
Free My Heart
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"You’re finally back! Are you okay? We heard you went to the hospital.” Minhee rushed to Aeri’s desk when she saw that she’d returned to school.

“Yea, I’m okay. It’s nothing serious.”

“What a relief. Let’s hope your second day here isn’t as bad. I’m Kwon Yoonmi by the way.” She stuck out her hand.

“Hi Yoonmi.” Aeri shook her hand.

“So did I miss anything important?”

“We were assigned a group assignment last week, every group got assigned a topic and we have to do a presentation…I hate presenting in front of people.” Minhee shook her head.

“Do you already have partners?” Aeri reached for a notebook in her desk.

“Yea but don’t worry, Lee Hoya volunteered to be your partner.” Yoonmi pointed at the empty seat beside Aeri.

“He did?” Aeri’s eyes widened.

She was happy more than surprised.

“Yea, he's been acting not like himself late. There's this and he’s the one that carried you to the infirmary that day. He shocked everyone! He just scooped you up in his arms and - ”

“Shhhh.” Yoomni signaled her to stop as Hoya walked into the class.

They hurried to turn around as Hoya sat down.

“Hi.” Aeri smiled.

He ignored her.

“Thanks for the other day.” She added.

He ignored her, again.

As she read through her English notes, a piece of paper was put on top of it.

Aeri turned to Hoya and back at the paper.

Group Assignment. Due September 29, 2010. Topic: How has media negatively affecte

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Chapter 64: oh my! what did Aeri do to deserve this kind of bull! What did you do Hoya!

*sorry for my words.. ^_^
Chapter 63: wait... What are Hoya and Jongin want to do exactly???
Inspirit2002 #3
Chapter 62: okay.. They reunite... But, what will Hoya do to Aeri?
Inspirit2002 #5
Chapter 61: I want to see Hoya and Aeri reunite. Is that too much to ask???
Chapter 61: Miri must be feel hurt when L act like that.. Poor Miri.. Hope that Miri and L will be okay...
Chapter 60: I really hope that the things will end soon...
Inspirit2002 #8
Chapter 59: What has Aeri ever done to derserve this?