Dating Min Yoongi Would Include :
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C H A P T E R : I _ 



"Why are you leaving so early?" Minah questioned as she stare at Yoongi who was busy putting on his red converse. "Need to 
go to school early. The school called mom and I need to get there first before her or else." 

"She'll cut off your head. " He nodded tying the last pair of his converse. "What about breakfast then? I prepared 

"I'll skip it for to-" Unable to finish his sentence Yoongi took a sandwich by his hand and ruffled his girl's hair before leaving. 
"I'll eat it on the way so stop pouting. You look uglier than you usually are." 

She rolled her eyes and mouthed whatever as she recall something asking her boyfriend before he could step-out the apartment.
"You're going to pick me up after classes right?"  Yoongi nodded and close the apartment's door behind him. 

"Six'Oclock? Wow. Yoongi did left early." She sighed and started packing up for school. 

Park Minah attends BIG High School where she gets full scholarship through piano. It was Yoongi who suggested the scholarship and 
taught her piano for a whole summer. It's place just few blocks away from their apartment which is budget-good for her. While Yoongi 
attends B.H University as he take the course of Electronics, no reason at all why he choose just. Just randomly to do something in college. 

Minah stared at the left-over sandwiches she made pitifully. "I woke up early for this but ... I better share it with Soojung." She sighed 
and placed it on a plastic container as she grabbed the keys and her backpack sending herself off school. 


"Goodmorning sissy. Wa-it" Soojung, Minah's bestfriend greeted in english. "Something's weird ...." 
"Is something on my face?" She curiously asked taking out a pocket mirror out of her shoulder bag "No-No. It's just that 
you're early plus Yoongi is not with you ... Don't tell me the two of you bro-" 

"Of course not! Are you crazy Soojung?! Sometimes I wonder why did you become my friend?" 

"I was just joking! Hey wait for me." Running out the school grounds that is how Minah's day at school started. 



"Mom ..." I uttered as I stood straightly in front of my mom who has this scary aura from the very beginning. "Let me explain I-" 
"No need to explain Yoongi I fully understand it this time." 

I flinched my eyebrow and slowly look for words. "Oh, Y-o-u do?" 

My mom slowly nodded and her smile turned into a scary all of a sudden making my jump off my place. "I'm cutting of your 
credit card. You coward." My eyes widen as I quickly follow my mom who was walking slowly with her high heels echoing thru the 

"Mom, think about it. If you cut it off how am I suppose to feed Minah? Aunt would worry if Minah won't eat 
the best foods in Korea!" Why am I even begging my mom for this? Well, we're talking about a ing credit card so. 

"Shut up Min Yoongi. Her mom gives her allowance too. She'll survive." 

"How about me? Will you let me starve to death?" Urrgh. I'm giving up Hiphop because of you mom. 

"Starve to death until you get your grades back!" 




Minah's POV 

"Is it my Birthday today? Tell me Park Minah. What's with this sandwich feast?" Minah shrugged as she sat in front of her friend, Soojung 
drinking the canned juice in a shot. "Woah. Tell

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jihanajiha #1
omg yoongi!! where can i find someone like u hehe
jihanajiha #2
omg yoongi!! where can i find someone like u hehe
Chapter 9: This story kinda confused me.. everything need a progess so i think u need to slow down writing this and dont make things suddenly changed in one chapter and even paragraph. So the reader can enjoy reading this with more feels. And u used the wrong words and sentences to describe ur story. I hope itll helps.
haninur32 #4
Chapter 12: Yeaayyy. Sequel !!
Thanks for making this author-nim^^
namjoon97 #5
Chapter 11: Omg!!! Yoongi so sweet!! Aww ~
dudukuma #6
Chapter 11: omg i want a bf like yoongi!
Chapter 11: Asdfghjkl this is too cute i can't wait for the sequel;;;;;;; keep writing author-nim, i really love this story❤ fighting!!!
haninur32 #8
Chapter 11: Yeeeaaayyy. Finally they engaged. Thanks for updating author-nim^^
Chapter 9: Waa~ finally an update! I miss this story so much >_< Wish there would be more Yoongi's fic as this!!!