Chapter Six

Just One Yesterday



      “The do you think you're doing ? Come back here you little prick !”

When I said hearing Hyesung curse was maybe cute, I didn't mean I wanted to hear him talk like that all the freaking time. I guess he picked this bad habit from me, but combined to a damn temper he'd hidden well until a week or so ago -it doesn't work well together.

The dude who just had the bad idea to come at us and threaten us for being on his territory before punching me for standing up against him (to protect Hyesung, again, of course), is now running away as if death's after him when it's only the boy cursing and yelling at him with some stick waving in the air and ready to fall on whoever would stand on his way.

I won't lie, Hyesung looks frightening like this and if I wasn't that stunned in the middle of the park watching this idiot run around threatening the now scared guy I would've either laughed or stopped him. Instead, I sit there with a busted lip and throbbing chin and watch the boy chase after someone who's maybe dangerous.


Pushing myself up, I quickly run after the two and catch up soon enough with Hyesung to stop him and drag him away. He's still spitting profanities and threats, and I can feel a headache forming.

“Shut up !”

Hyesung goes quiet and eventually snaps out of it to look at me and calm down. To tell the truth, I'm expecting him (and wanting him) to look ashamed or at least sorry, but he's just wearing this dumb expression of concern I hate so much.

“The hell do you think you're doing ?” I say, glaring up at him, and eventually he's the decency to lower his head.

“Sorry.” He says, but the mumble isn't enough for me.

“The Hyesung ? What's gotten into you ? Since when are you chasing after dudes in a ing unknown area ?”

Okay, maybe I shouldn't yell in the middle of a park in broad daylight with people passing by, but I'm sure most of them were already attracted by Hyesung's ruckus, so it's okay.

“What tells you...” I don't have time to finish that I hear voices in the distance, and looking up, I spot a good six guys running towards us with amongst them the one Hyesung was cursing at. “ !”

Not long after, I've the boy's hand in mine and I'm running away like a madman in hope to avoid any more trouble. I've no doubt these guys will beat us up if they catch us -and while I can take a beating thank you very much, I'm not sure Hyesung will. Besides that, I don't want him to get hurt, so I try my best to get away and find a hiding place.

Hyesung's tiring behind me but he's holding longer than lets say a month ago. He's got fitter now he's in the street and running around with me. I must say he's plenty practice before we moved in this area at something like fifteen miles from our old one, and even if none of us were that thrilled to move -with Daniels we didn't have a choice.

We've been around this new place only for a week, and I can't believe Hyesung already got us in such . I sincerely wish he would've just stayed his nice little self and keep this innocent look on his ing face instead of becoming some rabid dog barking after everyone coming at us the wrong way.

I've to say, until now it did keep the annoying s away, but with thugs it doesn't work that well, and I can't help hate Hyesung for that.


      We're both breathless and sweating when we eventually find a hiding place and stop running as if our life was on the line -which was maybe the case.

The building looks quite okay for being so isolate, and looking around, it's not long before I realize it could be a good place to stay for the time we can. Maybe it's already taken, but we won't know by staying at the door and not checking.

Hyesung follows after me warily and keeps looking around as if something was about to jump at us any second. I won't lie, besides being funny, it's reassuring to know I've someone to watch my back. I maybe never needed any damn help, but since I'm with Hyesung I can't deny he's been more than a helpful hand. Perhaps he's the reason for many of my troubles too, but that, I rather not acknowledge it.

“Minwoo...” Hyesung's whisper is still too loud in my liking when we're looking around some unknown place that could be dangerous -so I elbow the boy and shush him quickly.

The building's not that big, and there's only the ground floor accessible. The rest of the place's walled and I can't help wonder why. Will it be demolished soon ? I can't remember seeing any sign saying so, but then, I was too busy running away to care about anything else.

I make a mental note to check later, just to know how long we'll have a place to stay at.

“Minwoo !” The shriek behind me scares me so much that I'm sure a part of my soul just got the away from here.

“What the hell man ?” I say with a hand on my heart and wide eyes on him. “What's wrong ? Why the hell are you screaming like that ?”

“Ra... rats !” He says, and looking down, I see a couple rats running passed us to some hidden place.

Realizing nothing's life threatening is happening, I relax and sigh.

“ man. You scared the hell outta me.”

“Bu... but... Ha ! Keep it away.” He shouts and suddenly jumps on me, like... literally.

