◆◇ m o n g r e l -- cha sehyun -- the connections ◇◆

( soonyangel / soony / 9/10 / イッカク )
the bare bones
( full name ) : cha sehyun
( nicknames ) :
HYUN / a simple nickname given by his brother, used only when they're alone, though.
volpe / it's the name that shows he's a part of this gang. this is technically the name of the gang itself (volpi, to be more precise), so all members are called volpe, somehow.
ghost / this is his official name, here, as the boss of volpi. it's his code name and how he is addressed to by his subordinates, associates and enemies. this is also the name under which he was searched by the police. 
stupid / courtesy of his oh-so-great right hand man, who seems to have suicidal thoughts, and sometimes by his twin brother. 
/ courtesy of lovely oh sangjoong because he couldn't get his hands on him for years. it seems that even know, when detective oh refers to 'the ', everyone knows he's talking about sehyun.
( dob / age ) : 30 • 06 • 1990
( birthplace ) : seoul, south korea
hometown ) : seoul, south korea
( ethnicity ) : korean
( languages ) : 
korean / it's his mother tongue so he obviously speaks it fluently / fluent
english / he studied english for as long as he could so he could trade more efficiently / fluent
chinese / same as above, so as to be able to trade more efficiently, especially with the chinese and hongkongese triads, he had to learn / semi-fluent
( height ) : 175cm
( weight ) : 58 kg
the mug shot
( fc ) : -- nam woong
( backup fc ) : -- ho junyeon

appearance ) : sehyun can appear as a perfectly simple person yet he attracts by his charm. he's quite small for a man and his slim body makes him look really fragile. he's not one to use strength, so he doesn't have muscles, though don't misunderstand : he may not have a six-pack but he could knowk you down in a second. he has long and thin legs and a very effeminate face - which he uses a lot. his body is androgyn, meaning that with a wig on, he'd look like a real girl and no one could tell the difference. he happens to crossdress, so it's good use for him. he has dark brown, almost black, eyes and his hair is black and slightly long, falling on his eyes (he desperately wants to cut them). 
( style ) : even though he's comfortable with slightly formal attire, aka a semi-formal suit and black pants, when he needs to be casual, he can wear anything. give him tight jeans, a shirt and a hoodie and he's the happiest of men. seriously, his sense of style is simple outside of a suit/jacket so he doesn't really care.
( extra? ) : his skin is seemingly untouched, no birth mark, no piercings, no scar. however, he has some tattoos hidden here and there. a tribal fox can be found above his heart, showing that he's a volpe, a member of the volpi gang, while a fox and a rose can be found on his right side, symbol that he's the leader of said gang. he hides this last one because it's his way to hide his identity, while he doesn't care that much about the one on his heart - he's dressed anyway, so it doesn't show. otherwise, nothing can be found.
off the deep end
"oh sweetie, don't lie to me, i know everything about you"
( plotline ) : the connections
( personality ) : 
"oh, cutie, you think i give a about you ?"
sehyun looks like the worst ever. despite his quite average height, he shines with self-confidence and knows exactly what to say to irk someone. he looks extremely arrogant and makes people think that he knows everything. but what's making him look bad is the way he changes personality so quickly. he never actually shows his real personality outside of his comfort zone, which is when he acts as a leader. to others, to his rivals, he's extremely provocative and controls everything. he acts like a grandiloquent person with very formal words and smirks a lot. To the people he encounters who don't know him, he can act like the perfect flower boy next door, extremely polite and super shy. he can also act like a y vixen, showing off his slender body with a crossdresser identity. he's a very good actor, going from perfectly calm to sparkling eyes and excitement, and then smirking and looking almighty. however, he knows where the game starts and when his own personality starts. oh, and being a sarcastic little  is a true part of him !
"don't worry, everything is under control."
contrary to what can be thought, sehyun is actually a very calm person. he rarely gets angry or shows very big emotions. more than anything, what can be noted about him is his incredible intelligence. he's a genius, he has studied and analyzed a lot of things in his life, may it be texts or people. he's extremely observant and can notice the most subtle detail about everything. he knows how to keep his mouth shut and make his brain work. he's a quick thinker. he tends to speak quite slowly and doesn't overreact, contrary to the persona that he shows. he's an extremely calculating person and he can also manipulate people very well, however, he doesn't use this ability as a way to harm people or play with them, but to plan things. he's a leader, he knows how to give orders and prepare plans, so he has to calculate everything beforehand if he doesn't want them to fail. also, because of that, he absolutely hates surprises. he accepts when he's wrong -though it hurts his pride- but he can't accept when unexpected variables arrive.
"who do you think you are ?"
speaking about pride, oh my, you wouldn't believe there would be such a huge pride in such a slim body. he likes being right and he likes when people notice it. he likes compliments and adore when people are forced to admit that he was better than them. as the leader of a gang, he values his subordinates' loyalty a lot. loyalty is one thing he can't live without. betray him somehow and you can be sure he'll get his revenge. he's the kind to hold grudges, but he sees revenge as a game. he'll most likely play with his enemy before ruining him, and everything without blood. despite what you can think, sehyun doesn't like violence. he doesn't enjoy torturing people except mentally, he doesn't enjoy massacres. he's ready to give his own body for his plans, he often gets involved with everything. he doesn't believe in sacrifice, if he creates a plan, he's more likely to get involved in it himself, even as a simple witness. he's extremely patient and methodical
"you have to stay with me, alright ?"
only with his very close friends does sehyun show his heart. when he finally opens up to people, they can find a caring person who likes teasing people and joking with them. he's very close to the few friends he has and would trust them with his life. he's himself a very reliable and trustworthy person despite his doubtful appearance. he has a very erted sense of humor. his friends are the only ones he allows to see his inner fears. even if he trusts his friends, he'll rarely confess his pains or doubts to them - they'll have to be the ones going to him first. he's not easily scared but if he is, he becomes a crying and trembling mess, nothing like the over-confident and sarcastic cha sehyun he is known to be. he doesn't mind being alone for a certain period of time but not seeing people is like a torture for him. he's scared of losing his loved ones like he lost his father and he holds his loves ones dearly. he's quite clueless when it comes to feelings and will most likely need people to directly say that they love him for him to notice it. it's the only thing his genius brain can't seem to recognize. he's a lonely soul who desperately searches for someone who would understand him and support him, but he doesn't know it himself. he's just a lion waiting to be tamed by the good tamer.
( background ) :

