◆◇ the prospects {reviews}

◆◇ M O N G R E L -- s q u a d ◇◆ {Apply Open!}
Are you being serious right now...
how could you possibly want that guy on the team?
Ajax Seomun // happyperf // wildcard // accepted
hello seong omfg. thank you for being the first applicant here and jfc eyebrow game strong with this one. I'm trash and I'm sorry it took me this long but here is your review!

bare bones: I may have low key lost it at the nickname "mister big hands", but it certainly fits omfg. Everything looks good here.

mug shot: Holy wow Lucky is attractive as hell. I don't really see him as a mixed blood to be honest, but aesthetics for me are kinda low key overall when held in comparison with most of the other components in characters. I got a good image of him regardless and I love how basically his eyebrows are offlimits. omf-

off the deep end: I really enjoyed how you set up and delivered his personality. He seems relatable, someone you may even personally know youself on the surface that hides a much darker depth beneath everything else. His quieter initial first impression paired with his otherwise friendlier disposition with whom those he are close to just seems so normal. I find it particularly interesting how you noted how blood and gore has always interested him and how he's always wanted to either become a detective or alternatively be a murderer to be around it.

As for his history I can certainly see how the set up for it was a slow build, but with lasting repercussions. His step-brother and half sister seemed like quite the royal pain in the butts. I find it exceedingly satisfying that at least the one man he killed was the one responsible for the death of his mother. I sat and laughed for a good few minutes when I read that Jihoon (My Jihoon, not the man he killed) may, just may scare him at times. Also eyyy, skinship calms him. I. will. remember. this. 

interview: I love how flippant and matter of fact he was in the interview. He's guilty and completely unrepentant of it- even if the man in question deserved his fate entirely. I find it intruiging how someone capable of such calculation and brutality (case in point with the manner with which he killed his mother's kidnapper) is the type to panic when under pressure.

distraction: Oh ho, another applicant. To be entirely honest I will likely end up making another smaller thing to fill out once I select the characters for those chosen who have expressed interest in other applicants. 

So all in all your app is golden! and omfg I feel you, I lost so much stuff when I got my new computer since the apple store royally screwed up and ended up DELETING half my document files during the tranfer onto my new macbook. The "doneness" I was at that week was astronomically high. But yes! Thank you for applying!

HOLY- you gave me three songs help-
Not to mention you gave me three of my favorite tracks in general from three bands I have unhealthy attachments and generalized FEELINGS for. Saving BTS for last though. I am weak for Jimin's falsetto in 잡아줘. (I am still not over the hi-touch from TRBinLA back in July don't even touch me omfg.)
Shim Bangsoo // slat101 // wildcard // accepted
yooo tofu- lee minki is perfect. and you already suffered through my "bang" joke when it came to his name so i'll spare you that again. I I'm sorry, here's your long overdue review. ; ;
bare bones: LMAO- you already know of my infinite amusement over the IRONY of Bangsoo's name and like I mentioned above you have already suffered through my Bang Boom joke on your actual app so I'll skim over that. But dayum, Tofu we have a gramps status guy over here. I'm happy you decided to give a slightly older character however since I have a feeling the younger ones are probably going to be more plentiful. And yes. Korean bbq beef. I'll have a piece of this beef any day of the week- ;D /incinerated/

mug shot: YOOOOO. LEE MINKI. LIGHT OF MY LIFE. Damn you know my taste in aesthetics- though tbh I'm not hard to please so. You gave me such a detailed imagery of Bangsoo I literally feel like I can blink and he'll just be sitting next to me at my dining room table, casually just assembling his newest explosive as I continue typing this. His style choices paint him as someone so nonthreatening like- long oversized, woolen cardigans and skinny jeans. wow.

off the deep end: Bangsoo sounds completely and irrevocably insufferable. In the best way possible mind you, but still insufferable omg. You lay a groundwork with his childish ways which lead him to be constantly underestimated, but then continue to flesh him out and end on a note where you are significantly less exasperated with him and more... sympathetically fond? I'm not sure how to explain this without sounding mental for being fond of a character specifically created to be lowkey psychotic and a criminal. LOL. But feel as if Bangsoo is a very complex character with so many layers that I am honestly kind of intimidated at the idea of possibly having to portray him in writing. ;; ;;

HE BLEW UP NAMSAN TOWER WHAT. Holy crap, his story is so- not even sad or bittersweet just- kind of expected and so..... Bangsoo?? It figures that he honestly was just trying to please and grab attention with the stunt that ultimately landed him in prison. Also, "cutie patoot". Oh Gosh, Jihoon would be so disgruntled if Bangsoo ever flat out called him that out loud.

interview: I am going to reiterate my earlier sentiment. Bangsoo is sO IRRITATING BUT PERFECT??? I can honestly get such a detailed visual of him within my head with your application, and his interview responses were so teasing towards the interviewer. I particularly loved his thought process and stance in regards to the "does he regret his actions" question.

distraction: I told you to feel free to ramble! I can see how he would be much more inclined to simply flirt with eVERYONE rather than settle on just a singular person. I think it would be interesting to touch on how when he begins to like someone, he gets attached very easily and becomes obsessed- all the while keeping it clear he doesn't have any real inclination towards romantic attachment. I think I could employ your proposed use of him as comic relief. God knows this story is going to need it at times.

