Forty Seven

Free My Heart
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“Aeri ah.” Sian called her name.

“Hm?” Aeri turned to him.

“I’m sorry.”

“This again?” Aeri laughed.

“I’m sorry.”

Aeri walked over and put her hands on his shoulders.

“It wasn’t even your fault this happened, don’t be so hard on yourself.”

Sian then cupped her face.

He looked straight into her eyes and apologized again.

He wanted to tell her the truth but he couldn’t.

“What’s wrong with you today? Are you okay?” Aeri laughed putting her hand on his forehead to check his temperature.

“Yea…let’s go. I’m sure Woohyun hyung is waiting for you.” He grabbed her hand.

“They’re not even here yet.” Aeri complained.

“I’m sure they just parked really far.”

“Why don’t we go find them then?” Aeri asked, already walking away.

“Wait for me!” Sian called chasing after her.

“Catch me if you can!” Aeri turned around and stuck out her tongue to .

Sian smiled but his smile quickly disappeared.

His eyes widened.

“What’s wrong?” She tilted her head and asked.

“Aeri! Watch out!” He screamed, seeing that a van was driving straight at her, showing no intentions of stopping.

She turned around and was blinded by headlights before everything suddenly went dark.

Sian brought her into his arms and held her tight.

To protect her.

If the van was going to hit Aeri, it would have to hit him first.

An enormous screeching noise filled the parking lot as the van came to a halt. 

There was one about an inch between Sian and the van. 

When he realized they were still alive, Sian slowly let go.

Aeri was in loss of words.

“Aeri are you okay?” Sian looked down at her.

She barely nodded, still stunned by what just happened.

Sian was about to yell that the driver, when his father’s assistant stepped out of the driver’s door.

“Mr. Yoon…” Sian gasped.

“You kids shouldn’t be playing like that in a busy parking lot.” He said in a sturn voice.

“Where’s Mr. Lee? He usually drives me.”

“He’s sick today.” He answered before turning his attention to Aeri.

She made brief eye contact and bowed, acting as if it were the first time she’s met him.

“I can take your friend home too.” He smiled motioning for Aeri to enter the car.

“No!” Sian yelled. 

“No?” The man raised his eyebrow.

“I mean, Aeri has a ride already. See they’re right there!” He pointed to Woohyun’s car.

He put his arm around Aeri’s shoulder and walked away.

“Hyung, take care of her.” He handed Aeri over to Sungyeol.

“O…kay?” He raised an eyebrow at him.

“Make sure she doesn’t leave the house...”


“Because!...I mean she needs a lot of rest.”

Then he turned back at Aeri.

“Stay safe. Okay?”

Aeri nodded and Sian watched as they drove away.


Are you close with that girl?” Mr. Yoon began to speak as Sian put on his seatbelt.

Sian thought of how to answer.

A wrong answer could put Aeri’s life at risk.



“I asked if you were close with that girl.”

“I…I…” He started.

“Can I tell you a secret?” Sian suddenly changed his train of thought.

“Of course.” He gave Sian a smile.

“I think…I think I’m in love with her.” Sian lied.

“Love is a strong word son.”

“I mean it. She’s special. She’s not like anyone else I’ve met. We share something special. Being with her makes me happy. Its a feeling no one else has given me. I always want to be by her side to protect her. As lo

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Chapter 64: oh my! what did Aeri do to deserve this kind of bull! What did you do Hoya!

*sorry for my words.. ^_^
Chapter 63: wait... What are Hoya and Jongin want to do exactly???
Inspirit2002 #3
Chapter 62: okay.. They reunite... But, what will Hoya do to Aeri?
Inspirit2002 #5
Chapter 61: I want to see Hoya and Aeri reunite. Is that too much to ask???
Chapter 61: Miri must be feel hurt when L act like that.. Poor Miri.. Hope that Miri and L will be okay...
Chapter 60: I really hope that the things will end soon...
Inspirit2002 #8
Chapter 59: What has Aeri ever done to derserve this?