Fifty One

Free My Heart
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“What’s taking Aeri so long.” Hoya pointed out.

“I was thinking the same thing; she’s been gone for a while.” L added.

“Maybe she ate too much.” Sungyeol laughed.

“She did have a mix hot and cold foods together.” Woohyun added.

“I’m going to check on her, just in case.” Hoya got up.

“You're overreacting a little, aren't you? I'm sure she's just taking her time.” Sungyeol said.

“No, I’ll come with.” L also got up, ignoring Sungyeol’s last comment.

The two walked towards the restroom and stood awkwardly at the door.

“So how do we do this?” Hoya asked.

L shrugged.

Then a girl walked out of the restroom and met eyes with L.

She blushed and Hoya quickly pushed L forward, motioning for him to ask.

“Um, excuse me.” L tapped on her shoulder.

“Yes?” Her eyes beamed with hope.

“Did you happen see a girl with a pink headband on in the washroom?” L asked.

“, I was the only one in there.” She answered.

“Oh, thank you.” He bowed.

“If she’s not in there… then where is she?” Hoya’s eyes widened.

“Go outside and look around. If she left, she couldn’t have gone far. I’ll get the others and meet you out there.” L said.


“Any luck?” Woohyun asked.

Hoya shook his head.

“She’s not picking up her phone either.” Sungyeol added.

“Where could she have gone?” L ruffled his hair.

“Aeri has been acting a little strange…” Sungyeol reminded them.

“Maybe she wanted some time alone.” Woohyun said.

“But she wouldn’t leave without telling us.” Hoya worried.

“Yea, especially not Hoya. She’s been stuck to him like gum.” L added.

“Then, why don’t you two go home and see if she’s there. Sungyeol and I will stay here and keep looking.”  Woohyun suggested

“Ok but call us if you find her.”

“We will.”


“Aeri!” Hoya and L called her name once they entered the apartment.

“Aeri?” They called again.

“She’s not here…”

Where is she? Doesn’t she know we’re worried?” L ranted.

Hoya began to search through her things hoping to find some clues.

“Anything?” L asked.

He shook his head.

“Where could she have gone?” Hoya sighed.

“Check her computer. Maybe there’s clues there.” L suggested.

Hoya her laptop and checked the search history but it was empty.

He was about to close the computer when he realized the the folder was missing.

“Wait…hyung!” Hoya called.


“Did you delete the files?”

“What files?”

“The files.” Hoya gave him a serious look.

“No?” He looked at the screen.

“They’re not there anymore…someone must have deleted them.” 

“Well this might have the answer.” L handed him a letter.

“It’s addressed to you.” He added.

Hoya opened the envolope and along with a letter was a necklace with the numbers 032894 121894 engraved into it.

"It's just like the bracelet..." He said.

Then he unfolded the letter and both Hoya and L sat down and read it together.


By the time you find this, you’ve probably realized that I’ve disappeared.

And you’re probably looking for me frantically, aren’t you?

Well you don’t have to anymore.

You know how you said I was worrying about the future?

Like I was rushing to do everything?

You were right.

I wanted to make as many memories with you as I could.

Memories that I could take away, with no regrets.

These past few days we spent together have been more than I could have imagined.

I wouldn't change anything.

Except the time...if only I had more time...


Because of me, everyone’s in danger and I don’t want that.

I don’t want anyone to get hurt…I don’t want what happened to oppa and Dongwoo oppa to repeat itself.

I know he’s after me…and when we go back home, he’ll only continue to bother us.

I’m the problem and if I’m not here…then he’ll let everything go.

I know what he wants.

He wants the files…he wants them gone.

I’m sorry…I was selfish and I deleted all the files.

I don't want to put you in danger too.

I just want you to move on, don’t try to get revenge.

Just live the simple life you’ve always wanted.

I’m sorry I can’t stay with you forever.

This one time, let me be selfish. Let me decide…

And I’ve decided to end this once and for all.

Maybe our paths will cross again someday… or in another life.

And when that day comes, I promise I’ll stay with you forever, until the end.

Lee Hoya, or should I saw Lee Howon,  

It doesn’t matter if we can’t see each other.

It doesn’t matter if you forget me.

I just want to tell you a secret.

I love you.

Kim Aeri.

Hoya clenched onto the piece of paper as tears fell onto Aeri’s handwriting.

“We have to find her!” L shook him.

“We don’t have much time; we can stop this. It’s not over yet.” L tried to snap him back to reality.

“It’s too late…” Hoya closed his eyes as tears continued to fall.

“What do you mean it’s too late?” L grabbed him by his collar.

“She’s gone.” He clenched his chest.

“I can feel it…she’s gone.”



Flashback to the first day in Busan

“Hoya…” Aeri poked his cheek.

“It’s been 30

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Chapter 64: oh my! what did Aeri do to deserve this kind of bull! What did you do Hoya!

*sorry for my words.. ^_^
Chapter 63: wait... What are Hoya and Jongin want to do exactly???
Inspirit2002 #3
Chapter 62: okay.. They reunite... But, what will Hoya do to Aeri?
Inspirit2002 #5
Chapter 61: I want to see Hoya and Aeri reunite. Is that too much to ask???
Chapter 61: Miri must be feel hurt when L act like that.. Poor Miri.. Hope that Miri and L will be okay...
Chapter 60: I really hope that the things will end soon...
Inspirit2002 #8
Chapter 59: What has Aeri ever done to derserve this?