They're taking to the arms, the fathers and their sons, there's nowhere left to run and hide 
poets of the fall - locking up the sun

Cha Sehyun was born in seoul, south korea, surrounded by… weapons and drugs. Oh of course, he was surrounded by love as well, but love was not the most obvious thing you could find in his environment. Officially, he was the newborn son of a really rich and powerful CEO from a technology company. In reality, Sehyun and his twin brother Hakyeon were born as the sons of the volpi gang leader, one of the most powerful (if not the most) gang of the whole country. Known for their drug trafficking and business in different clubs of hongdae and itaewon, they were feared and respected. Cha Byunghoon, the father, was ruthless and scary, but he was a wonderful father. He loved his wife more than anything in this world and had been ready to give up on the gang for her, but she had followed him and had paid the price. Three years after the twins were born, their mother died during the assault of a rival gang, leaving their father mourning – this was followed by said rival gang being literally erased from this world, one member by one member. Byunghoon took great care of his two sons and soon enough, he began teaching them how to survive in this world. Being their sons, they were in great danger of being attacked, so they needed to know how to defend themselves. During the following years, the twins were homeschooled, they learnt the basics of education and learnt the less basics things : martial arts, how to handle a gun, hos to be discreet. They were trained to be able to follow their father.

However, it was not enough for sehyun. He couldn’t stand not knowing some things, so when he reached the age of 10, he asked his father if he could actually go to school. He was discovered to be a genius and eventually graduated from high school at the age of 14. Going to school was not an easy task, he was followed by his father’s men to be sure he was fine, his brother kept on teasing him for Hakyeon was growing taller and stronger than him – but Sehyun would always shut him up. Byunghoon eventually realized what they were thinking. Hakyeon didn’t want to be his heir, he wanted to be strong to protect his brother, while Sehyun was growing intellectually to be able to conduct the business. They were the perfect pair, strong and intelligent, with a never-ending trust. They would make the gang blossom into the finest flower it could become. Sehyun followed his studies and graduated from university 3 years later, with both Business and Language majors. It was at this time that their father made them join the Volpi officially. As a symbol of them belonging to the gang, the siblings got the mark of the gang tattooed above their heart, a tribal fox, volpe meaning fox in Italian. And from this time, the troubles began.

