
Out of My Mind

Chanyeol came into the office earlier the next day in order to prepare himself, to set his battleground and clean the office. Truth be told, he couldn’t sleep much anyway. When he did fell asleep he started to dream with Baekhyun, some dreams more innocent than others.

When he came into the office he noticed that Baekhyun left everything organized when he left last night.

Chanyeol heard Baekhyun come into the office (not that he was by the door listening for when Baekhyun came in!) and immediately called him in with his best poker face.

Today Baekhyun was wearing all white. How could someone look so good with white jeans?


“Umm… yes. You have been here for a week now and I think is time we clear some rules”.


Baekhyun sat down listening to Chanyeol. A smile playing on his face.


“First you must put everything where it belongs. Things must be in order for the office to work properly. And you must always consult me before setting up appointments. Also, you must never divulge what happens in the office since they are confidential cases and all”.


Baekhyun was looking at Chanyeol with his eyebrows raised, confused as to what the taller was saying. He thought Chanyeol was going to address the elephant in the room, not saying what he already knew.


“Especially the last one is very important. If you don’t, you will be breaching your contract”.

“I don’t have a contract”.


“I said I don’t have a contract, so legally you can’t sue me”.

“Well, if you are not working here then I’ll call the police and say you are trespassing”.

“Well, since I am working, and you will be trying to ignore that, I’ll tell the police that I’m being forced to work without payment. Isn’t that slavery?”


Baekhyun was just messing with Chanyeol but he was enjoying how the lawyer was getting flustered by it.

Chanyeol didn’t know exactly how to answer to Baekhyun’s little trap.


“Well, we should get you a contract then”.


He said between his teeth.


“That’s exactly what I was suggesting”.


Baekhyun smiled brightly at Chanyeol.

Chanyeol pulled out his laptop to type the new contract.


“Since I’ll be here temporarily, I don’t think the same rules should apply to me”.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, of course I’ll abide by the ones you mentioned, that is common sense even, but perhaps there are other tasks that shouldn’t apply”.

“Like what?”

“Like picking up your laundry”.

“I don’t even ask Kyungsoo to pick my laundry”.

“Just in case, I would feel better if it was on paper”.


Chanyeol thought it to be absurd but typed it none the less.


“Also, no kissing without consent”.


“Yes, I’ve been kissed twice and I don’t want it to become a habit, so no kissing without consent”.

“I. Haven’t. Kissed. You. Twice!! That was an accident! You kissed me!”

“Ommo, who brought his face forward? You did, you kissed me and then didn’t say a thing!”

“What?! I was the one expecting an apology!”

“The one guilty should apologize”. “Anyway, write it down”.

“That will never happen again”.

“Then you shouldn’t be afraid to put it in the contract. Or is it that you want to kiss me again?”

“You want to die?”


Chanyeol quickly typed down the absurd remark.


“Then, you shouldn’t touch me without my consent!”

“Like I would!”


Baekhyun laughed again.


“You did! That time when you fell on me and that… that other time you gave me a massage!”


Chanyeol smirked triumphantly at having proof. Baekhyun just looked at Chanyeol.


“You are psychotic”.


Chanyeol’s smirk disappeared.


“It’s going in the contract”.

“Suit yourself”.


Chanyeol finished typing. He will file this absurd ‘contract’ himself; otherwise he would die of embarrassment if Kyungsoo ever reads it.

Thru the rest of the day Baekhyun made a point of doing exaggerated gestures so he wouldn’t touch Chanyeol. Handing him papers while stretching from a feet away. Super squeezing himself behind Chanyeol’s chair so he could leave space between them and wearing kitchen rubber gloves when taking Chanyeol his coffee. All the time with a mischievous smile on his face. 

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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 9: This story could be a kdrama!!
174 streak #2
Chapter 8: This one deserves a feature❤️
174 streak #3
Chapter 9: Awts too short.. i want more ❤️
174 streak #4
Chapter 4: Hahaha clever Baekhyun ❤️
1106 streak #5
Chapter 9: This was so cute!! Can't wait to read the sequel :D
1106 streak #6
Chapter 4: Hahaha what an amazing contract xD
110 streak #7
Chapter 9: This is such a cute story. It's so simple yet really adorable. And I really can't imagine Yeol yelling at Baek. Baek is just so cute in this storyy.
950417 #8
how cute was this!!! I love this opposites attract trope and you executed it perfectly ❤️ thanks for the story!
dreamer_18 #9
Chapter 9: too much of cheesyness, im dying!