
Out of My Mind

Chanyeol felt his leg bump against a lamp that wasn’t there before, and the next thing he knew Baekhyun was falling over him. Chanyeol fell back with the smaller boy on top of him. He tried to avoid hitting his head with the floor but by moving his head forward his lips met Baekhyun’s.

Chanyeol’s eyes opened to their full capacity. Did he just kiss Baekhyun? Time stood still for a moment and every sense in his body was fully awake. He was very much aware of the sudden weight that was not usually there. Baekhyun was smaller than him and was less heavy than he expected (not that he was expecting it, or had ever thought about it!). He also found that Baekhyun smelled really nice, like a combination of soap and minty freshness. And his skin was really soft.

Baekhyun stood from his awkward position and helped Chanyeol up. Chanyeol’s face was a shade of red and he was standing very still. Baekhyun laughed his easy laugh as if everything was ok.


“Are you alright? Did you hit your head?”


Baekhyun’s hand reached towards Chanyeol’s head but the taller one moved out of his reach.


“Aigoo, I’m a bit heavy aren’t I. I’ll get you some lunch. Is bossam ok?”


Chanyeol just nodded and Baekhyun went out of the office.

Chanyeol sat down, his heart still pounding. Should he say something about it or just let it slide? He looked around his office but found that he had no energy at the moment to change the place around.

Some time later Baekhyun entered the office with his lunch. Smiling as usual.


“Enjoy your lunch”.


Baekhyun left again.


Why was he acting like nothing happened? Well, nothing really happened. But if nothing happened why was Chanyeol so on edge whenever he saw Baekhyun?


The afternoon went by and Chanyeol wasn’t able to concentrate or work. He once peeked at Baekhyun to see what the other was doing. Baekhyun was spinning in his chair again. Nothing out of the ordinary.

At about 6:00 in the afternoon Baekhyun entered Chanyeol’s office. Chanyeol pretended to be busy, half expecting that the smaller came to apologize.


“I’ll be heading home then. Enjoy your weekend”.


Baekhyun left without saying a word about the incident from before.

How can he be so ok? Did he not notice he kissed Chanyeol? But how could he not notice? It was Chanyeol after all.

~ ~

Chanyeol left the office soon after Baekhyun but he was thinking about the kiss incident all his way home, and for the rest of the day until he fell asleep.


Even during the weekend, he found himself unconsciously touching his lips. When he went grocery shopping and passed by the mint leaves he was reminded of Baekhyun.


“Wait, why am I thinking about this? Get yourself together Park Chanyeol!”


He tried to get his mind straight but it often wandered.


“Its ok. When I return on Monday everything will be back to normal”.

~ ~

Sunday night Chanyeol got a phone call from Kyungsoo.


“Chanyeol. I still don’t feel well and I know how much you dislike germs so I think is a good opportunity to ask for a vacation”.

“What? A vacation? Now? Are you really that ill?”

“I have never taken a vacation before, I want to go home. I haven’t seen my parent for a while now”.

“How I’m I suppose to do everything by myself?”

“You have Baekhyun of course. Since he’s been helping you these days he will be perfect. It will be just a couple of weeks”.

“Weeks?! No, not Baekhyun”.

“Why, did something happen?”


“Then why not? Do you really have time to interview people to cover for me for just a couple of weeks?”


Kyungsoo was right. He usually was.


That night Chanyeol couldn’t sleep well. His peace depended on Baekhyun disappearing from his life but now he was stuck with him for a couple of weeks. He had only known Byun Baekhyun for three days but he had managed to put Chanyeol’s world upside down.

~ ~ ~

Chanyeol arrived at his office on Monday morning. Today he didn’t have to go to court; instead he will receive some customers here.

As soon as he crossed the door he was met by a smiling Baekhyun. He was wearing a light blue sweater and looked very nice today.


“We meet again!”


Chanyeol just nodded and went into his office.

Once behind his closed door Chanyeol pulled his tie a bit.