I'll need to flash a smile, I'll be the super-absorbent-man, watch them flock to me in single file “
poets of the fall - passion colors everything

One year later, during a major business trade with a Chinese triad, Byunghoon and his right-hand men got attacked by a growing rival gang. When they realized what was happening, it was already too late, the boss was dead. As the news reached the headquarters, all the members turned to Byunghoon’s successors, expecting them to become the new bosses somehow. And bosses they became. Strangely enough, none of the members seemed angry that 18-year-old boys were to give them orders. All had recognized their talents and respected them, besides, they trusted them to follow after this father they loved so much. As their father had thought, Sehyun took over the gang and became their leader, under the name of Ghost. He got himself another tattoo to symbolize his new crown, a fox and a rose entangled, on his right side. One thing that had to be noticed : no member of the gang knew their names or faces, Byunghoon had been very strict with this. Only his right-hand man and his son, Yongguk, knew their names, and chosen trainers knew their faces. Obviously, Sehyun chose to keep said Yongguk close to him, being the only person he could trust that was not Hakyeon. The three males knew the gang by heart, and Sehyun had studied enough to know exactly what was going on inside. However, he didn’t know what was happening outside and he was furious about that. He decided that it was time for the gang to grow and he knew exactly what to do.

During the following two years, Sehyun expanded their business considerably. His partnerships with the Chinese and Hongkongese triads grew a lot more and it didn’t stop to drugs. He started selling weapons as well, even among other gangs. He was not stupid however and wanted to protect his identity. Knowing his body could easily be mistaken for one of a lady, he asked Yongguk to play the role of the gang leader, while he would be his mistress. Needless to say, it amused the older male a lot and he accepted right away. He knew what was at stake and even though he found it funny, he knew it had to be done to protect his leader. While Hakyeon stayed in the headquarters to coordinate everything, the ‘couple’ visited small gangs to ask them to ally with the Volpi and soon enough, they became the most powerful gang of South Korea. He didn’t stop there. With his contacts in China, he developed a Chinese branch of the Volpi, then he turned towards Japan and he conquered Asia. Friends of his father from all over the world contacted him and his influence grew to reach Europe and the United States. The gang became a whole empire governed by Sehyun himself. He decided to send the members he trusted the most to take care of all those countries and allowed them to decide for themselves, though he would check behind them from time to time. Everyone knew the name ‘Ghost’, everyone feared him. When he was 20, he decided that it was still not enough. The business was great, it didn’t need more, but he lacked information on his enemies.  

I've heard the rumors, started fires, I sowed a sordid lot of plays
for keeps for what I need, behold the demons that I freed

poets of the fall - roses

Using the company of his father as a cover, he appointed Yongguk as the new CEO, following after the “tragic sudden death” of the previous CEO – which was announced 3 years late but hey, the employees didn’t need to know that. Officially, he had left for the US three years before to take care of their American branch, leaving Yongguk to take care of the Korean one, and died during a car accident. It was only legitimate that Yongguk would take over the whole company, and everyone accepted it. The male had also been trained by his father when he was alive, so he knew exactly what he was doing. Sehyun became his secretary and started recruiting employees. However, those employees were not simple employees : hidden hackers, pickpockets, members of different gangs under his own, he searched for all of them and contacted them. He offered them money and a stable job (a stable cover) in exchange for their services. They would be protected from the police, paid and would have a comfortable life. Obviously, all of them agreed. He also got in touch with actual members of the Volpi who were still working outside, and members who were ‘transparent’ enough to be working everywhere. He got them jobs in strategical companies either owned by his associates or too stupid to realize what was going on. Telephone companies, security companies, even restaurants and cafes, he had agents everywhere.

Sehyun himself got involved. Seeing as no one knew he was Ghost, he acted as a y crossdresser in a gay club he owned. This club was known to be a major place for gang trades, so who was he to miss that ? Acting as a hostess and a e, he seduced the members of the other gangs enough to make them spill their secrets, or simply ask his own members to make him attend their meetings. He was seen as a defenseless rose, and even though they could see his tattoo, none of them thought he could be a danger. He slept with countless of gang members : he liked the , got paid and got information, it was perfect ! His network of spies grew larger and larger – and after a while, the police started feeling that something was wrong.

