Chapter 59 - Protect her

The biggest secret

The commotion in YG is nothing compares to the chaos in front of New Generation Electronic headquarter. The troop of GD’s fan girls have been standing there since 5 in the morning. They are yelling and accursing Ji Hyo of mistreating their oppa. It makes it difficult for employees even enter the building. The reporters don’t really help when they are keeping flashing their flash at any one walk to the company.

Ji Hyo received the phone call from Ji Suk Jin early in the morning informing her about the situation and advising her to stay home for the day. However, she refused to do that. The chaos is spreading strongly as a disease. She wants to be present to take care of the situation.

“The fans are very excited in a very negative way. Our employees can’t even make it into the building. What should do about than CEO?” – Suk Jin asks over the phone as Ji Hyo on her car to the office.

“Call our security company. Tell them to bring an army if they have to to take care of the situation.” – Ji Hyo demands.

“I understand. How about the reporters? Regard the matter between you and Ji Yong?”

“Tell them it is private matter and we don’t want to give any comment for now. Also contact YG to see what their plan for the situation is.”

“I understand, CEO. But are you sure you want to come to the office today? The crowd seems to be very negative toward you.” – Suk Jin concerns.

“I’m fine. I can’t let my private matter affect the company.” – Ji Hyo utters.

Meanwhile at YG, GD is receiving a phone call from his father.

“You crazy boy! What have you done?” – His father yells before giving him a chance to say hello.

“I am sorry father.”

“Sorry is not solving anything. Come right here and take care of your matter. Your crazy fans are protesting in front of our headquarter, seem like they want to eat our daughter in law alive.” – His father keeps yelling in anger.

“What?” – GD screams in surprise.

“When can you learn to take responsibility for your action? Didn’t I tell you not to be a singer from the first place? Now your fans are right here and keep cursing our daughter in law. You better do something about that.” – His father hangs up in frustration before he can ask any further question.

“Damn it!” – GD curses and rushes out of YG.

“Where the hell are you going? We are haven’t done discussing the solution yet.” – CEO Yang yells after GD with anger.

GD doesn’t care to answer him. The only one he cares right now is his wife. A chaos is predictable. He knows how enthusiastic his fan can be but making a protest so early like this is still out of his expectation. He has to run to his wife and protects her. No one can predict how crazy fans can be.

The security troop quickly arrives in front of New Generation Electronic head quarter few minutes after Ji Suk Jin’s phone call. There are about 60 big masculine securities guards on action but it is still a hassle to make an entrance in the middle of thousand crazy fans. Ji Hyo’s car arrives about 30 minutes ago but she still hasn’t be able to get out of the car as security guards are working on making an entrance. Even though about 10 of guards are standing around Ji Hyo’s car to protect her but the fans are still like overexcited grasshoppers and keep jumping toward her car, screaming and pouding on the car window.

 Ji Hyo is rather calm dealing with this chaos. Instead of freaking out, she deliberately reads the report inside her car. Her time is gold and she doesn’t miss any moment to work. From inside her car, she has responded about 10 business emails and gone through 5 reports. GD has been calling for more than 10 times. In fact, he is calling her right now but she chooses not to pick up the phone.

“Yeobo, pick up the phone, pick up the phone.” – He keeps mumbling by himself as his car speed is reaching illegal limit.

As he arrives at New Generation Electronic, the entrance is clear for Ji Hyo to walk in. The guards stand as two lines to prevent overenthusiastic fans from jumping out of the line. But it doesn’t shut all the noise that those crazy girls keep yelling. “You .” “You Witch” “How could you do it to oppa?” – They keep cursing and she keeps ignoring. Her face shows no sign of concern. This woman is definitely made from iron.

No security is perfects, those big men can stop the crowd from stepping all over Ji Hyo but they can’t stop someone from a far throwing a raw egg at Ji Hyo. The egg is approaching. Ji Hyo doesn’t notice that but quickly her body is covered by a warm arm. Even without looking, she still knows that is her husband. His scent, his arms are something that irremovable from her memory.  She turns to him in surprise and his face is covered with raw egg. He took that egg for her.

“Are you ok, yeobo?” – He asks, concerned.

She is speechless looking at him. He asks with the exact same tone, exact same worried eyes of 8 years ago, the night he rescued her from the gangsters, the night of their first kiss. That beautiful memory suddenly rushes back to her mind. Her heart stops beating for a moment look at his pitiful face. She lifts her right hand up by his face and gently cleans the eggs off his face with her jacket sleeve.

  “I’m fine.” – She softly says, putting her hand down as his face is cleaned from the egg.

“Go home and take shower.” – She tells him.

“Can we at least talk first? We haven’t talked for days, yeobo.” – He begs, desperate.

She shakes her head. – “There is nothing to talk about.”

“I have a lot of thing to tell you yeobo. Have you even been well the last few days? You are suffered as much as I am right? Why don’t we just make it easier? Give me a chance to explain, can’t you?” – He holds her hands, asking with the saddest voice.