“No Chanyeol, put yourself together. You are going to be working with this guy for some time, you can’t not talk to him!”


He took a deep breath and tried to find his way around in the newly ‘feng shuied’ office.

The day went by without major incidents. There were a lot of customers coming so he didn’t have much time to think about the boy in the reception anyway. And by the end of it Chanyeol felt confident that he could make it through the next weeks.

~ ~ ~

The next day was another story. He had to take Baekhyun with him to the court. He was explaining where everything was to Baekhyun who was standing too close to Chanyeol.


“Park Chanyeol! Don’t tell me you are dating at your work place!”


Kim Junmyeon, his colleague and competition started teasing him. Next to him was Kim Jongdae, another lawyer. Thankfully Jongdae had more sense and tact.


“Where is Kyungsoo?”

“Kyungsoo is sick, this is Baekhyun who is covering for Kyungsoo”.


He said this last part looking straight at Junmyeon, who just smirked.


“I didn’t think you were one to chose your employees by looks but you always get the pretty ones”.


Jongdae said as he extended his hand towards Baekhyun. Baekhyun shook his hand and Junmyeon’s while giving them a bright smile.

They went their own paths.


“Vultures. They will try to pick at any weaknesses they find”.

“I think they looked nice”.

“Don’t ever go close to them if you aren’t with me. They will try to rip you apart until they find my secrets”.

“Hahaha you say it as if you had many secrets to begin with”.


Baekhyun slipped on the slippery floor and on instinct Chanyeol reached to steady the smaller guy. A flashback of Friday’s incident came as a rush and Chanyeol quickly released Baekhyun.

Baekhyun smiled brightly at him but didn’t say a word.

~ ~

Back at the office they had been working really diligently at a case that was proving to be a bit more complicated. They were sitting at Chanyeol’s sofa interchanging files and looking thru books.

They took a break to eat some food and when that was cleared Chanyeol sat back again. Baekhyun walked behind him and out of nowhere began to massage Chanyeol’s shoulders.


“You’ve worked hard today. You must have a lot of stress right? Don’t worry it will work out”.


Baekhyun stopped and sat back down.

Massages are supposed to help you relax but Chanyeol was feeling really tense. Again, all his senses where awake and Baekhyun felt warm and minty next to him. Involuntarily his eyes travelled to Baekhyun’s lips. He swallowed hard. His eyes went once more towards Baekhyun. He just noticed Baekhyun had a mole above his lip.

Chanyeol kept moving towards Baekhyun until their lips met again. Deep inside, Chanyeol wanted to kiss Baekhyun since the first accident.


Baekhyun was really surprised and didn’t quite know what to do. Chanyeol had just kissed him, voluntarily, not by accident.


The moment he kissed Baekhyun he (sort of) regretted it. It was as if he became hypnotized or spell bounded. He wasn’t in control of himself. He pulled back and saw that Baekhyun was as astonished as himself. He cleared his throat.


“Is late, I think we should go home”.


He quickly stood up, gathered his things and walked out of the office. Chanyeol was never one to leave his place with a mess in it. And he was really just hoping that Baekhyun was wise enough to close down the office. But he could handle the tension and he just had to run out of the place as fast as he could. 

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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 9: This story could be a kdrama!!
174 streak #2
Chapter 8: This one deserves a feature❤️
174 streak #3
Chapter 9: Awts too short.. i want more ❤️
174 streak #4
Chapter 4: Hahaha clever Baekhyun ❤️
1106 streak #5
Chapter 9: This was so cute!! Can't wait to read the sequel :D
1106 streak #6
Chapter 4: Hahaha what an amazing contract xD
110 streak #7
Chapter 9: This is such a cute story. It's so simple yet really adorable. And I really can't imagine Yeol yelling at Baek. Baek is just so cute in this storyy.
950417 #8
how cute was this!!! I love this opposites attract trope and you executed it perfectly ❤️ thanks for the story!
dreamer_18 #9
Chapter 9: too much of cheesyness, im dying!