Chapter 5

Bound to Her Love

Sorry for the late update and for the upcoming detailed descriptions of an omelette cooking process, cause I was hungry when I wrote this and I didn't bother changing it later on...

Anyway, things are gonna start getting a move on from here otherwise I'm gonna start getting bored myself so thanks for continuing reading!

Faye (Sera) POV

I woke up early the next morning and washed up. After changing into Jimin's shirt, arranging Jin's hair accessory in my ponytail, and putting on V's bracelet, I entered the living room to find it empty with all other room doors closed.

I decided to make breakfast and try to finish before most of them woke up. I looked in the fridge and settled on omelettes with cheese, mushrooms, bacon. As I cracked eggs into eight separate bowls, there was the creaking of a door.

"You don't have to cook for us," said Jin, stifling a yawn as he came into the kitchen.

"It's ok, I want to." I started beating the egg in one of the bowls with a fork.

"Can I help?"

", you can beat the eggs. After you're done, prepare the mushrooms and bacon, cut and split into eight portions, please." I grabbed the only two frying pans in the cupboard and started heating them up.

"Got it," Jin answered, already on the fifth bowl of eggs.

I grated the cheese quickly and poured two bowls of beaten eggs into the two pans. As it sizzled, Jimin made his way into the kitchen, scratching his head.

"You're wearing my shirt!" He noticed. "And you're cooking! What's for breakfast?"

"Omelettes," I said, adding Jin's cut up bacon to the pan.

Both of them looked at me and Jin stopped in the middle of chopping mushrooms. "What's that?"

"You've never had an omelette? It's awesome, trust me. You'll see."

Almost everyone was up and around the dining table when I finished the last omelette. Jin and I carried the plates to the table and set them down.

"Here you go guys!" I said, putting a bottle of ketchup down. "Try it."

They looked at each other for a second and hesitated. At that moment, Jungkook's door opened and he came out in shorts shirt. Well, he was in the process of putting on his shirt.

I yelped a little and covered my eyes, peeking after to see him give me an adorable cheesy smile and stick his tongue out at me.

"What's this? Looks great," he said, sitting down. "I stayed up late, I'm so hungry." Before anyone could say anything, he ate a mouthful of omelette. As he chewed, his expression went from happy to somewhat troubled. "Did you make this, Faye?"

I nodded. "Is it really bad?"

He shook his head. "It's great...but why did you put spinach?" He pouted and everyone laughed.

"I wasn't going to, but Jin reminded me about your nutrition, so I added a bit," I said, while everyone booed at Jin.

The boys shouted around for a bit and dug in to the food while I walked back into the kitchen and made myself a coffee with J-Hope's mug.

"Faye come eat with us!" called Jungkook.

"K, coming," I said, going back to the table.

V patted the seat between him and Jungkook. "Sit here."

After I sat down, both V and Jungkook reached for the knife beside my plate.

"I'll cut it for you," said V.

"I can do that, you eat your--" Jungkook pointed to his plate, "what's this called?"

"Omelettes, and I can serve myself, thank you." I took a bite before I realized the room was unusually quiet.

I stopped chewing. "What?"

Everyone was looking back and forth between V, Jungkook and me. Then Suga shook his head.

"Jin, your efforts have all gone to waste," Suga said, faking a heart broken expression. "The recipes, hair accessories, aigoo...Such a shame." He dabbed at his eyes with a tissue.

Jin immediately grabbed a handful of his hair playfully. "Say what?"

"Nothing," Suga nearly whimpered, and Jin let go of him while everyone laughed.

"Don't be so mean Jin," I scolded lightly.

Jin looked at me a little apologetically. "I like you Faye, but not in that way."

"I understand."

Jungkook POV

After everyone finished eating, Faye cleared up the table and brought the plates to the kitchen, turning down Jin's offer to help.

I followed her to the sink, coming up beside her with an idea forming in my head. "Hi Faye, need a hand?"

"Oh no, I'm good," she answered with a bright smile. She the tap and squirted soap into the sink. "Thanks for asking though."

Now or never. "Um, yeah, look I wanna ask you--"

"Hey Faye," V called walking over. "We don't have any schedules until the evening so I was wondering if you'd like me to show you around here."

"Sure, but that'll have to wait till after the dishes. I can do it myself," she added when V started to help. "Just wait outside, thanks."

Yeah thanks V, you just bombed all my plans. Thanks a million.

"So," Faye turned back to me as V disappeared into the living room, "you were saying?"

"Hm?" Think fast. "It's nothing, I'll tell you another time."

She raised her eyebrows and I smiled to reassure her.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" I asked again.

"No, I'll be fine, thank you," she said, shooting me another smile. Her teeth were so perfect and white.

I nodded and left the room, cursing at V in my head.

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