Chapter One

Just One Yesterday



      People always have this glamorous image of a night on the beach with their other half beside them. They imagine it as a romantic moment they'll certainly enjoy and remember all their life. Well, at least they're right on one point -a night on the beach isn't something you can forget. Between the deafening sound of the ocean and back killing sand harder than the ing pavement with as bonus humidity freezing you to the core, it's damn impossible to forget a night on the beach.

I'll let you imagine then what impression leave dozens of them spent on this itching sand dancing in the wind and making me feel even more dirty than I'm already.

Sleeping on the beach's nothing glamorous about it, and next mornings are similar to hangover ones. It's killing my body and making me so sore that it's a wonder if I've even slept or not.

It's a good place to crash at though when you've nowhere else to go. The beach's a big place you're sure you'll fit no matter what (excepted when these idiots invade the place for spring break or whatnot). I hate when these people are around but I've to live with it. It's not like I can do anything about them anyway.

      I can still hear these damn waves in the distance that used to give me a headache at first, and turning on my other side I'm trying to grab some more minutes of tiring sleep. It's still early. I know it's early or someone would've kicked me away already. Good citizens doesn't like to see some homeless boy passed out on a cardboard for their walk on the beach with their perfect kids and damn dogs peeing on me as if I was a ing pole.

Don't laugh ! It happened before, once. The dog was lucky to be cute, or I would've kicked its ing to Mars.

Now, when I hear the city starts awaking I wake up too and move. I don't want any troubles and God knows how they come ing easily when you're a homeless kid.

      I can't find a ing good position and there's a damn bump in the sand pressing on my ribs and making me groan.

“Rough night ?” I hear and flinch slightly in surprise.

“Rough life.” I grumble back, not caring at all about who's near me and talking to me.

I'm used to random people talking to me, more than once it's some dudes wanting a good , and as always I turn them down to resume my way. Some are ing stubborn, but I'm pretty fast and just run when they stick to me for too long. It's certainly the most annoying side of living in the street, but I know by now how to deal with it. It's been three years already, so I'll be a ing moron if I didn't know how to deal with my .

“I'm Hyesung.”

“I don't care.”

“What's your name ?”

“None of your business.”

“I gave you mine.”

“Didn't ask for it.”

A pause, then I hear, “Can I buy you some breakfast ?”

Un-ing-believable. Is this guy for real ?

“No.” I growl back, hoping my rudeness will do the trick. I've no motivation to move yet and bother myself with whatever nuisance this boy is.

“Waffles maybe ? With syrup.”

I pause, blinking my closed eyes and wondering if I'm dreaming or having for real this exchange with this stranger.

“Leave me alone.” I grumble back with my face buried in my arms.

“Aren't you hungry ?”

As a ing traitor, my stomach growls loudly and answers the boy's question. I can't help groan myself and curse this bad luck of mine. As if my night wasn't ty enough like that. Now I've some annoying bug bugging me.

“Why don't you go bother someone else ?”

“I'm not bothering you. I just want to buy you breakfast.”

“No thanks.” I grumble back, still unmoving and unmotivated.

“Why ? You must be starving.”

“Why do you care ?”

“Why shouldn't I ?”

Damn ! This dude's giving me a headache. Why did he choose me anyway ? I'm not the only homeless guy around and he could've bother any-ing-one. Sometimes I sincerely hate my karma.

“I'm not a .” I inform, still naively trying to get some more rest.

The boy pauses and I believe he'll eventually off, but instead he says, “I'm not looking for one.”

I can't help scoff at that, because, really... the only people willing to help in this damn city are ones looking for something in return - most of the time.

“It's true. I just want to eat breakfast with you.”

“Why ?” I answer lazily, believing for a second I'm getting a grip on this damn unconsciousness I'm praying for.

But the boy talks again, “Because you look nice.”

I snort. No, seriously, I can't help snort because... really ? Me, nice ? This boy have to be ing blind. Or stupid. Either way, I don't want to have anything to do with him and I hope he'll just disappear from my perimeter.

“What about some coffee then ? I can get you one and...”

“Get lost !” I grumble back before rolling on my back with an arm on my eyes.

I need another few seconds to crack open my eyes and stare at the glaring sun. I always loved sunny days, and it usually gets me in a good mood.

“Come on, why are you being so reluctant ? I just want to be nice.”

Right, this kid's still there annoying the outta me. I can't believe I was hoping for a second he was just a bad dream disappearing at the second my eyes were opened.

Turning my sharp eyes on the boy, I stare at him for a stretching moment and feel disappointed when he doesn't squirm in discomfort like everyone else receiving such look from me. This boy's definitely weird and I don't want to have anything to do with him.

