Chapter 84 - A typical morning

The biggest secret

“Good morning.” – Dae Sung, TOP, Taeyang, and Seung Ri greet GD from the dining table. Their mouths are still full of food and neither of them seems to be fully awake.

“Good morning.” – GD rubs his eyes, walking down from his room. He had to wake up a couple times last night as Ji Hye and Ji Hyuk cried. Even though the nannies take very good care of the kids but he has never able to sit still when he heard they cry. That is why he wakes up every day tired and it takes him more than a moment to freak out at the 4 Big Bang boys – “What the hell are you doing here this early of the day?” – Can’t blame him for yelling at his bandmates because it is only 6 A.M and they are eating casually at GD’s dining table. And this is not the first time.  It has been two weeks since Ji Hye and Ji Hyuk are home and this situation happens every other day. The four of them hang out at GD and Ji Hyo’s house anytime that they don’t have to work and play with the babies. Someday they played too late as yesterday they just slept over. They even have their spare clothes at GD’s house.

TOP puts a finger on his mouth signing GD to be quiet – “Why are you yelling so early in the morning? Your kids are still sleeping.”

“Hyung is right. Stop being so loud in the morning.” – Dae Sung scowls, stuffing his mouth with rice.

GD walks furiously down to the dining table and sits down on his chair where the hot bowl of soup is just brought to him by the housekeeper. – “Yah, how can you have a gut to say that? The four of you have been camping in my house for 2 weeks. Why don’t you just move in already?”

Seung Ri looks up from his bowl, staring at GD with hope – “Can we really do that, hyung? My apartment contract will end soon. Can you rent me out one of your room? It will be very convenient for me to hang out with your kids.”

“That is a good idea. Can I move in too? Your house is very comfortable, hyung.” – Dae Sung excitedly supports.

“NO.” – GD scowls, annoyed. – “Why should I let you two staying here? As if it is not enough to see you at the agency?”

“We may better just rent them a room, yeobo. They are technically living here anyway.” – Ji Hyo teases, walking down from the babies’ room.

“See, sister in law still knows the best. You have too many rooms here. You should just let us have one.” – Dae Sung is consistent.

GD frowns and shakes his head – “Of course not. This is our honeymoon house. There is no way I will let the two of you staying here.”

“You guy have been married for almost 6 years. This is not honeymoon house anymore.” – Taeyang comments, sleepy voice. He has played with Ji Hyuk late last night. While Seung Ri and Dae Sung focus solidly their attention to the adorable Ji Hye, Taeyang pays his priority devotion to Ji Hyuk. He is in love with the boy and Ji Hyuk proves the special bond with him as well. Taeyang is the only one out of the four can make Ji Hyuk stop crying, even the nannies can’t do that sometimes. Opposite to Ji Hye who is super friendly to everyone, Ji Hyuk is very picky about who can pick him up. He is warming up with TOP, Seung Ri, and Dae Sung but he is still preferred being carried around by Taeyang. Sometimes he evens picks Taeyang over his own father to play with. Time like that, GD really wants to kick Taeyang out of his house.

“We are always on our honeymoon stage.” – GD tells Taeyang and turns to Ji Hyo who is just sat down next him and gives her a morning kiss – “Am I right, yeobo?” – his voice is soft and sweet as cotton candy.

“Of course, yebo.” – Ji Hyo smiles.

Dae Sung fakes a cough – “Please stop being all lovey dovey like that, hyung. I am really not used to that side of you.”

“Then stop coming here and sleep over every day.” – GD scowls.

“Nope, can’t do that.” – Dae Sung shakes his head, serious – “I have to make sure that Seung Ri is not stealing my bride away.” – He throws Seung Ri a sharp gaze.

“Hyung, don’t waste your time. Look at you and look at me, of course Ji Hye will choose the handsome one.” – Seung Ri stolidly responds.

“Yah, I tell you guys again, neither of you will have my daughter and in 20 years, both of you will be equally ugly. And why the four of you keep staying here? You are famous idols, aren’t you? Aren’t there concerts or recording or reality shows that you guys need to do?

“We do, but we arrange to do it on day time so we can spend night time with them.” – TOP responds.

GD shakes his head – “Please don’t bother yourself. We have 2 nannies here we don’t need four extra useless nannies. And don’t treat my house as a charity house to come over, sleep and eat anytime you want.”

Ji Hyo rubs GD back and calms him down – “It is okay, yeobo. It is great that Ji Hye and Ji Hyuk are surrounded with love. They will grow up and become happy kids with all their famous uncles.

“But they will be spoiled, yeobo. And I think they are start getting confused over who their father is. The other day, I went to get Ji Hyuk from Taeyang but he kept crying and didn’t want to leave Taeyang’s arm. Does it even make any sense?” – GD scowls.

