Dance Party

Out of My Mind

On Thursday Chanyeol had a difficult case (the one they had been working on when Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun) and was out of the office all day.

~ ~ ~

Friday Chanyeol finished the case quite late but still had to make his way to the office.

Baekhyun was still there. Chanyeol was surprise and kind of happy to see him (not that he would admit to it!).


“What are you still doing here?”

“I wanted to know how it went. You worked so hard at the case”.


Chanyeol smiled, touched by the action.


“We won”.

“Assa! I knew you would”.


Chanyeol collapsed into his sofa and Baekhyun sat down next to him.


“Aren’t you going to celebrate? You have to do something!”

“I’m a professional. I don’t need to celebrate every time I win a case”.

“Oh, come on! Live a little! Come on, let’s dance!”


Baekhyun pulled out his mobile and put some music on it turning the volume all the way up.


“Come on, you should see my light switch dance, it’s quite famous!”


Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol’s hands.


“Oh, you are touching me without my consent!”


“Please, I’m helping you get up. That is my job, to help you”.


Baekhyun began dancing awkwardly to the music.


“Oh come on, don’t let me do this by myself. I will feel crazy then”.

“Then you want me to be the crazy one?”

“It’s ok if we do it together”.


Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol’s arms and started moving them, then he released him again and started dancing funnily.

Chanyeol began laughing. It was contagious and soon he was dancing along with Baekhyun. If anyone had walked in at that moment it would be really embarrassing because they did look crazy. Chanyeol had lost his tie and jacket in the process and Baekhyun was wearing some kind of paper made hat.

They danced for about and hour and Chanyeol was smiling brightly, like Baekhyun had never seen him. They only stopped when the battery on Baekhyun’s mobile died. They were laughing and panting from the sudden workout.

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun’s eyes. Slowly he closed the short distance between the two and grabbed Baekhyun’s face. Baekhyun looked surprised by the action.


“I’m going to kiss you now. Do I have your permission?”


Baekhyun just smiled brightly.


“I’m going to take that as a yes”.


Chanyeol closed the space between the two and for the third time his lips met Baekhyun’s, but now both where fully aware of what was going on.

Only when they needed to breathe again they parted with each other. Still very close and almost like a whisper Chanyeol spoke again.


“Let me take you on a date this weekend”.

“I’ll like that very much”.

~ ~ ~

Chanyeol was crazy trying to pick the perfect clothes. Baekhyun had only seen him wearing suits and he wanted to look nice but not desperate, rather comfortable but not too comfortable. He ended up choosing a faded denim shirt, black jeans and black converse shoes.

Baekhyun, obviously had the same idea. He was wearing blue jeans, a light blue checker shirt and eyeliner.

The two looked very timid at the beginning. They haven’t seen each other wearing, well, normal clothes.


“You look very nice”.


Baekhyun ventured first.


“Thank you. You too look great”.


They stood awkwardly smiling at each other. This time Chanyeol broke the silence.


“What would you like to eat?”

“I have a place”.


Baekhyun took Chanyeol’s hand and dragged him away.

~ ~

Chanyeol was visibly uncomfortable. In front of him laid a very well topped pizza and cheesy potatoes. Also, no fork. He wasn’t sure how these food fit with each other but it was his first date with Baekhyun and he didn’t want to mess it up.

He heard Baekhyun laugh.


“You need to throw away your control urges. Just take it. I assure you this is amazing and it actually taste better when you eat it with your hands”.


He made an effort. He really did. The food was good but what he enjoyed best was the company.

Baekhyun told him about his time at school with Kyungsoo and many funny stories he had. Baekhyun didn’t seem to get tired of smiling.

At the end of dinner however, Chanyeol ran to wash his hands and did it at least 4 times.

~ ~

They were now walking along the street. Too bad it wasn’t cherry blossom season, otherwise it would have been more than perfect.


“I talked a lot about myself. What about you?”

“Me, umm, well… I don’t know where to start”.

“When did you want to become a lawyer?”


Chanyeol smiled at the memory.


“When I was 10 years old, my friend was attacked by this school bully. I ran to help him without really thinking about it and without knowing how to fight. I started to talk to get him to stop and it somehow worked. Well, at least it gave us enough time until a teacher came and saved us from a beating. Since then, I discovered I had a talent for this and I like it very much so it was basically always my option”.


Baekhyun smiled sweetly.


“Thank you for sharing that with me”.


He heard Baekhyun say at the same moment that he felt the slender fingers intertwine with his. If this wasn’t a perfect moment, he didn’t know what it was.

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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 9: This story could be a kdrama!!
174 streak #2
Chapter 8: This one deserves a feature❤️
174 streak #3
Chapter 9: Awts too short.. i want more ❤️
174 streak #4
Chapter 4: Hahaha clever Baekhyun ❤️
1106 streak #5
Chapter 9: This was so cute!! Can't wait to read the sequel :D
1106 streak #6
Chapter 4: Hahaha what an amazing contract xD
110 streak #7
Chapter 9: This is such a cute story. It's so simple yet really adorable. And I really can't imagine Yeol yelling at Baek. Baek is just so cute in this storyy.
950417 #8
how cute was this!!! I love this opposites attract trope and you executed it perfectly ❤️ thanks for the story!
dreamer_18 #9
Chapter 9: too much of cheesyness, im dying!