In the Rain, In the Dark We Lay (Part 2)

In Your Arms (Jaeho Version)

After finishing his early breakfast, Jaejoong went to his and Yunho’s shared room. He opened the door, careful not to wake Yunho.

Closing the door as carefully, Jaejoong walked towards the bed. Looking at the sleeping figure, Jaejoong smiled. Bringing his hand to Yunho’s hair, he it softly.



“Jaejoong hyung, will he be fine?”

“I don’t know.”

“Is he hurt?”

“I don’t know.”

“Will he come here and find us?”

“No. Yoochun and Kangin will protect us. We’ll be alright Yun.”


“Ssh…” Jaejoong pressed his forefinger pad gently to Yunho’s trembling lips, silencing him. “There’s nothing to be worry about Yunho. We’ll be fine.”

“Did they find Jihye’s body? And what about my mom?” Yunho gripped Jae’s shirt tighter, making Jae held him closer. “Say yes.”

“Yes, Yunho. You can attend their funeral tomorrow. Sound—” his words were cut off by his phone’s ring. He got up to pick it up. “Hello?”

“Jae hyung? The identification of the crime site is over. I got some information about Youngdae hyung and his family.”

Hearing his father’s name from the phone, Yunho winced. “Hold on,” Jae said, walking out of his room, leaving Yunho on the bed alone comforting himself. “Now shoot.”

“Apparently he has some kind of mental disorder that makes him has lack of empathy and remorse, egocentricity, and shallow emotion. He accused his wife cheated him and people lie him by telling that everything he say and do are wrong.”

Jae blinked. “You are saying that he is a psychopath.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement.

“Yes, hyung. And he is sentenced to death. He had killed his workmates including his boss’s secretary who was his secret lover.”

“Go on.”

“He killed a child for saying that his shoelaces are untied. Her parents are sorrowful hyung. And… for several people more he had killed… you won’t believe how violent he was. He burnt some of them alive.”

“When’s his execution done?”


“Oh.” Jae bit his lip. He always knew that Youngdae was a very friendly, dependable person. But as what people say, don’t judge a book by its cover. “How’s Yunho’s sister and mother? Seunghyun said their corps are found and will be buried tomorrow.”

“Yes, 10 AM. Do you want to attend the funeral?”

“Don’t know. I’ll ask Yun first.”

“Okay, I’ll—wait. Yun?”

Jae’s cheeks flushed tomato red. He patted one to cold it down. “I—it’s nothing!”

“Aww, Jae!” Yoochun chuckled.

“S—shut up!” he half exclaimed and hung up. He knew it was rude, but that was because his embarrassment made him could think straight. And the most, he hated the burning feeling on his cheeks.

“Arrgh! Stupid Chun!”


Changing into T shirt and pajama pants Jaejoong climbed into the bed, very carefully. Laying on his side, he looked at Yunho’s sleeping face. He chuckled a bit when he saw the mole above his lip.

Yunho often complained about it. He thought it was weird and ugly but Jaejoong liked it and expressed it by kissing it every morning before he went working. Yunho would pout for a second or two, but then he would smile again after he kissed him goodbye for real.

“Yunho ah…” Jae whispered, smiling. “Yunho…”

Jae brought his finger to Yunho’s temple, trailing it softly to his eye’s side, his cheek, and finally resting on his chin. He brought it to the initial spot and did it over and over again, admiring his lover’s beauty. Yunho’s eyelids twitched several times but he didn’t wake up.

“Yunho ah, I love you…”


Jae held Yunho close to his chest, letting Yunho’s tears staining his pajama. “And they will execute him tomorrow.”

Between his sobs, Yunho replied, “He’s my father, hyung. He used to be. How come—why?”

“It’s a disorder, Yunho. He cannot be healed. This is the best way.” Jaejoong Rubbed Yunho’s back.

Yunho cried harder, made Jaejoong sorry to the boy even more. He often heard Youngdae’s stories about him and Yunho spending lots of time together. Youngdae loved Yunho as Yunho loved him. Too bad a mental disorder separated those two. “Do you want to attend your mother and Jihye’s funeral?”


“Good, then sleep now so you won’t get up late. We go at nine thirty tomorrow. I’ll wake you up, goodnight.” Jae released Yunho from his arms and got up, taking a pillow as well.  But Yunho held his wrist.

“Stay hyung…”

They were silent for a few moments. Yunho was still holding Jae’s wrist while Jae still looking at him. His small eyes were getting bigger, his eyebrows lifted up. His lips slightly parted with a hint of pout. Anyone who saw him at the moment won’t deny any request he said. “Please.”

Jae smiled. “Of course I will.”


Yunho shifted, still didn’t get up. Jaejoong stopped his finger from moving. Yunho groaned quietly, snuggled into his blanket further. Jaejoong’s heart squished at the scene.

After a few while more of looking at his lover, Jaejoong moved forward, carefully slipping his arm under Yunho’s neck and put the other around Yunho’s waist. He brought his close, just as careful. Yunho groaned, snuggled his chest, still unconscious.

Jae chuckled quietly. He Yunho’s hair softly. “Night, Yunho ah…”


A/N: I know, I put on overdosed fluff as a warning right. O_O But I think I really am put too much fluff in this chapter. Oh well ^0^ Hope you like, and please comment! It makes me updating this fic faster!

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shinehima #1
I don't know when you will come back...but I just want you to know that I really want to read yours...wish I'm not too late...
Chapter 7: I love this story!!! i dont usually read jaeho but this is good!! live it!!
MissEztie #3
Chapter 7: pity Yunho, have father who is cruel. But happy ending yey. Thanks for sharing this story
MissEztie #4
Wow I'm excited about this story. Wanna read it
Chapter 7: Ohhh I'm really glad I found this^^ this is such a lovely story~
It's the 1st time I read JaeHo but I like it^^
I usually read YunJae & other couples but I think I like seeing my Jae dominant and a cute Yun xD
---> off to reading the sequel~
EleBear25 #6
Can you make a yunjae version of this story? If you don't mind.. :3
I loved it. It was so great. But Yun yun's father was kind before no ? I just wanted to ask because he was so bad here... But Jae Jae was so good. Hehehehe thank you. ^^
Chapter 7: I loved it! Great story!
Chapter 7: So cool! Love you for sharing this fics... ^^