“Oh so this is all about you are jealous over me?” – Taeyang stares at GD with the narrow eyes. – “I am his father too, you know? Maybe if you spend more time with your kids, they will actually know who their biological father is.”

“How can I do that when the four of you keep playing with them? They are my kids, not your toys, you know?”

“We’ve never treated them as toys. We take very good care of them. Can we borrow them to join “The Return of Superman?”” – TOP asks.

GD shakes his head vigorously – “Are you crazy? First of all, you four are not their biological fathers. Second of, I don’t want to expose my kids to public.”

“Arraso, arraso, I am just kidding. But why are you keep nagging? You only have kids for 2 weeks and you are already an old man. Don’t you have to get to work?” – TOP asks, pointing at the clock.

“Oh darn. I have to get ready to work. See what you all did to me? Now I am late for work.” – GD throws them an irritated stare. – “I gotta go, yeobo. Kick them out after breakfast, okay?” – GD turns to Ji Hyo and gives her a sweet kiss on the cheek before running out to the door where his chauffeur has been waiting for hi readily.

“Sister in law, how can you stand a nagging husband like him?” – Seung Ri asks.

Ji Hyo smiles softly at him – “He only nags you. You have never nagged at me.”

“Of course, you are his queen.” – Tae Yang comments and he is absolutely right.

Ji Hyo is always GD’s queen, was before and even more now. Since the days babies were born, GD takes even better care to Ji Hyo. He doesn’t let her do a thing. Even when the babies need to be fed, he takes them to her instead of making her walk all the way to the babies’ room. When the nannies are not around, GD takes a role of changing diaper and cleaning the kids. It may be hard to imagine a cool celebrity as him changing diaper but he is very good at it as the result of his diligent practice in birthing classes before. Ji Hyo feels bad letting him do all the hard work but she is very happy seeing how great of a father and husband GD is. While more than a half of Korean women are struggling with taking care of the kids all by themselves, her husband doesn’t even let her lift a single finger. She is half attempt to let him join The Return of Superman so she can show the world how amazing her husband is. But then all Korean women will all die of jealousy.

“When are you getting back to work, sister in law?” – TOP asks.

Ji Hyo exhales sharply. – “Two more weeks, I guess.” – She is sad thinking about separating with their buggers for 8 hours every day. It is the first time in her life that she actually doesn’t want to get back to work. Working has been her big passion but now those two little angels are the purpose of her life. She doesn’t want to leave them even for a minute. The feeling of being mother is so sacred. She loves to see them sleep in her arms or their little silly smile as they see her. She is even in love with their cries, asking for the warm milk from her . Those feelings are so special. She only wants to stay with them all day long.

“You don’t seem as you want to get back to work, sister in law.” – Dae Sung comments, looking at the depressed expression from Ji Hyo’s face.

Ji Hyo nods –“Yeah, it is hard thinking about leaving those two alone with nannies at home.”

“Don’t worry. We will come visit the kids when you are at work” – Taeyang utters.

Ji Hyo smiles kindly and shakes her head – “you four don’t have to be bothered.  We have camera at home so we can supervise them even at work.”

“We don’t feel bother. We love playing with them.” – Seung Ri expresses, sincere.

“Then just come whenever you want to. Thank you for giving Ji Hye and Ji Hyuk so much love.” – Ji Hyo tells them, genuine.

“Of course, they are our babies too.” – The four utters in one voice.

Ji Hyo smiles, happily. Her little family seems to grow bigger and bigger every day and her kids have so much love. She can’t ask for more.

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A/N: Hello guys, I am so guilty to say that I miss you guy more than i expect. I decide to do a sequel but instead of making a new story. I will continue write


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Raine26 #1
Chapter 4: Awww GD. I'm just getting in the story. I don't even know if this is complete or not. I'm hoping it is complete.
Raine26 #2
Chapter 3: This is nice. I'm a spartace fan. But Gd is also a favorite for miss mong.
Chapter 1: I'm horrible because I can't focus on the story. I'm eyeing the format.
Sandrazach #4
Chapter 63: okayyy
Azzatac #5
Chapter 4: I keep on coming back to this. Please we are waiting for your return ?
jeamiegerie #6
Chapter 89: Hi author-nim, its been 3 years since I read this story, I suddenly missed this and went back hoping you’re still continuing this but sadly you’re not. I hope you’d come back and continue writing again. After all this years, this is still the best!
jeanne_0416 #7
Chapter 90: It’s already 2018 but i am still hoping that this story can be continued/completed...dear author please continue your exciting story?
zourmz #8
Chapter 90: Author-nim... Where are you?? One year has passed, but you haven't updated.. You aren't sick, are you??
I re-read this story again author-nim.. Miss you author-nim.. ;( ;(
Ivanbaby #9
Plzz leave them happy ever after ..dun make them suffer plzz