Twenty Nine

Free My Heart
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“How did I not see it?” Hyunsik stared down at the ground.

He thought back to all the times Hoya was there for Aeri.

Starting from the first day that Aeri had transferred to their school, Hoya had been looking out for her. He went out of his usual character for just for her.

And Aeri…

It’s so obvious that she had positive feelings for Hoya, she spoke of him in all their conversations. There wasn’t once where she didn’t bring up his name.

“Why am I so stupid?” He sighed.

“Hyunsik…” He heard Hoya call.

Without a second thought he grabbed Hoya by the collar and prepared to throw a punch at him.

“Why? Why did it have to be you?”

Hyunsik’s fist came into contact with Hoya’s face, not once but 4 times.

Hyunsik was going to throw another punch but Hoya pushed him away.

Hoya could taste the blood in his mouth and feel his face begin to swell.

“Hyunsik. Listen.” Hoya yelled.

But Hyunsik ignored him.

He went at Hoya again and this time, Hoya had no choice but to fight back.

They dropped to the ground and alternated positions between punches. 

“Hey! Isn’t that Hoya and Hyunsik?” Ara pointed to the noise in the distance.

“Where?” Yena turned.

“YA! What are you two doing?” Sungyeol yelled when he saw them.

Hoya and Hyunsik didn't show the slightest interest to him, instead they continued to attack each other.

“Stop!” Sungyeol pulled Hyunsik as L pulled Hoya.

“Why are you two kids fighting

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Chapter 64: oh my! what did Aeri do to deserve this kind of bull! What did you do Hoya!

*sorry for my words.. ^_^
Chapter 63: wait... What are Hoya and Jongin want to do exactly???
Inspirit2002 #3
Chapter 62: okay.. They reunite... But, what will Hoya do to Aeri?
Inspirit2002 #5
Chapter 61: I want to see Hoya and Aeri reunite. Is that too much to ask???
Chapter 61: Miri must be feel hurt when L act like that.. Poor Miri.. Hope that Miri and L will be okay...
Chapter 60: I really hope that the things will end soon...
Inspirit2002 #8
Chapter 59: What has Aeri ever done to derserve this?