I made this long winded, sorry Tofu. To answer your question, the members are all settled over the span of two to three days, and are all dropped off in front of the old, run down church pretty much around the same time give or take. Sangjoong and the other handlers (for the most part) are all collected there and will explain the circumstances. The members are free to decline this offer, but most wouldn't really turn down the opportunity to lessen their sentence- though I suppose Bangsoo would be there more for s and giggles considering he has a life sentence and displays no inclination to get out any time soon according to the trivia. All in all, this is still a contest/competition of sorts since all of the members are still competing with each other to be the ones to catch the criminal specifically since each criminal is only "redeemable" by one member of the squad. Hopefully that answered your question? ; ;

Also, DAY 6. DAY 6. <333
Cha Sehyun // Soonyangel // connections // accepted
Hey Soony! The Connections plotline eh? I'm happy you applied for this since tbh I was worried this would probably be the one no one would end up applying for. But anyways, lets jump right into this!

bare bones: Oh man he has so many nicknames, and all of them really do seem completely and utterly necessary for his character as a whole. Not to mention that "stupid" and "" are LITERALLY nicknames that he is addressed as. This isn't an issue at all, but I am curious if he is semi-fluent in both Mandarin and Cantonese since you just listed "Chinese" as the language. 

mug shot: Nam Woonggggg. I will never tire of seeing this guy's beautiful face holy crap. And I blame you for the fact that I sat and imagined Nam Woong crossdressing for a good five minutes in between typing up this review. I like how harmless he physically appears- from his slim build, to his effeminate face, and his slightly too long hair that falls over his eyes. I just- like his visuals okay?

off the deep end: A know it all who acts like one too, oh dear gosh. I like how adaptable he is personality and perceptions wise, and the fact that he has such a seemingly fine tuned control over the lines where his game faces and his actual personality lie. Plus he's a snarky little . Everyone loves snarky little s when they aren't the one being snarked at in any case. I find his pride and manipulative capablitities to be well suited to his leadership in his gang as well, and to top everything off, his personality when it is entirely stripped down is simply incredibly well rounded. Plus that last line in the personality section is giving me feelings.

CHA HAKYEON'S TWIN BROTHER. My Vixx feels are already strong and- and I. Oh Gosh. But yes. Holy wow you gave me so much detail, I feel like I can write a biography on this kid omg. He's had his life pretty much lain out before him from the moment he and his twin were born. Everything unfolded in such a manner that explained how Sehyun was molded into the individual he's become. Sangjoong and Sehyun's relationship is something I would enjoy writing, and I find it adorable how Sangjoong's mother continues to visit Sehyun in prison even after finding out about who he really is. (Plus the entire tidbit about him and children, thus his defensiveness and anger should anyone bring up Sangjoong's daughter.) I find it entertaining how he and Jihoon end up meeting as well, in the library. It's fitting for my character tbh.

interview: All of his answers and corresponding actions in this entire section is golden. Seriously his lines: "I'm just.... trading stuff, you know?", "i'll just need some alone time with them to know what they like!", and "old farts love pretty crossdressers." got me laughing in the middle of class. So thanks for that btw. It's amusing how he flat out just tells the interviewer (poor lady must seem so scandalized by the end of this) about his still existing connections and overall existence of his old gang. He knows the deal he cut more or less protects them- not to mention the police needs them in the investigation now too.

distraction: Holy crap you answered for both a potential applicant AND Yongguk too omf. It's certainly interesting to look and compare the two potentials that could unfold if things go in that directions favorably. The relations are both similar and unique, and thats understandable since another applicant would be someone that Sehyun only met and begins to develop a relationship with much later on in his life when in comparison to Yongguk. At the same time, the idea that even without the love interest section, you already mentioned how Yongguk has developed romantic feelings for Sehyun previously so- ;;  ;;