When Sehyun saw Oh Sangjoong for the first time, it was in this underground gay club in Hongdae in 2011. He had recognized the detective right away – he seemed everything but comfortable in this place and it amused the young boy a lot, though he had to say he was kind of admirative : it was the first time a detective had managed to reach this place. Perfectly disguised as a beautiful lady, he went to him and asked what such a lovely policeman was doing here. He got shoved aside right away and it took him all his self-control not to smirk at him. Immediately, the boy was attracted to the detective’s natural strength. He watched him as he questioned people and made a ruckus in his club, efficiently catching some members of his gang while everyone tried to flee. He left in turn, ready to act.

That is when it seems, We move in circles day to day, Twist the drama of the play to get us by
poets of the fall - lift

A few weeks after this incident, everything was silent. No word had been spoken about what happened, the police trying desperately to keep it as secret as possible. In a quiet part of the city, an old lady was struggling with big bags of groceries. She was soon approached by a shy and delicate young male who offered to help her. The lady accepted and led him to her house, while chatting happily with him. The male looked young and was easily blushing, which amused her a lot. Once they reached their destination, the lady offered him some money in exchange but the boy blushed and refused, saying he just did that to help. They started bickering softly, but were soon interrupted by the loud sound of the door. Both turned their head to see a tall man, who immediately seemed suspicious of him. The old lady explained him what had happened while the young male bowed respectively, and tried to escape, not before being caught by the old lady, who forced him to take the money with a laugh. The shy boy bowed again and thanked her, before leaving peacefully. Once he left the house, the boy grinned. His trap had been set.

Sehyun had done his job well. His spies had told him everything about this guy. Oh Sangjoong, 39 years old, senior detective, nicknamed the Mad Dog, lost his daughter two years ago. They gave him the address of his mother and the boy knew immediately what he had to do. Disguised as a shy young adult named Nam Taehyun, he approached Sangjoong’s mother and helped her. Pretexting that his mother was in the nearby hospital, he explained that he was often in this district. After a while, the old lady took a liking to this young lad who was helping kids and old ladies and invited him to her house. They discussed a lot and he confessed that his mother was really sick and that he had dropped college to be able to pay for her medical bills. Touched by this hardworking kid, she told him that she needed help in her flower shop and that she would gladly teach him and take him under her wings. The gang leader started working at the flower shop regularly, at the surprise of Hakyeon, who started moking him, calling him a fragile rose. He and Yongguk would come to pick Sehyun up after his work and kept him updated with the gang’s business and the police’s investigation. One of their spies inside the police office sent them the progress and they acted in accordance to it. Every once in a while, the boy would have an afternoon free to “go visit his mom” and he’d use it to go with Yongguk (as his girlfriend) to meet the other gangs. For every lunch, the old lady brought him to her house to eat lunch with her and he would help her regularly to clean or do grocery shopping. She got used to him and would often invite Sangjoong over so that the detective could have some company. At first, Sehyun acted like he was scared of the detective and shy of asking questions, but the old lady encouraged him. He started to act curious and asked several questions about his job, if he liked it and how dangerous it was, nothing that could alarm the detective. Sometimes, the detective would start talking about the gang to them, and more often to his mother alone – though his mother would often ramble about it to Sehyun. This scheme lasted for about one year before Sehyun realized that Sangjoong was getting dangerously close to some of his affairs.

“ Shadows cast without a streak of fear, moments past, held so dear,
a lock of hair, a touch of lip, a lashing whip 

