Bus Ride Home

Seventeen Days

Jiyoung sat at the bus stop and yawned. She covered with her hand and looked around, feeling embarrassed. She was exhausted and couldn't wait to get home, make herself some hot chocolate, and wrap herself in a cocoon with her bed sheets. She almost drooled at the thought of it. She then opened her eyes and realised where she was. A bus stop. 
She yawned again and started leaning on the bus shelter. 

Jisoo carried his guitar and whistled as he walked towards the bus stop. He was beaming, he had finally gotten that guitar riff he had been trying to perfect for the last 6 days and he smiled as he sat down at the bus shelter. He put his guitar down on the floor gently and started rubbing his hands together and blowing hot air onto them. He only just realised it was pretty cold. He sat on his hand to warm them up and as he looked back up, saw a girl leaning on the shelter. He smiled to himsef, "She looks half dead." he thought to himself. He then spotted the school uniform, "She's probably stressed about mid-terms as well." he concluded as he leant his head on the wall. He heard the bus pull up and stood up to catch it. He looked back and noticed the girl was dozing off, he stared at her for a moment then figured he should tell her the bus was here.


"Hey," he smiled "the bus is here." Jiyoung opened her eyes slowly, then suddenly widened them as she realised where she was. "Oh, th-thanks." she stuttered, unable to correctly form words. She smiled and thought, "Ugh, why did I fall asleep? I'm always lost when I wake up." she scolded herself in her mind. 

"So... you getting on?" the boy asked. Jiyoung realised she was just standing there. "Oh! Oh, sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm just dazed." she managed to say, smiling slightly at the ridiculousness of the situation. He chuckled at her and she realised how chiselled his cheekbones were. She stared for a second.
"It's alright, it happens to the best of us." he grinned, as he quickly got on. Jiyoung followed quickly behind.

"Can you hurry up please?" the bus driver grumbled, clearly irritated. "Sorry." Jiyoung could only say. How many times had she said sorry in the last 2 minutes? She hurried to the back of the bus and sat down. She closed her eyes for a second, took a breath and calmed down. It wasn't that bad and everyone had already forgotten the incident. As happens with bus incidents. Only the person it actually happens to carries on being embarrassed. And as that boy had said, "It happens to the best of us." Right? She put an earphone in and looked around the bus. She then looked at the boy who told her to get on, he was in a school uniform just like her. Her school uniform in fact. "He's a student at our school?" She was surprised, she didn't remember ever seeing him. She took that information in and leaned her head out of the window as she let the music take her someplace else.


The bus screeched to a halt and Jiyoung picked up her books and jumped off while shouting "Thanks, driver!" Jisoo looked on at her and laughed to himself quietly, "She seems very hyper." he muttered to himself. "Wasn't she half asleep 10 minutes ago?" He then pressed the bell and got off the next stop. He walked home and thought of the events that had occured, he chuckled. It was kind of funny, now that he really thought about it.

He took out his keys and entered his house. "I'm home." he yelled out.


Jiyoung knocked on the door desperately. Taking out keys while holding this many books was not working for her. Her little brother opened it, "Hey Jihoon!" she beamed as she ruffled his hair. "I'm home." she yelled out. 


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Scarlet_Flower #1
Chapter 4: Awesome chappie! :D
Scarlet_Flower #2
Chapter 2: Omo excited for next chapter! Awesome job! :D
Scarlet_Flower #3
Chapter 1: AWESOME FIEST CHAPTER ! Keep up the good work. :D