Chapter 69 - That girl

The biggest secret

Just as Ji Hyo predicted, GD presence in the company causes great distraction to female and some male employees. Whenever he walks by, all eyes are on him. Some even ask for his autograph and take picture with him. The company sometimes become a random GD fan meeting and only dismiss when Ji Hyo walks by.

Today is no different. JI Hyo had to go out to meet up with an important business partner. GD walks down to the marketing department where Shin Hye is working at, planning to talk to her about a surprise gift for Ji Hyo. But before he can reach Shin Hye, a bunch of female employees already surround him and asks for autograph. He, as an idol, is too nice to say no to them and in just a few minutes, the marketing depart becomes a chaos. Every one leaves their seats and gathers around GD. Unfortunate for them, Ji Hyo walks in in the middle of their fun.

“Can someone tell me if this is still working hour?” – Ji Hyo coldly says and everyone quietly come back to their spot without a word.

“Yeobo, when did you come back?” – GD brightly runs to Ji Hyo.

“I just got back and the crowd attracts my attention. What are you doing here, yeobo?”

“Nothing, I just need some document. Let’s get back to your office. You must be tired. Should I get you some refreshment? How about orange juice?”

“It’s ok, yeobo. I just had some orange juice earlier. Let’s go to the office.”

“Sure, let’s go.” – GD takes Ji Hyo hand and leaves marketing department.

The marketing department can finally breathe again after Ji Hyo and GD leave. Ji Hyo is indeed scary even when she is pregnant. She doesn’t yell, doesn’t go crazy but somehow people are still scared of her.

“CEO is so lucky. She is pretty, successful, and even has a handsome husband that treats her as a queen.” – Da Hee, Marketing employee compliment in admire.

“She is not that pretty.” – Eun Ji, a new marketing employee, also Da Hee’s best friend states, hated. – “She is successful because she married a rich man. If she wasn’t, I am sure she would be just a regular employee like us.”

“She really has talent. You are newbee so you don’t know but she doubled our revenue in just two years after she took over the CEO chair. She might be cold but she is really smart.” – Da Hee tells Eun Ji

“Well, just open your eyes and see if one day she isn’t the daughter in law of chairman anymore, she is still sitting on that chair or not.” – Eun Ji states, arrogant.

“Why are you saying that? There is no way G-Dragon leaveing her. He loves her very much. Did you see the way he took care of her?”

“Never know. She is pregnant. In the future, she will get fat and ugly. Just see if a popular handsome idol likes him still wants to be with her. Men cheat. They always do.”

“What are you planning, Eun Ji? I advise you to not thinking about anything stupid. CEO Song is a very scary person.” – Da Hee concerns as she knows her best friend personality very well. Eun Ji is always very ambitious and her method of reaching her goal is not always as pretty as her face.

Eun Ji smirks. – “Just see how scary she can be when she lost her husband.”

Da Hee shakes her head. She already predicts a dark future ahead of Eun Ji.

Those two girls are so into their conversation without knowing that another girl has been overheard them talking – Shin Hye. No one knows that Shin Hye is Ji Hyo’s younger sister and also Ji Hyo’s eyes and ears in this corporation. Seems like another stupid girl wants to try her luck and destroys Shin Hye’s sister marriage. Shin Hye wants to jump to that girl and teach her a lesson but she will stay calm for now. An interesting play is about to come and Shin Hye will make sure to keep close eyes on that girl. Eun Ji really chooses a wrong family to mess with.

Meanwhile, inside CEO office,

“Yeobo, how many time did I tell you to stop being too friendly with the employees. You won’t be able to manage them with your easy going attitude.” – Ji Hyo scowls.

GD pulls his chair next to Ji Hyo – “I’m sorry, yeobo. It is a big transition from being an idol to being a business man. You know it is my work nature to be friendly with my fans. They are my fans too so it is hard sometime to adjust my behavior.”

Ji Hyo exhales sharply – “I understand it is hard for you, yeobo. But if you are serious about being a CEO, you have to change your attitude. It is great to be friendly with your employees but you have to set a boundary or they will step all over you.”

GD holds Ji Hyo’s hand – “Arasso, I’m sorry, yeobo. I will stop being too friendly with them from now on, okay? Please don’t get mad or our baby will not be pretty.”

Ji Hyo laughs – “Where did you hear that?”

“Omma told me that. She said I have to keep you happy all the time or our baby will be ugly.” – GD honestly answers     

Ji Hyo can’t hide her smile looking at her husband. Everything about being a father is very new to him. He has been making a lot of research, even more than her. He tells her new things about pregnancy every other day. He probably is more worry about the pregnancy than her. She feels blessed that her popular handsome husband cares for her so much. She is already able to tell that he will be a very responsible father and the kid is definitely spoiled.

“So you have to listen to your mother and keep me happy, okay?” – Ji Hyo says, playfully.

“Of course, I will always make you happy.  Tell me, what my wife wants for lunch?”

“Hmmm. I feel like eating bibimbap.”

“Really? I know a really good bibimbap restaurant just 10 minutes away from us.”