poets of the fall – choice millionaire

In 2012, as Sehyun was working in the flower shop, he got a call from Yongguk. The male, breathless, told him that the police had arrived at the place where they were trading drugs. He had managed to escape but several men had died or been taken, especially some of their high-level members. Sehyun cursed, understanding that one of their spies in the police station had been discovered (he had two, just in case). However, that was not the worse. Their main rival, the Genesis gang had also attacked their headquarters at the same moment and had caught some of their members as hostages, one of them being Hakyeon. Sehyun felt as the world was crumbling down. Hakyeon was his other half and he wouldn’t forgive himself if something was to happen to him. He told the old lady his mother had a problem and he left the shop without a second thought. He ran to their hideout where Yongguk was waiting for him. Good thing, no one knew he had a twin brother, and he was ready to play with that. He changed his clothes to something similar to what Hakyeon was wearing that day (he had seen him the morning, he could say thanks to his good memory) and entered the headquarters of his rival gang, covered by his men. While he was in the main hall, his men secretly went to free his brother. After several shots, the leader of the rival gang faced him, shocked. Sehyun laughed, “why are you surprised ? I’m a Ghost after all, your walls can’t keep me”. They left, hiding Hakyeon so that no one could see him, but because of his grand gestures, his rival had noticed his second tattoo while his shirt was up. Seeing as he had revealed his identity, the male started hiding in the flower shop, sure that no one would get to find him here. One month later, as he was getting ready to finish his day, Sangjoong arrived in the flower shop with a junior of his and asked them if they had ever met someone with a tattoo of a fox and a rose. He was getting closer to catching Ghost, so he was determined and Sehyun understood that his rival had tipped the police about him somehow. Getting excited at the prospect of a new game, the boy shook his head no before leaving the shop. There, in front of the window, he slowly but surely stretched, the skin of his belly and side showing the said tattoo. The junior immediately shook Detective Oh’s arm and showed him. Sehyun turned to face him, before smirking condescendingly at him, revealing the mask he’d been hiding for a year and a half now. Sangjoong growled and ran, but it was too late, the boy had already disappeared.

For the following six months, a real game of hide-and-seek took place. Sehyun enjoyed deeply seeing how frustrated Sangjoong became. He would come tempt him and disappear right after. But the male knew his time was limited. The Genesis gang was after him now that they knew his face and he found himself in death-threatening situations more times than he could count. Feeling that his life was definitely in danger, he thought about a way to get safe for a while. He may be tough, but he surely didn’t want to die. Both Hakyeon and Yongguk tried to convince him that it was a bad idea but he didn’t listen to them. He made Yongguk promise to keep Hakyeon safe and sound, and he left for the police station. Needless to say, Sangjoong got quite a shock when he opened the door of his office to find Sehyun sitting on his desk, playing childishly with a pen. There, he asked to conclude a deal : he would surrender to the police right now, plead guilty and go to jail but in exchange, they had to keep the trial secret. No one was to know he was in jail. Sangjoong was wary at first, seeing as this kid had been playing with him for more than a year, but it was better than nothing. Sehyun wanted to protect his own life, so he was alive and in jail. He was also ready to give information about other gangs if he asked, except if they were used to harm his own gang. But in the end, the deal was concluded and Sehyun was put to jail in 2013. He was not very happy to hear that they needed him to get out since he was perfectly safe, but a new game is always exciting !