“I don't need your pity.” I say eventually before pushing myself in a sitting position.

My back's sore and my side's killing me. Next time I'll just sleep on the pavement if the temperature's that low. The cold makes the sand so ing hard and uncomfortable.

“It's not pity.” He defends and I scoff.

Pushing myself on my feet, I pick up my backpack and hope the kid will just leave me alone now I'm walking away, but he follows me, and I can't believe it.

“Leave me alone !” I warn without looking at him, but he's still trailing in my back.

This kid's really getting on my nerves and I don't think I'll endure this bull for long.

I'm not the kind to lose my cool, but some people just have the gift to get under your skin and this kid's just like that. Or maybe I just had a ty night and I'm in no mood for such nuisance so early in the morning. Both works anyway so it doesn't matter.

“Okay ! What don't you understand in off ?” I eventually stop, turn around and glare at the kid.

“Why are you mad at me ? I didn't do anything.”

I can't help blink dumbly in a long blank moment. I wasn't expecting such answer nor look and , why do I almost feel at fault ? Damn brat ! Manipulating people like that, who the hell does he think he is ? What the hell is he doing here anyway ? Shouldn't he be at home with his ing family eating all together for breakfast ?

“Okay !” I come back to my senses with a step forward to stand closer to the taller boy. “I won't say it again. . Off ! I don't want anything from you so leave me alone.”

On that, I resume my way and believe my unfriendly warning will be enough to scare the kid away. I've other things to deal with than waste my time with this little brat. Who let their kid wander around at such hour anyway ? Mostly kids from rich families. Does this kid even have parents ? I won't be surprised if he just annoyed them away. I can't help grin at such stupid thought before wondering where to go first.

Shower or breakfast ?

I'm ing hungry but the sand makes it so uncomfortable on my skin that I could kill for a shower. Maybe I should clean up first and get my food after.

“Where are you going ?” I hear and almost have a heart attack.

! This kid's a ing ninja. How come I didn't hear him walk when he was just behind me ? Is he a professional stalker ? He doesn't look like one, but you can't judge a book by its cover. Maybe this boy's a psycho and he's out to get my head.

“The are you doing following me ? Are you a ert ?” I accuse and sincerely enjoy the flush on the boy's face.

Good, now he's embarrassed. It's actually fun, but it'll be just great if this kid could get lost.


      I hope -pray, for the boy to disappear, but five minutes later he's still following me like a puppy and I just decide to ignore him. Maybe he'll vanish in thin air if I convince myself he doesn't exist -just like fairies in Peter Pan. Wait ! Was it working like that ? I've a vague memory about fairies suffering something if you weren't believing in them.

Why am I even thinking about that ? It's not like a fairy's gonna appear and make everything better for me. I never liked Peter Pan anyway. My little cousin did, and I hated her.

      The center is already buzzing at such hour and I'm lucky to get a spot. I don't have much time, but still enough to get clean and maybe change my clothes. I only have two outfits, one in my bag and the other I wear and throw in the washer while I shower. I'm always expecting to lose my clothes while washing them, but I don't have other choice. It's ing ridiculous thieves are that common around here for such cheap used clothes -but I guess when you've nothing even the worst stuffs are good.

“Excuse me, are you new around ? Because you can't just enter like that. We need your name to...”

Blinking, I turn around to check with who ia's talking and I almost fall on my when I see the boy (what was his name already ?) standing there confused and awkward.

“Huh, I'm with a friend.” He says then and I feel like hiding and wait for the kid to get kicked out, but the expression on his face makes me growl and walk to him.

“What are you doing here ? I told you to get lost.” I say, but instead of flinching the boy smiles big.

“Is he with you ?” Asks ia, and looking at the big woman I stare then sigh.

“No. But I'll take care of him.”

Grabbing the boy's arm I drag him outside of the center and push him against a wall.

“Okay. What the do you think you're doing ? You can't just wander around as you want, so just go and leave me alone.” I say before stepping back to the center's entrance.

The boy grabs my sleeve though, holds me back and gives me these pleading eyes, “Can I stay with you ?” He asks and I'm so ing frustrated now.

“No !” I snap, almost flinching myself at the rudeness of my voice. “Just go home kid, it's no place to play around.” I say more softly before making my way back inside the center.

How was it ? You certainly noticed, but for once I used first POV. After a discussion with a friend, I wanted to try it, so here it is.

Same friend read this first chapter and described Minwoo as grumpy lOl I think it suits him well here.


Hope you'll enjoy and support this fic. This is somewhat new territory for me, and I'll try my best to make it fun.

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