What the hell ? Don't tell me he's scared of rats.

“Can... can't breath.” I say, slapping Hyesung's arms around my neck and strangling me.

He's too concerned about the rats to mind me, and I start believing he's gonna kill me just because he's a ing phobia about rats.

“Hyesung !” I shout and he eventually looks at me with these frightened big eyes. He looks cute... ! Why am I always thinking he looks cute ? He's not cute ! He's annoying. Damn annoying and if he doesn't let me go now I'm gonna suffocate to death.

“Get off !” I say, managing to push him away.

Being able to breathe feels good, and if Hyesung's still scared of the little things passing by, he's now worried about me too. That's nice of him, even if he's the reason I almost died, it's nice to show some concern.

“I... I'm sorry. It's just... Yah ! Keep it away from me.” And here he is jumping back on me, but this time I'm ready and just push him behind me for him to cling at me like a monkey.

The ?

“I don't want to stay here.”

The pathetic whine should annoy me, but I'm suddenly too tired for that and just sigh. Why is it always so complicated with this boy ? I feel like everything was never simple since he's been around and... I don't even know what's my point supposed to be. I guess there's none besides Hyesung being a damn pain in the .


      I won't say I'm not disappointed or frustrated to be forced to look for another place to stay, but the look on Hyesung's face was too much for me to endure and I can't regret deciding to leave the building. I'm definitely too weak for this boy and I'm not sure if I like it or not. Maybe I don't... or do I ?

I don't know ! Leave me alone.

“I'm sorry.”

I roll my eyes and swallow a sigh. “It's okay.”

I spot a fast food across the street and feel my stomach growl. We've been eating really little since we're in this area and I can't help regret Karen. Despite everything she could be, I liked her, and I miss her for real. I liked to know I had somewhere to go if I needed to, and I liked to know she would care about me if I really needed it.

Here, I don't know anyone and I'm just starting to learn the place. So far I couldn't find any sleeping place we could go back to often, and I really hate new areas. I was used to the old one. After six months, I'd a routine and I'm really gonna miss what I'd there. Even Dongwan.

Gosh ! I shouldn't think about all this.

“You hungry ?” I ask and Hyesung looks down at me then at the fast-food across the street.

“We don't have money.” He says and I smile.

“We'll get some.”

      Even if this area's mostly unknown to us, it works like anywhere else, and there's always a way to find people willing to pay you for little jobs. That's how we manage to gain enough to eat by helping some guy moving out of his shop. He wasn't that thrilled about letting two unknown boys touch his stuffs, but when I assured him we just wanted a few bucks for a meal, he eventually accepted.

“You live around, boys ?” Asks the man when we're about to leave, and stopping, I look back at him with a frown. “I'm asking because I'll need help to move in my new shop and settle there.”

“You're offering us a job ?” I ask with a frown and small smile, and the man nods.

“Yeah. I can't pay much, but it'll be nice if you could help me.”

I look at Hyesung and discuss silently with him, and when he nods I do the same for the guy.

“Okay. You mind if we get something to eat first ?”

“No, go ahead, I'll wait for you here. Or maybe you want to meet me at the place ?”

“Depends. Is it far ?” I ask and the man shakes his head.

“Just a few streets from here. You know Jackson's billiards. It's just near here.”

“Jackson's billiards ?” I say, thinking about it. “It sounds familiar.”

“I can give you a ride if you want, though.”

“It's fine. We'll be there in twenty.” I flash my killer eye-smile (like Hyesung calls it, I would never name it like that myself) and the man nods before walking to his truck.

“Okay boys. I'll see you there then, thanks again.”

“No prob.”

      We've enough to order a big breakfast each we eat on our way to the man's shop. Thinking about it, I didn't even ask for his name. Do I care though ? I don't think so, and if the man wanted to introduce himself he would've.

Jackson's billiards is at a fifteen minutes walk, and the time for us to arrive our breakfast's done and stomachs full. We easily spot the man's truck and as we walk to it the guy appears from the little shop to smile at us.

“Here you are. You found easily ?”

“Yeah.” I smile and look at the inside of the truck. “So, let's get started.”

The man nods and soon the three of us are working hard to move every boxes and furniture inside the shop before helping the man put everything at it's place. It's actually a grocery store, and it takes some time to put everything on the shelves we've to clean before hand and even move around for some.

