
Out of My Mind

Park Chanyeol was a perfectionist. What he liked most was order. When entering his office you could see every book align by subject and in alphabetical order. Everything had a place and he got to be a successful lawyer by being orderly.

Park Chanyeol also disliked many things. Dust, people touching his things, when people didn’t clean his nose when crying, when his rice came in contact with his soup, but mostly people touching him, especially without his consent.

Nonetheless Park Chanyeol managed to keep away from the things he disliked and was always in control of his perfect, clean and organized bubble. His assistant Do Kyungsoo had been with him for many years. Now, more than working together, he considered Kyungsoo as his best friend and right hand. Kyungsoo understood that organization was Chanyeol lifeline and always abide by that.

Everything was perfect in Chanyeol’s world until that fatidic Wednesday morning. The last week it had been raining non-stop and the cases kept coming in, so they couldn’t just sit and wait for the rain to settle. Kyungsoo had been running many errands and had gotten a cold.

When Chanyeol entered the office he heard a sniffle that made him stop in his tracks. Then he saw Kyungsoo who looked like he was going thru hell and whose nose was as red as the famous Christmas reindeer’s.


“What’s wrong with you?”

“I got the flu. But don’t worry, everything has been sanitized and I haven’t touched any thing in you office”.


Chanyeol seemed visible relived.


“You should hurry to the court or you will be late”.


Chanyeol grabbed the files he needed and headed back out.

Mid morning, Chanyeol got a phone call from Kyungsoo.


“I feel really bad. I’m sorry I think I’ll need to go to the hospital. I already got a replacement for the rest of the day. He is a friend of mine; we went to school together so he knows everything you’ll need. He is trustworthy”.


They ended the call. Chanyeol was worried about his friend Kyungsoo, since he has never missed a single day of work.

~ ~

As soon as Chanyeol entered the office he sensed something was off. He heard some noise coming from his own office and rushed to it.

He opened the door and noticed how everything was an inch out of place. Then a man came from behind his chair, like he was cleaning the floor behind it. The man had brown hair, a cute button nose and an easy smile.


“Ah, you must be the boss. Kyungsoo told me you liked everything clean so I’m doing it again”.


The young man walked towards him extending his hand.


“I’m Byun Baekhyun”.


It wasn’t lost to Chanyeol that this Byun Baekhyun had just been cleaning and not washed his hands but he didn’t want to be rude so he shook it. Baekhyun had very slender fingers, he noticed.


“I’m Park Chanyeol”.


The other just smiled at him. Chanyeol didn’t know what to do for a moment.


“So, Kyungsoo told me you went to school together”.

“Yes, although he always came ahead of me”. Baekhyun laughed. “Well, I’ll be at the front, if you need anything, call me”.


Chanyeol was left alone. He immediately started fixing everything that Baekhyun had ‘misplaced’.

He felt really awkward with this guy he never met before in his office ‘working for him’. Every time he needed something he reached for the phone and remembered Kyungsoo wasn’t there so he ended up doing everything on his own.

~ ~

It was already time to go home. He peeked thru his door at Kyungsoo’s desk and saw Baekhyun with his feet on the chair, spinning non-stop.

Chanyeol cleared his throat and Baekhyun stopped.


“Ah! You’re ok? You were really quiet. Kyungsoo told me that I would have lots to do but you didn’t called once”.

“Thank you for covering Kyungsoo at such short notice. I’ll make sure he’ll send you payment for today’s work”.

“Don’t worry about that. I was just doing my friend a favour. Well, good night then”.


Baekhyun went out first, leaving Chanyeol to finally breath easily today.

~ ~

Baekhyun is walking happily down the street when his mobile rings. The screen announces that Kyungsoo is calling.


“I was about to call you. How are you feeling?”

“About the same or worst if that’s even possible. How was it today?”

“Easier than you painted it. I really didn’t do anything besides cleaning”.

“Really? That’s odd”.

“Yah, but your boss is really cute!”

“Byun Baekhyun, don’t even think about it!”

“What a shame. He is just my style”.

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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 9: This story could be a kdrama!!
174 streak #2
Chapter 8: This one deserves a feature❤️
174 streak #3
Chapter 9: Awts too short.. i want more ❤️
174 streak #4
Chapter 4: Hahaha clever Baekhyun ❤️
1106 streak #5
Chapter 9: This was so cute!! Can't wait to read the sequel :D
1106 streak #6
Chapter 4: Hahaha what an amazing contract xD
110 streak #7
Chapter 9: This is such a cute story. It's so simple yet really adorable. And I really can't imagine Yeol yelling at Baek. Baek is just so cute in this storyy.
950417 #8
how cute was this!!! I love this opposites attract trope and you executed it perfectly ❤️ thanks for the story!
dreamer_18 #9
Chapter 9: too much of cheesyness, im dying!