Late Night Events

Seventeen Days

Jiyoung stumbled and struggled to carry her books. She yawned and rubbed at her eyes. It was around 8pm and she just left class after finally finishing all her class work.

"Ugh, I shouldn't have stayed so late today." she moaned, furrowing her eyebrows. "How am I going to get any decent sleep?" She walked down the dark corridors and opened the doors and shivered as the cold hit her. "Great, I even underestimated the damn weather." she thought to herself as her teeth began to chatter. She stopped walking and tried to shove a book into her already full backpack. At least it would mean she had less to carry in her hand. 

She decided to make a mental note to herself, "Next time, rent out a damn locker." she mumbled as she grunted while pushing the book in. "Yes!" she said, as the book slid in. At least something good had happened. She smiled as she struggled to put on the backpack and lifted the rest of her textbooks up. She let her bag adjust for a moment before deciding that this was way more comfortable.

She carried on walking down the outside of the school campus and suddenly heard the strum of an instrument. She turned to face the building next to her and saw a guy playing the guitar. She stood there for a minute and listened to what he was playing. It was, sort of, mesmerising. She stared at his fingers, they moved so gracefully, and the sound coming out was just as graceful. She cocked her head, he wasn't that bad looking either. She suddenly snapped back to her senses and looked at her watch, ", the bus." she thought to herself as she ran. Her footsteps echoed as she sprinted to the bus stop.

Jisoo's head cocked to the side as he heard someone running. He looked around, decided to ignore it and carried on playing. After a while, he looked at the time and decided to get home. He packed his bags slowly and remembered that mid-term exams were coming up soon. He had to start focusing on revising. He sighed and started thinking about how he could juggle guitar and revising. "I guess I could play every evening for just an hour." he resolved. He usually played much more than that, but at least it was something. And if he did well on his exams, his father couldn't tell him to stop playing that "stupid instrument" again.

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Scarlet_Flower #1
Chapter 4: Awesome chappie! :D
Scarlet_Flower #2
Chapter 2: Omo excited for next chapter! Awesome job! :D
Scarlet_Flower #3
Chapter 1: AWESOME FIEST CHAPTER ! Keep up the good work. :D