Her heart sinks down to her stomach. His is so sincere, so sad and he is right. She was suffered, big time, as much or even more than he was but she is not sure if she is ready to make thing easier for them yet. Whenever she sees his face, the image of that night is still clear and visible as a 3D movie. She inhales sharply, trying to put some oxygen back to her brain for it to function properly again. She has to use her head instead of her heart. She has to stay strong. She pulls her hand away from his, slowly, very slowly. Maybe because she, herself, wants to feel his hand a little bit longer, wants to stay with him a little bit longer. But her brain is stronger than her heart. She takes his hand away from her and walks away.

“I am not leaving until you agree to talk to me.” – He screams after her.

She heard that, loud and clear. She even hesitates for a step but then she keeps walking, without turning back. That is how she is, strong and cold but it isn’t easy on her. Her heart is tearing apart. Being a strong woman … is not easy.

As she got inside the building, the crowd were quiet earlier witnessing GD’s touching gesturing now start breaking out again. They are chaining his name, some even cry. He borrows the speaker from the security guard.

“Attention please!” – He screams loud and the crowd immediately gets quiet as the obedient lambs. – “Please stop bothering Song Ji Hyo. She doesn’t do anything wrong. I was the one that at wrong. I was the one that hurt her. She is in enough pain. Please don’t hurt her anymore. If you hurt her, you hurt me. So please dismiss. Come back to your house and leave her alone.”

The crowd hesitates for a while then slowly they dismiss.  

“Sorry oppa” “Stay strong oppa” – some of them say as they walk pass GD.

One by one, they left the scene until he is the last one left. He is not moving one step from the spot earlier. He stands there and looks up at the highest floor where her office is. He obviously can’t see her but he can feel her present. She is probably in that room. Is she working or is she looking at him? He is not sure but he keeps looking up there. Hoping she will look down at him and sees he is still waiting for her, faithfully.

In fact, she does see him. She is standing right on the glass window, looking down at him, her silly husband. The sun is too strong outside. Why is he standing out there? His skin will get burn. What will an idol do if his skin gets darker? He is sensitive to the sun and the heat too. She exhales sharply in worry then she comes back to her desk. If she is staring at him for a moment longer, her heart will turn weak and probably she will run to him. She tries to focus on working but it is not easy as her husband is still consistently standing down there.

It suddenly starts raining. The rain becomes heavier. She stands up from her desk and sneaks a look at him. He is still standing there, as a fool. He doesn’t have a strong body. He easily gets sick if his body gets soaked by rain. Last time when he walked under the rain for 10 minutes, he got sick for a week. She hopes he will know his own strength and leaves but he doesn’t. He is still stubbornly standing still at that very same spot.

“Secretary Ji.”

“Yes CEO?”

“Get the car ready for me. I want to go home early today.”

“Yes CEO.”

She walks to the front entrance with an umbrella. Quickly, she steps toward him, nuzzles next to him, gets him under her umbrella. His body is shaking from the cold but his eyes are warm from her present. He spreads a smile as they are standing next to each other under the rain. She still cares for him. He knows that.

“Go home.” – She says, handing him the umbrella.

“I won’t, not until we talk.” – He utters with determination.

She exhales sharply – “I am not ready to talk yet. Just go home for now.” – She says then walks away from the umbrella. Her body is soaked with rain as she walks to the car but that’s fine, as long as he is covered.

His eyes keep following the car the carrying his wife keeps driving further and further away. His tears drop blending in with the rain on his face … 

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A/N: Hello guys, I am so guilty to say that I miss you guy more than i expect. I decide to do a sequel but instead of making a new story. I will continue write


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Raine26 #1
Chapter 4: Awww GD. I'm just getting in the story. I don't even know if this is complete or not. I'm hoping it is complete.
Raine26 #2
Chapter 3: This is nice. I'm a spartace fan. But Gd is also a favorite for miss mong.
Chapter 1: I'm horrible because I can't focus on the story. I'm eyeing the format.
Sandrazach #4
Chapter 63: okayyy
Azzatac #5
Chapter 4: I keep on coming back to this. Please we are waiting for your return ?
jeamiegerie #6
Chapter 89: Hi author-nim, its been 3 years since I read this story, I suddenly missed this and went back hoping you’re still continuing this but sadly you’re not. I hope you’d come back and continue writing again. After all this years, this is still the best!
jeanne_0416 #7
Chapter 90: It’s already 2018 but i am still hoping that this story can be continued/completed...dear author please continue your exciting story?
zourmz #8
Chapter 90: Author-nim... Where are you?? One year has passed, but you haven't updated.. You aren't sick, are you??
I re-read this story again author-nim.. Miss you author-nim.. ;( ;(
Ivanbaby #9
Plzz leave them happy ever after ..dun make them suffer plzz