I don't mind. It's good to be useful for once, and working pays, so I actually like doing it.

Night's there when we're eventually done and resting on the floor. The man, Razzak, offers us drinks and food we appreciate sincerely. I feel like we've bond in some way with the man over these hours of work, and when he hands us a good fifty dollars, I'm not sure he's not make a mistake.

“You're sure you...”

“Take it.” Razzak smiles and s the money in my hand he covers with his warmly. “You were such a great help. Thank you boys.”

“Huh we... Thanks.” I say, smiling even if I feel a bit awkward. “It's really nice of you.”

“Thank you very much sir.” Hyesung bows and I stare at him with raised brows but doesn't comment on it.

“It's okay boy.” Razzak chuckles and pats Hyesung's back vigorously. “You're welcome. Well,” He claps and smiles. “I guess you've to go now. Don't hesitate to come around, I'll gladly offer you a drink or something.”

I smile a bit sadly as Hyesung lowers his head. We certainly didn't mean to look so defeated, but thinking how tired we are with no place to stay tonight is kinda depressing.

“You've a place to stay boys, right ?”

A moment passes, then I shake my head. “No. But it's okay, we'll find one.” I say and smile, not wanting anyone's pity. “Let's go Hyesung.”

The man watches us walk away, before he says, “Wait, boys !”

We stop and turn around, wondering what he could have for us now. I won't lie, I'm hoping he'll offer us a place to sleep for tonight.

“Maybe I can help you.” He says, and like that we follow him after he's closed his grocery store and takes us for a ride.

It's never safe to accept rides from strangers, but I'm almost certain I can trust Razzak, and I can't deny I like him. He's nice. He reminds me of Dongwan, and if anything has to happen we're two against one -so I guess it's okay.

“I've a friend who rents rooms, I can get you one for tonight as thank you for your help.”

“Wait, you...” I tries but he cuts me off with a smile.

“I want to help you. It's God's words, and I'm always following his words the best I can.”

I'm uncomfortable now but Hyesung's smiling like an idiot beside me.

“I'm Catholic.” He says enthusiastically. “I used to go to church every Sundays. My mother's a fervent disciple. She helps a lot at church.”

Why is he suddenly talking about that ? Is he bonding over religion with Razzak ? What the hell ? Is he trying to impress him ?


I shouldn't be surprised when the two engaged themselves in a lively and deep conversation about God and religion. I don't mind much, I mean, it's fine with me, people can believe in whatever they want but... Why the hell am I sitting between the two ? It's ing annoying and if I could I would just deport myself in the back of the truck.

Hyesung doesn't even care about me, when I sighed a good amount of times to let him know I wasn't enjoying the conversation and would like to be anywhere but sandwiched between them. He's a freaking ungrateful friend, and pouting for myself, I wish this drive won't be long anymore.

      I'm not that annoyed when we arrive at a little white and blue house not far from the beach. It's nice, excepted... it's rather close to our old area. We should have get out of this truck when we could and find a place on our own, but I'm really tired and I don't want to bother myself tonight. It's not like we're risking much anyway. We're just gonna sleep here and then go back to the new area.

Hyesung's particularly happy when we enter the house and get a room. Razzak offers to pay for a room each, but I don't want to abuse of his kindness and assure him we rather take only one room. His friend (John) smiles and nods -he even gives a discount and I can't believe such nice people exist out there.

Where the hell were they my whole life ? Is Hyesung really my guardian angel ? Or maybe my lucky charm.

Tsk ! He would so laugh at me if he was hearing that.

John takes us to a rather spacious room on the second floor. There's two single bed inside and it's nice. It smells good too, and seeing real beds I get this urge to try them. I wait for the man to be gone and the door closed to do so though, and crashing on the soft bed I sigh in pleasure with closed eyes. I could fall asleep right here, right now.

“There's warm water !” I hear and sit up sharply before hurrying to the bathroom.

I find a too happy Hyesung washing his hands and face at the sink before laughing lively when he sees me. I can't help smile too at the sight, and for some reason I feel particularly light tonight.

“Let's take a shower.” I say, already getting ride of my clothes, and suddenly Hyesung's all awkward and shy. “What ?”

“Huh, I... Nothing.” He says, trying a smile, but he can't fool me.

Rolling my eyes, I put my t-shirt back and walk back on my steps. “Fine. Go first.”

“You can...”

“Go ahead. I'll just watch some TV.”

