◆◇ the "doghouse" {cheatsheet}

◆◇ M O N G R E L -- s q u a d ◇◆ {Apply Open!}
you've got your orders
now follow them. that's what good dogs do

— the lowdown —

Basically please have fun creating your character regardless of anything else. (Lol, "have fun creating a criminal". who says that omfg??)

So this is a boy applicant only story. I'm sorry if that was overlooked/unclear in the rules, but this means no female applicants. (Your character does not need to have a love interest if you do not want. Love interests will be secondary anyways since the main focus of the story is anything but romantic.)

YOUR CHARACTER IS SERVING THE LENGTH OF HIS SENTENCE AND IS SUDDENLY ONE DAY PULLED ASIDE AND LOADED ONTO A GUARDED INMATE TRANSPORT BUS. He's dropped off seemingly in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road where a very familiar man is waiting just outside what looks to have been a church at some point.

Senior detective oh sangjoong is responsible for leading the cases for all of the members of the "mongrel squad". Meaning he more or less put them all away in prison.

While the serial murder case is their main priority, the mongrel squad is more or less "on call" for anything.

The official offer to the selected felons is that for each person they catch that ends up being incarcerated, they get 1-5 years off their serving sentence. Depending on the length of the prison sentence they have left, one of the mongrel squad members could potentially earn their freedom with their cooperation with the task force. Of course, nothing is ever as simple as it seems since they are competing against the other squad members to be the one specifically to apprehend the suspect(s) in question. 


— your criminal —
I would prefer characters of east asian descent- korean particularly, however if you can give a sufficient reason as to why he was incarcerated on Korean soil and sent to a korean prison, then by all means.

FACE-CLAIMS ARE ULZZANGS, MODELS, AND ACTORS ONLY PLEASE. if you want to apply for the muscle plotline, put a gif from either of the Avengers movies as the bottom gif in the app. I INTEND TO CONTINUE USING IDOLS WITHIN THE AU WORLD for storyline purposes.

appearance wise, please take into consideration your character as a whole. what is their history? if you're applying for the skill plotline, put a gif from the movie guardians of the galaxy AS the gif at the bottom of the app. Do their scars tell a story? Does that tattoo mean anything? so on and so forth.

please for the love of god do not give me a gary stu or something obscenely unrealistic. i will stick this fictional serial murderer on your tail so fast.

— The "love interests" —
LOL- let me reiterate this for the millionth time sorry guys, but this story, while I am including the possibility of romance wither continuing or blossoming, is going to be much more focused on the crime/action/thriller aspect.

You can use idols as faceclaims/actual love interests themselves here, or you can list it as another applicant/fellow squad member. if you want to apply for the connections plotline, put a gif from the kmovie "secretly,greatly" as the gif at the bottom of the app.

I say as much in the app, but you guys. really sell it to me if you intend to have a love interest. Either sell me the story or the possibility. I'm still iffy about love interests but decided to include them for drama. LOL.

— THE final words —
pictures and gifs are your friends. I tend to not pretty up my apps too much since I am lazy, but as long as you don't screw up the layout of the app, feel free to embellish as you please.For the wildcard plotline, place a gif from jurassic world as the gif at the bottom of the app.

I am so "???" when it comes to official technicalities concerning criminal counts and sentencing criteria based upon crimes charged on criminal suspects. I won't judge too harshly in that aspect of the interview questions tbh. I found a rather detailed website that overviews crimes and minimum/maximum prison sentences. [link]
..... tbh though you don't have to stress too much over making your criminal's prison sentence make perfect sense based on the references. It's time consuming enough just making characters.
so. fair warning. there will be more murders. The victims are all already selected so. just warning you. if you select to have a idol/ choose them for the faceclaim for your love interest and they are on my list to die, they are probably going to die. (depends honestly on how you present the love interest in the section. perhaps you can sway me to change my mind. LOL good luck-)

The obvious half of the password to list on the application is "beasts with incentive" linked to whatever your current jam is.

— Answers —

I'll add stuff here as people ask me stuff!
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◆◇ [MS] Something of a double update? Reviews up to date and new teaser posted.