“No, it’s ok. I want to eat at our company cafeteria. They have pretty good bibimbap there.”

“Really? Let’s do that then.”

Ji Hyo nods.

The whole cafeteria is in surprise seeing GD and Ji Hyo walking in. It is very rare to see Ji Hyo at the cafeteria. She mostly likes to eat inside her office but since her pregnancy she feels like doing and eating all the things that she didn’t use to before.

“Let’s sit here, yeobo.” – GD pulls out the chair next to the window for Ji Hyo. – “I will get bibmbap for you ok? Do you want anything else?”

Ji Hyo shakes her head and smiles softly “No, just bibimbap is ok.”  

“Ok, just wait here a bit, alright?” – GD kisses Ji Hyo on her forehead and walks to the order line.

Everyone in the cafeteria is in awe looking how sweet they are together. Ji Hyo expression is definitely more gentle when GD around. And GD absolutely can’t be any more perfect. Hundreds of girls’ hearts are thudding wrong beat witnessing how tender GD takes care of Ji Hyo.

 Only one person can’t suppress her hatred. “I will have that man one day.” – Eun Ji mumbles. Quickly, she walks to the order line, forces her way right behind GD.

“I didn’t know that G-Dragon of Big Bang like cafeteria food.” – She initiates the conversation while waiting on the line.”

GD turns around in surprise – “Oh, my wife likes bibimbap here, so we come here for lunch.”

“Really? We indeed have good bibimbap here.” – She says, smiles sweetly at GD. She hopes to see a little waiver in his eyes but no. He turns around quickly. His wife told him to stop being friendly with employee so he better stops talking before she notices.

Eun Ji is disappointed but she doesn’t want to give up. She gets the kimchi soup right after GD got the bibimbap for himself and Ji Hyo. He is walking toward his wife but Eun Ji quickly follows. She pretends to lose the balance, drops her tray of food on the floor and the soup get all over GD’s shirt.

“Omo, I am so sorry. Are you ok?” – Eun Ji pretends to be apologetic and cleans GD’s shirt with her hand. She believes that body contact is the key of success to get to a man. She is sure that GD will be when her bare hand touch his chest but GD quickly pushes her hand away. – “I’m fine. Thank you.” – He politely says and walks straight to his table leaving her embarrassed with the mess that she just created. Her classic trick doesn’t seem to work on GD. He felt nothing but annoyance as another woman touches him. Besides his wife, he doesn’t find any pleasure from woman body contact.

Ji Hyo has witnessed everything and she already smells something fishy about that girl. But she doesn’t get mad because she saw how her husband reacted to that girl. She knows little chick like that girl will not be able to shake their happiness. But that girl better stops doing whatever she tries to do. The pregnancy doesn’t allow Ji Hyo to have much patient.

“Are you okay, yeobo?” – Ji Hyo gently cleans GD’s shirt with the wet towel.

“I’m fine. Thank you, yeobo.”  - Then he stares at her for so long and smiles lovingly.

“What is that?” – Ji Hyo arches her eyebrows softly

“Do you remember the time I went to the restaurant you worked at? I dropped the hot soup on the floor and you cleaned for me just like this.” – He says, dreamy.

“Of course, someone stole my first kiss that night too.” – Ji Hyo is shy, recalling that sweet night.

“Really? Was it really your first kiss, yeobo?” – GD excitedly asks.

“Of course it is. I told you that you are my first man.” – Her cheeks start turning rose.

GD cups Ji Hyo’s face in his hands – “omo, my wife is so cute. Look at my ice queen flush. How can you be so adorable yeobo?”

Ji Hyo pushes GD hands down – “We are in public, yeobo. Control yourself.”

“How can I control myself when my wife is so irresistible?” – GD playfully answers.

Ji Hyo only can shake her head and smiles – “You are so silly.”

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A/N: Hello guys, I am so guilty to say that I miss you guy more than i expect. I decide to do a sequel but instead of making a new story. I will continue write


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Raine26 #1
Chapter 4: Awww GD. I'm just getting in the story. I don't even know if this is complete or not. I'm hoping it is complete.
Raine26 #2
Chapter 3: This is nice. I'm a spartace fan. But Gd is also a favorite for miss mong.
Chapter 1: I'm horrible because I can't focus on the story. I'm eyeing the format.
Sandrazach #4
Chapter 63: okayyy
Azzatac #5
Chapter 4: I keep on coming back to this. Please we are waiting for your return ?
jeamiegerie #6
Chapter 89: Hi author-nim, its been 3 years since I read this story, I suddenly missed this and went back hoping you’re still continuing this but sadly you’re not. I hope you’d come back and continue writing again. After all this years, this is still the best!
jeanne_0416 #7
Chapter 90: It’s already 2018 but i am still hoping that this story can be continued/completed...dear author please continue your exciting story?
zourmz #8
Chapter 90: Author-nim... Where are you?? One year has passed, but you haven't updated.. You aren't sick, are you??
I re-read this story again author-nim.. Miss you author-nim.. ;( ;(
Ivanbaby #9
Plzz leave them happy ever after ..dun make them suffer plzz