the clothes but still dumbfounded.


"What are you waiting for? For he to die? Please be faster!" I quickly head to the sink and wash my hands then wear my gloves.


I turn to face her completely in surgeon suit with a clueless expression.I throw her hand gloves to her and she barely catch it.

"Wash you hand first." I said smiling.She is like a doll following my instruction.


"Are you ready?" She slightly nod,maybe still confuse.


"Let's go."



* * *



*knock knock knock*


"Come in."


"Mr.Kim,Kim Taeyeon-ssi is doing a sudden surgeon right now." Report the man.


"Taeyeon? My son? Surgeon?"


The man nods."A heart disease patient is having a complication and he suddenly instuct the staff to prepare an emergency surgeon."

Mr.Kim think for a while.


"Where is he?"


"Surgeon room no.4." The man look down.


"Bring me to him."



* * *


Tiffany's POV


I look to him.He has a a serious face plastered on him.He looks different from the Taeyeon I know.

I don't know if he is trying to make a joke but this is seriously NOT funny.


                                                 Image result for doctor stranger surgeon

                                                                Just imagine this is Taeyeon :)


"I'm ready." He said.




"The heart rate is?" 





An assistant doctor hand him that.I carefully see him cut the patient skin.


OMO! It's really good! Like a pro!


'Who are you actually,Kim Taeyeon?'


Suddenly,Taeyeon stop his doing.He look at me.I gulp down.

"Just believe me,Fany-ah..."


I don't know but his word slowly shoo away my worries.

By the times,I carefully look at him.He look like an expert on doing the heart surgeon.I look to the observe room up there (just like in 'Doctor Stranger' drama) and saw Head of SMC,Mr.Kim with two other doctors.I bow slightly my head to show my respect.


"Tae,up there--"


"Shhh...I'm focusing."

He said,not losing his focus on the surgeon.I look to Mr.Kim again and saw he smiling at me and nod.


What is happening?

Why Mr.Kim just look relax after he knew about this?


I'm confuse!!!!!



4 hours later...


"Sir,the heart rate..." The assistant doctor remind.


"Oh no.He's having a heart failure.Faster!"


How did he know?

Is he by the way...


"How was it?!" He asks in panic.


"It's dropping!"




I look at him.He is more serious now.



                                                              That is Tiffany looking at Taeyeon ;)


        He working hard on this patient.



"It's increase!"


Unconciously I smile.



1 hour later...


"Done!" Taeyeon said while sigh in relieve.

Wow,I should admit that he is a pro.



I startle.


"Let's go."

We walk together out from the tension room.I saw Taeyeon is take off his glove and wash his hand.He caught me looking at her.


"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks.


"How did you do that?"

He just stay silent and walk out from the room.I quickly follow him.


Oh,he is talking with the patient's family.


"Thank you very much,doc! Thank you!" Then the woman walk away with her daughter.I was about to talk with Taeyeon when someone suddenly interrupt us.


"Taeyeon,see me in my office."


Uh-oh! It's Mr.Kim!

Taeyeon would be dead!


But I'm curious.


How did Mr.Kim know Taeyeon's name?!


"And you too Dr.Hwang."













Anyeong readers!

How was this chapter? Taeyeon is cool isn't it?!



In the next chapter:


Taeyeon and Tiffany are both called to Mr.Kim's office.

What would happen to them?

Will Tiffany know the truth?


"Please give me chance to explain,Fany...I--"


"Stop.I hate liar."























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