relations ) : 
• twin brother // cha hakyeon //
hakyeon and sehyun were one part of a coin. they could not leave one without another, despite being often separated for their different roles. hakyeon used to be a trainer and a bodyguard, whenever new members came in the gang, he was the one who trained them and taught them martial arts. he was good at that and loved it. whenever his brother was out with yongguk to go meet other gangs, he would always follow them, hidden under a hood and a small scarf, but he acted as a bodyguard for the 'lady'. it always amused him how both of them could be thought as women so easily. they often liked to go party as girls, it was easier for them to hide and no one would ever think that they were dangerous criminals. hakyeon was more nagging and motherly than sehyun and despite being the younger twin, he always felt the need to protect his brother. they knew everything about each other and touching hakyeon was the only way to anger sehyun. they didn't have secrets for each other and trust each other without limits. Hakyeon was always next to him (when he could, at least) and he worried way too much for him. however, a few months before he got sentenced to jail, hakyeon had confessed to his brother that he had found someone he loved and wanted to live with him. he didn't want to give up on the gang but he didn't want to put the life of his lover on the line. sehyun had immediately understood and felt happy that his twin could find someone outside of their world. he was a bit wary at first, it's his twin after all, but he trusted hakyeon to know what was best for him. before he left, he told hakyeon to go live with his lover and stay hidden until yongguk felt it was safe.
• right-hand man // bang yongguk //
yongguk and sehyun met when they were toddlers and were born in the same pattern. they only had each other as friends (and hakyeon of course) when they were kids and got used to it. they're the same age, so they got close right away and they became best friends. of course, yongguk was raised knowing that he would become his right-hand man and he liked his role, but he didn't expect to be thrown in this role so soon. he took his job seriously but when they were just together, both dropped the formalities and acted as the best friends they were. despite his tough-looking body, yongguk was known by sehyun as a gentle and tender person. he didn't like violence that much and was more the joking and caring person. acting as the boss was an obvious solution to protect sehyun, yongguk knew that, but he was extremely surprised when sehyun became his 'lady'. at first, it amused them a lot and they teased each other with that but as time passed, yongguk found himself having unrequited feelings for sehyun, feelings that were way more important than those of a friend. they used to sleep with each other as friends with benefits, but it was never more. he stayed silent and cared for him, never confessing - love was not welcome in their world. it was hard for him to accept sehyun's decision to go to jail because he knew he wouldn't see him before at least 30 years, but he kept his tears for himself and promised to protect hakyeon. he still hopes to find a way to get him out.
• little plaything // oh sangjoong //
saying that oh sangjoong hates cha sehyun would be the understatement of the year. he despises him, hates him, detests him, loathes him, and all the other words you could find. yet, he doesn't dislike him because he's a criminal - he's actually quite a typical criminal despite being the leader of the biggest gang of the country, he's a drug and weapon trafficker, a e, he's not even a murderer, so his type is pretty common for sangjoong - no, what irks him the most is that he managed to get so close to him and his mother without him even realizing anything. it was the first time sangjoong got scared since the death of his daughter. yet again, the boy did nothing to harm his family, so he gets confused. his eyes are full of anger whenever they land on the '', while sehyun's eyes display nothing but amusement. contrary to what can be thought, sehyun holds oh sangjoong in high esteem and respects him a lot. he's seen a lot of policemen but he never saw one so talented and invested in his job. it amuses him to about the time he was chased by the detective, but if someone was to say something about the mad dog's daughter, he'd be the first one to react and make the insolent bastard shut their mouth.
• calm buddy // nam jihoon //
it could appear that they have no real relationship, which is true in some way, however they found themselves attracted to each other when they arrived in jail. nothing about feelings or not even friendship, they tolerate each other and act like some kind of saviors. let me explain : strange people are found in prison, sometimes they're crazy, sometimes they're maniacs, sometimes they're egocentric, sometimes they're simply too eccentric. despite being a man of connections, sehyun had chosen to stay alone in his cell for most of his time : if he was to meet people of other gangs, his 'cover' would be in danger. he remained alone, simply reading or listening to conversations. it's in the library that they met for the first time. surprisingly, it was jihoon who started the conversation after noticing a familiar book in sehyun's hands. it was weird for youngsters to read the bible these days, so it triggered some kind of curiosity from him. unbeknownst to them, they started talking for the whole afternoon and needed to be kicked out of the library. they realized they were similar in some ways, sehyun being a calm and intelligent individual who didn't seek for violence - with one difference being his overly confident and cocky nature. sehyun was a sarcastic little but his knowledge and experience drew jihoon like a moth to a flame. they ended up talking very often together and have a lot of respect for each other. sehyun considers jihoon as some kind of friend, but they never really defined the relationship that linked them to the other. 
( trivia ) : 
• he never killed anyone. he actually doesn't like killing, so even if he orders someone to do it, he'll never be the one to do it.
• he doesn't have his driving licence. 