Damn. When was the last time I laid in bed and watched TV ? I can't remember, and I'm not even sure it ever happened before. When I was living with my mother I didn't have anything but a bed and table in my room, and she was always using the TV for herself. Then this bastard came around and took over. I was never one to watch much TV -which is maybe why I quickly get bored and itchy for something to do.

I find a magazine in the bedside table, and even if it's only some bulls about celebrities, I read it and enjoy it while Hyesung's taking a shower.

He's done before I can get bored, and smiling, I don't waste time once he's out of the bathroom and start stripping even before being in the room.

“ it feels good.” I say, .

“Shut the ing door !” I hear, and startled, I look over the door just in time to see Hyesung's angry but embarrassed face disappearing behind the slam of the white wood.

Grinning, I can't help find his reaction amusing. I never knew he was that shy around me when . We did shower many times in the same room (even if it was in different showers). We did see each other's body already, so I don't really get why he's playing the awkward card now.

It's almost cute.

      I spend certainly too much time in the shower, but it feels so good to have warm water you can enjoy as long as you want. The shampoo and soap smell ing good too and I can't get enough of it. This experience makes me wish I had a place to stay and enjoy such normal things every days, but I quickly stop thinking about it because it'll only get me down.

There's toothbrush too -new ones still packed, and opening it, I brush my teeth for long minutes and can't get enough of this amazing sensation in my mouth. I really missed real toothbrushes and toothpaste. It feels almost like another world, and I can't help feel stupid for such thought.

“It was amazing.” I say when I get out with a towel around my waist and another one around my neck to dry my hair.

Laying on the bed in a bathrobe, Hyesung looks up at me from the magazine and blushes violently.

What the hell ? What's his problem ?

Oh, yeah... He's gay, right ? It's been a while since he could meet any real people and being stuck with me isn't the best. So, even if I'm not his type, I'm sure seeing a half dude doesn't help with his lack of any ual action. Me too I would feel around any girl after too much time without . Not that I have anyway but, when I was alone I used to find time to satisfy myself at night before going to sleep. Since I'm with Hyesung, my hand's been of no use and I can feel the frustration building up.

We should maybe talk about it and figure a way to satisfy ourselves despite always being around each other. It's not like we've to be ashamed about ion around each other. We're both guys, and , we both know how it feels to hold it in.

It's maddening.

“I washed my clothes in the shower.” I say as a poor excuse for walking half around him.

“Oh.” He says, looking back at the magazine he stares at fixedly.

“You know.” I say, sitting on my bed for the night. “You can if you want.”

Okay, maybe it wasn't the best way to bring the topic on the table. Did I scare him ? He's staring at me with wide, unbelievable eyes and too reddish face. I guess he's embarrassed. , he might combust spontaneously even. I really at delicacy. I was never delicate anyway, what the is this word anyway ? It sounds so... girly. Damn !

“I mean...” I try to fix my mistake but Hyesung only blushes more. “I didn't mean it like that, I mean... I'm frustrated too, you know.”

Okay, wrong approach, again. Now he's certainly thinking I want to with him or something. ! I'm such an idiot.

“I don't mean it like that, I mean... ! Just go in the bathroom if you need some release.” I say, getting angry on my own, and if Hyesung was staring at me with wide, almost horrified eyes up to this point, now he's grinning like an idiot and I hate him.


“Shut up !” I say, turning on the television even if I don't like it.

“You're cute.” He says, and okay, now it's my turn to freeze and blush.

What the hell ?

“What ?”

Hyesung chuckles then looks at me. “I said you were cute. What, you never heard this before ?”

“Shut up man ! You're creeping me out.”

The boy laughs again and I can't help feel like a damn idiot.

“Do you think I'm cute too ?” He asks and , where is this conversation coming from ?

“The Hyesung ? Stop being so gay.”

He laughs for real and I hate him. “Come on, I know you love my gay side.”

“Your gay side ?” I say, staring at him with raised brows and wide eyes. “What the hell is that ? Aren't you supposed to be fully gay ?”

He laughs and shakes his head.

“You're weird tonight.” I say and he smiles.

“I'm just happy.”

Can you see the MinSyung becoming more real ? I know I had fun with this chap, mostly the last part ;pp

Awkward Minwoo is always fun anyway.

Hope you enjoyed and please, let me know what you think ^^ It's less fun if I'm the only one babbling about the I write xD


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