Soony omfg thank you for taking the time to apply to both of my stories. ; u ;
Your Secretly Greatly gif is perfect and I have way too many feelings for Lee Hyunwoo as Haejin in that movie. I am still not over that movie's ending, I am not even joking. I've personally never heard of the band Poets of the fall, but holy crap I actually sat and listened to the entirety of almost 53 minutes of the video you linked. The vocalist reminds me of someone, but I can't place it at the moment. Anyways, thanks again for applying, and for introducing me to a new band I will definitely be checking out!
Jung Jaerin // klover_jae // skill // accepted
Kill me please, I am so sorry jaejae, this is so ridiculously long overdue. Thank you for being the first to apply as the skill plotline- this one is certainly one with whom I hold something of a soft spot for. I know you deserve a super in depth review but since my hand is still fractured and I'm on my phone doing this, I'm only going to state in each section if I found something you need to elaborate or fix/ maybe a few comments or observations I made. ; ; (tbh this is probs going to be more of me telling you what I liked. LMAO.)

bare bones: All good. I like the parallels drawn between him and Sangjoong with the nicknames. "The two Mad Dogs" would be something fitting if he's chosen.

mug shot: You mention his eyes in context to him being considered intimidating/getting misunderstood, but never really explain why. Does he have a naturally cold look? Is it literally just his face?

off the deep end: Love his quote. Such chilling honesty in such a simple statement. personality and history is on point- he has some... issues. He acknowledges them and that's certainly a interesting facet within him.  Ouch on his history though, he seems to more or less have honestly gotten the short end of the stick rather constantly in his life. 

interview: His reply about "regretting" his past crimes was pretty great. It's so flippant and is a good insight on his mental standpoint at the beginning here.His manner of addressing and answering is chilling in how easily he can speak and fully admit to potentially not being capable of reigning himself in should he gain posession of his weapon of choice.

distraction: Another applicant, awesome~ You didn't make him too cruel, you made a criminal. Just like I asked for. LOL.

In short, yes you're accepted. I'm sorry I such and waited forever and a half to get through with posting this for you. ; ;
Seventeeeeeeeeen. Oh man let me just lie down and breathe. 
Choi Junhyun // Jaejoongjaejae // wildcard // accepted
Hello there Jane! I'll be honest in saying I did see your app quite a bit ago and made notations that I rather liked it- and then turned around and completely forgot to actually give you a review. OTL;; 

bare bones: Jumping right into this- An individual with MPD! It'd be something of a challenge/intersting thing to explore if he is chosen, though I do have to thank you for him not having like.... 8 different personlities. LOL. Also, "the saint and the sinner" is an awesome nickname- or I think it would be more of a title really. It has a nice ring to it.

mug shot: Ah yes. Won Jong Jin. I was waiting for him to be used as a faceclaim, he's such a handsome and diverse aesthetic tbh. Everything seems good here, I like how you noted the difference in eyecolor for him when he is "Junhyun" and "Minhyun" as well. 

off the deep end: It's always interesting getting a look through this section in the applicants. Mainly because one would think that seeing a few traits be rather common would make for a limited diversity in them- though like all the ones before him, Junhyun and Minhyun porve to be a distinctly unique voice in the conglomeration of potential team members that clamor for enough inspiration for me to end up choosing them. Even without his MPD, I think both Junhyun and Minhyun would be fine as indivisuals, but as a single entity with two personalities, it certainly adds a certain spice to it. 

Ah, the rich heir history. It fits well with Junhyun, and explains his training pretty well. I like that Junhyun is equiped to defend himself just fine, however it's his alter ego/"brother" who is the berserker and can take things even one step further. His "entrance" and "introduction" of sorts (him addressing the camera after murdering the intruders and killers of his parents) was a nice touch. He certainly knows how to make a lasting impression. His ultimate capture for him though, especially considering how long he had managed to get away with everything. In the end it was what could be considered a concerned neighbor that got him arrested- and then all the dots were simply connected that incriminated him.

interview: I was a bit confused through the interview section about when Minhyun was actually vocalizing versus him simply being a mental voice heard only by Junhyun. But I think regardless of which it is, it's still a rather interesting look into Junhyun/Minhyun. I'm rather amused at how Junhyun calls Minhyun his "brother" in the interview. 

distraction: Jonghyunnnnn. Everyone's resident favorite dino. His described personality is fine, and I enjoy how he and Junhyun share a history together. I was going to comment on how it's interesting for Jonghyun to be so protective given the emergence of Minhyun who seems more than capable of taking care of himself- (though to be fair it's good that Jonghyun seems to be able to handle Junhyun's other personality.) but then you ended up adressing it in the section itself. As for the applicant option, I'm grateful you filled that out as well. 

I'm a million times sorry for not reviewing this properly until now. I thoroughly enjoyed the little bit of connection between Jaerin and Junhyun's history. I imagine if both of you are chosen it would make for an amusing potential conversation between the two if they figured out their common enemy. I have no real issues with your app, so you're definitely accepted! o u o
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◆◇ [MS] Something of a double update? Reviews up to date and new teaser posted.