• he's a er for kids, he adores them, so he hates babies. anyone who hurts a child is dead in his mind (which is why he never talks about sangjoong's daughter, he truly feels bad for him).
• he's never slept with a girl but he kissed countless of them when in clubs.
• he lost his ity to yongguk.
• he's scared less of death, his own and those of his loved ones. he can't see a corpse without vomiting and believe me, it's not nice to see.
• he adores animals, especially dogs and foxes (of course).
• he knows the city by heart, even its underground tunnels, for he used this network to travel around the city without being seen. 
• he really likes detective oh's mom. his time at the flower shop was one of the happiest of his life, he felt like a normal person for the first time. he really loved going there and considers oh mihwan, the old lady, as his own grandma. she took great care of him and he did his best to help her during his time there. even now that she knows who he is, she regularly visits him in prison, while he asked yongguk to take care of her from afar, ot be sure she's not in danger because of him. this is one of the reasons detective oh agreed to the deal : he realized sehyun was taking care of her so despite his anger, he's somewhat thankful he was here when the older man couldn't. but he'll never admit it of course ! 
• he has a strange fascination for fire, he's found way too close to fire more often than not. 
• he likes coffee (way too much), fire, roses, rock music, bread, chinese food, computers and birds.
• if he calls someone with the name of a bird, then it means he considers them as a prey. since he's a "fox", a "volpe", he feeds on birds.
• his favorite book is the scarlet letter by nathaniel hawthorne. 
the interview
this will all be strictly kept confidential of course...
01. (how long is your sentence and how much of it have you served? ) 
he thinks for a while, "to be honest, i don't really know. isn't it something about 25 years ? 35 ? 80 ?" he smiles as the person in front of him frowns, "ok ok, it's 28, don't worry, I know my things. 25 years for drug trafficking (or at least, the traffics you found and could link to me), and 3 years for prostitution. come on, i didn't even earn that much money for ion, it's not even close to what this perfect body of mine is worth," the male leans back on his chair and resumes his thinking, "i've been there for two years only, though, i'm still fresh ! but seriously, i'm fine. i can stay there.
02. (do you ever regret you past crimes? )
the boy starts laughing wholeheartedly and leans closer, "my crimes ? oh come on, i'm a business man. i'm just... trading stuff, you know ?", he laughs again then blinks innocently, "i didn't kill anyone, i'm not forcing anyone to buy. if you want to lose weight but keep on buying candies, will you blame the poor employee who sells them ?", he waits for a second, then lets a smirk adorn his pretty face, "business is business, may it be drugs, weapons, anything. i don't regret any of this. well, i do regret the ion part, some of those men were definitely not what i would like to remember, but some gang members are super hot. you should try that," he laughs again as the person flushes in both anger and shame in front of him.
03. (do you believe you will be able to work with the rest of the team, ie. the other felons? )
sehyun thinks for a while, before shrugging, his face showing nothing but complete indifference, "i've worn so many masks that i can adapt to pretty much every kind of person," his face then suddenly changes to let a grin appear and sparkling eyes, "i can't wait to meet all of them ! i mean, they're going to be way different, they're not me obviously, but i've worked with so many people that I'm sure to be able to approach them all. i'll just need some alone time with them to know what they like !" he smiles sweetly then laughs at the disgusted face of the person interrogating him, before shaking his head as if shocked and outraged, "i meant real alone time, like a discussion ! lady, i don't only think with my , thank you very much !"
04. (what are you capable of contributing to the team? do you still have any connections on the outside? any limitations the overseeing officers should be made aware of? )
the boys leans back against the chair with a condescending pose, and a confident smirk can be found on his lips. he stays still for a few seconds, then laughs a bit, "you know, i may be in jail but it doesn't change who i am. i am still the leader of the volpi gang and i still have my followers and my spies. as soon as i'm outside, my right-hand man will be there ready to execute my orders. no one knows i'm in jail, so it won't change anything. my spies will listen to me, so i'll still have access to all the information i can gather. my network will be of great help : spies, killers, dealers, security employers - my agents are everywhere," he then grins and shrugs, "besides, i can still use my old tricks to seduce people. old farts love pretty crossdressers," he winks at the disgusted lady in front of him before going back to his first position and crossing his legs, "limitations ? well, apart from the fact that a whole gang wants to kill me, i don't think so. i'm not that bad at following orders, but i do follow my instincts more, so if i feel that something should be done instead of said orders, i may reconsider the order of my priorities."
05. (what are your feelings on working directly under the man responsible for putting you in prison? )
sehyun bursts into laughter and after a while, clutching his tummy, almost folded in two, as if it was the funniest thing he had heard in a long while. he wipes his tears of laughter before talking, "my feelings ? oh darling, you shouldn't be worrying about my feelings, but this dear detective's !" he looks around as if searching for aforementioned man, his eyes twinkling with mischief, and smirks, "i find it particularly exhilarating to work directly under him. he must be so pissed off to take me out of jail but hey, he needs my network. ah, sweet, sweet~" he giggles once again and stands up, "i don't want to go out, but i can't wait to again !"
the distraction
( love interest ) : applicant
( backup ) : bang yongguk
( personality ) :
