Seventeen Days


A quiet girl in high school who has only one friend. 

Jisoo was the smart kid. Not that popular but well known. Mesmerised girls when he played the guitar.

She just didn't know how to talk to him. 

But in the next 17 days, she was about to get a lot closer to him.


[ Guys, the 17 days thing is a bit cheesy but it won't have much to do with it, it just sounded like a nice title LOL. Unless, it works out . Then I won't really focus on it. ]



I was walking around and there he was again, in the music room, playing guitar as usual. I stood there quietly and smiled as I listened. I closed my eyes as the music calmed me down.
He was always there. Playing that guitar of his. But he never noticed me. I'd never even talked to him. I was always just watching from the sidelines. But I didn't mind. 
I liked just watching him from a distance. I was grateful for at least that.


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Scarlet_Flower #1
Chapter 4: Awesome chappie! :D
Scarlet_Flower #2
Chapter 2: Omo excited for next chapter! Awesome job! :D
Scarlet_Flower #3
Chapter 1: AWESOME FIEST CHAPTER ! Keep up the good work. :D