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Chapter 8: I was on my phone when I read that and didn't have the possibility to comment until now, woow, sorry~
This teaser is great ! The two detectives are just so intriguing, their relationship is really interesting to see and how both changed with the case. Let me confess, I just adore Sangjoong, his character is just awesome even with only 2 teasers.
The Mongrel Squad is coming, dayum ! I can't wait to see all that. Good luck Ash, I can't wait to read more !
Chapter 8: ugh another really good teaser
seriously these detectives are already such wonderful characters. i could honestly watch an entire drama just with these guys here and their situation. the hype is building every time you update and i think i'll cling to this fic for the entirety of its existence.
ugh seriously your fics are always just super stellar ash.
jaejoongjaejae #3
Chapter 6: Omg thank you for the review!
Tbh I had a tough time figuring out how to make my character as unique as possible. Then my friend told me about this drama, Kill Me Heal Me and I suddenly thought about making my character have MPD. It was difficult making things work but I'm glad you like him! I honestly think the way he was captured was a tad ridiculous and stupid cause of that freaking neighbour of his XD
During the interview, I'd just like to clarify that Minhyun was simply a mental voice that Junhyun gets to hear. It sorta works vice versa too. Like if Minhyun was the one taking over, Junhyun could mentally talk to him.
Also, it's alright, really! I didn't mind waiting and your review was totally worth it!
Thank you again for accepting Junhyun~
Chapter 1: have you set the deadline for this yet?
Chapter 6: Thank you for your kind review, Ash ! Tbh, I though everyone would apply for the connections, so I was kind of scared haha.
He's a man of nickname~ Hm, I don't know much about Chinese, but I feel like he'd be semi-fluent in Cantonese since it's also spoken in HK, and know a bit of Mandarin.
I wanted a delicate looking face claim that would seem harmless. He's perfect for that ! No but seriously, I use his face so much for apps I'm not even sorry anymore.
I had Hermione in mind for that, like he looks like he knows everything and he actually does haha. I'm so glad you like his personality and background, I was so worried~ It was so long woops sorry haha, but hey, you should get used to it with me, after all xD I wanted Sangjoong's and Sehyun's relationship to be quite ambiguous, with hate but not so much etc. Grandma Oh was so adorable~ Actually, I wondered how they could have met, and I saw that your character loved people who had knowledge, and since Sehyun knows a whole bunch of things, I thought it could be nice for them to have a 'serious' relationship, like two sane people x)
Tbh I feel like he'd be better with an applicant, but I wrote for both. I feel like he'd need someone out of his gang to give him some fresh air, yet he'd be scared to put them in danger, so he'd be torn, and since it'd be a new person, he'd discover a whole new world. I almost felt like he'd be torn between this world that seems full of happiness and his gang, for the first time in his life, he'd feel the same thing as his brother, who wanted to leave the gang. It's complicated, sorry ;u;
Oh my, don't thank me for that, Ash ! Your ideas are just so great , I can't resist good plots ^^ Gosh, I'm not over the movie's end either, I cried so hard. Ah, POTF made a song for the games Alan Wake and Max Payne 2, maybe that's why his voice sounds familiar ? They're Finnish and awesome, I'm glad I could introduce you to them ! :)
(This is so long, woops)
Chapter 7: My my, this teaser broke my heart. Poor little Jaehwan was so heartbreaking, reaching for his mom and not understanding why they were taking his father away. The innocence of a child is so pure, yet so sad ;u; His mom was being so strong for her son, damn ;u;
The 'handlers' were all there and I really like how they all seem to connect because of revenge, how it brings them closer even though it's terrible to be linked because of that.
I'm speechless yet again, this was such a great teaser, short but full of emotions; (teachmesenpai/sobs)
On another note, it motivated me to finish my app so yeah, it's done \o/
I was thinking of a hacker/computer type character who manages information and such for the organization he used to work for. Would it be better to have him as a wildcard or connections?
Chapter 7: okay teaser time.
the mood of the funeral holy hot damn. those first few sentences there to begin with just describing the colors ;;
i like how you can see the assembling of the police, and my heart broke when little jaehwan was wondering why they were putting him in hte ground. "he still has to fight the bad guys!" oh my god ash can you spare me please. you could feel the anguish in the family, though they all had differing ways of showing it. and then sangjoong, the sparks in his eyes, the little knowledge passed that vengeance will be carried out. i love that, the beginning of the idea of how they were going to catch the murderer in the first place. this was a good teaser ash okay? i promise you.
i agree though, i can only write well between 11pm-12am haha