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Chapter 8: I was on my phone when I read that and didn't have the possibility to comment until now, woow, sorry~
This teaser is great ! The two detectives are just so intriguing, their relationship is really interesting to see and how both changed with the case. Let me confess, I just adore Sangjoong, his character is just awesome even with only 2 teasers.
The Mongrel Squad is coming, dayum ! I can't wait to see all that. Good luck Ash, I can't wait to read more !
Chapter 8: ugh another really good teaser
seriously these detectives are already such wonderful characters. i could honestly watch an entire drama just with these guys here and their situation. the hype is building every time you update and i think i'll cling to this fic for the entirety of its existence.
ugh seriously your fics are always just super stellar ash.
jaejoongjaejae #3
Chapter 6: Omg thank you for the review!
Tbh I had a tough time figuring out how to make my character as unique as possible. Then my friend told me about this drama, Kill Me Heal Me and I suddenly thought about making my character have MPD. It was difficult making things work but I'm glad you like him! I honestly think the way he was captured was a tad ridiculous and stupid cause of that freaking neighbour of his XD
During the interview, I'd just like to clarify that Minhyun was simply a mental voice that Junhyun gets to hear. It sorta works vice versa too. Like if Minhyun was the one taking over, Junhyun could mentally talk to him.
Also, it's alright, really! I didn't mind waiting and your review was totally worth it!
Thank you again for accepting Junhyun~
Chapter 1: have you set the deadline for this yet?
Chapter 6: Thank you for your kind review, Ash ! Tbh, I though everyone would apply for the connections, so I was kind of scared haha.
He's a man of nickname~ Hm, I don't know much about Chinese, but I feel like he'd be semi-fluent in Cantonese since it's also spoken in HK, and know a bit of Mandarin.
I wanted a delicate looking face claim that would seem harmless. He's perfect for that ! No but seriously, I use his face so much for apps I'm not even sorry anymore.
I had Hermione in mind for that, like he looks like he knows everything and he actually does haha. I'm so glad you like his personality and background, I was so worried~ It was so long woops sorry haha, but hey, you should get used to it with me, after all xD I wanted Sangjoong's and Sehyun's relationship to be quite ambiguous, with hate but not so much etc. Grandma Oh was so adorable~ Actually, I wondered how they could have met, and I saw that your character loved people who had knowledge, and since Sehyun knows a whole bunch of things, I thought it could be nice for them to have a 'serious' relationship, like two sane people x)
Tbh I feel like he'd be better with an applicant, but I wrote for both. I feel like he'd need someone out of his gang to give him some fresh air, yet he'd be scared to put them in danger, so he'd be torn, and since it'd be a new person, he'd discover a whole new world. I almost felt like he'd be torn between this world that seems full of happiness and his gang, for the first time in his life, he'd feel the same thing as his brother, who wanted to leave the gang. It's complicated, sorry ;u;
Oh my, don't thank me for that, Ash ! Your ideas are just so great , I can't resist good plots ^^ Gosh, I'm not over the movie's end either, I cried so hard. Ah, POTF made a song for the games Alan Wake and Max Payne 2, maybe that's why his voice sounds familiar ? They're Finnish and awesome, I'm glad I could introduce you to them ! :)
(This is so long, woops)
Chapter 7: My my, this teaser broke my heart. Poor little Jaehwan was so heartbreaking, reaching for his mom and not understanding why they were taking his father away. The innocence of a child is so pure, yet so sad ;u; His mom was being so strong for her son, damn ;u;
The 'handlers' were all there and I really like how they all seem to connect because of revenge, how it brings them closer even though it's terrible to be linked because of that.
I'm speechless yet again, this was such a great teaser, short but full of emotions; (teachmesenpai/sobs)
On another note, it motivated me to finish my app so yeah, it's done \o/
I was thinking of a hacker/computer type character who manages information and such for the organization he used to work for. Would it be better to have him as a wildcard or connections?
Chapter 7: okay teaser time.
the mood of the funeral holy hot damn. those first few sentences there to begin with just describing the colors ;;
i like how you can see the assembling of the police, and my heart broke when little jaehwan was wondering why they were putting him in hte ground. "he still has to fight the bad guys!" oh my god ash can you spare me please. you could feel the anguish in the family, though they all had differing ways of showing it. and then sangjoong, the sparks in his eyes, the little knowledge passed that vengeance will be carried out. i love that, the beginning of the idea of how they were going to catch the murderer in the first place. this was a good teaser ash okay? i promise you.
i agree though, i can only write well between 11pm-12am haha