applicant : sehyun would need someone mature and able to understand their surroundings. his love interest would not be one to complain but more one to silently observe and then act. he would put up with sehyun's sarcastic attitude and even be ready to answer from time to time but he wouldn't be one to fight. he's independant but following orders would be done according to his whims. he's not necessarily fighting authority or hierarchy but he knows what he's doing and is intelligent enough to know when he should or should not obey. he's most likely a fighting spirit but he's reasonable. most of the time, he's calm, but when he goes into action, he's precise and knows exactly what to do. he's as intelligent as sehyun but is way more humble than sehyun is. he's more a supporter than a leader, and he's extremely trustworthy. he'd be someone sehyun would trust his life with, which is rare.
yongguk : yongguk, despite his outside appearance, is a gentle being. he has his violent side of course, being in a gang is not for fragile flowers, but he only shows it in precise moments. the boy is a caring person who would do anything for his loved ones. he's really selfless and would die to save someone he cares from, he doesn't think of himself at all, which makes him somehow reckless. he's also ready to kill for his loved ones. he's as good at following orders than he is at giving them. being the second in charge in the gang, he's been known to be a great commander and is trusted by his men. as he's been trained by his father, he's a very strong man who isn't scared of anything but the death of his friends and his mother. he can be quite stubborn but he never means bad. he's really intelligent and quick to react in difficult situations, but loses all self-control if someone he loves is in danger. he has a great sense of humor and can often been found teasing his partners in crime over subtle things. he seems scary, but he's a teddy bear.
( meeting ) : 
applicant : they met in prison, though didn't have that much of interactions, despite being in the same room (either right at the beginning or during their time there). sehyun was known as the of the prison, not because he was an (he didn't talk bad, nor talk at all, to most of the prisoners, he was quite calm), but because of sangjoong's nickname for it. it was a game for prisoners to try to guess who he was and why the detective seemed so angry at him. this prisoner was also curious of that. after a while, he directly asked sehyun, and he told him some bull story. everytime the applicant would ask him, he would invent another story, and the prisoner ended up calling him an himself, making sehyun laugh.
yongguk : as said in the relationships, they grew up together, brought together both for friendship and work. they actually didn't have a choice, both fathers and mothers put them together right away and they just stuck together.
( interactions ) :
applicant : both of them kind of appear as the most friendly members of the group, at least to each other. whenever all the fellows talk to together, there is a very high probability that they're going to discuss between themselves and if asked for their opinions, they'll surely agree with each other or have the same ideas. more often than not, it's sehyun who does the talking between them but his love interest will always be listening to him, even if it's not apparent. they stay close to each other and as time passes, sehyun finds himself more comfortable with the other boy, going as far as sleeping next to him (even if said boy doesn't appreciate it). despite sehyun's apparent tactile manners with him, it's the other male who often initiates any kind of romantic gestures and seeks for him when he feels that something is wrong. whenever sehyun is to see a corpse, his love interest immediately turns him around and gently hides the shortie's face in his shoulders, like a mom would protect her son from things he shouldn't see. he's also the only one who manages to stop sehyun's teasing and the only one who'd manage to shut him up. they trust each other way more than they would expect and they don't really realize it.
yongguk : they currently don't have any since they're separated, but when they're together, their interactions depend on who is with them. usually, when only together, yongguk is a lot more teasing than he normally is. he jokes, has some fun, is really open with his body actions. he's tactile with sehyun and doesn't hesitate to touch him anywhere. if the people around them know that sehyun is the boss, he'll act like a second in command, very strict, following orders, while he'll be quite provocative if people think he is the leader. sehyun usually feels more at peace when yongguk is with him, it's a time when he feels safe, so he's less on his guards. yongguk and sehyun like teasing each other and talk quite arrogantly to each other. they throw insults at each other whenever they want, but they know they're only jokes. 
( relationship ) : 
applicant : sehyun and he share a platonic relationship, closer to a beginning of friendship than anything else. they respect each other surely more than they respect all the fellows together though they wouldn't be able to tell why. they seem to share a mutual appreciation of each other but they don't have any thought on romantic feelings. they like working together more than the others and want the work to be done - though for different reasons. somehow, sehyun's love interest figures out why the gang leader always hides his face or wants to go back to prison and finds himself being scared of the boy's life. they rely on each other more and more until they realize that they don't like being separated from each other. when not with the other, they feel some kind of fear that the other is going to be harmed in some way. sehyun feels weird but doesn't know what to do because he's a part of a dangerous world and he doesn't want the other one to be the victim of his enemies, so he pushes him away but the other is as stubborn as he is, and is well decided to conquer the cunning fox. both have dominant personalities, but sehyun slowly opens up more and his love interest is the only one who gets to see his scared sidE.
yongguk : yongguk is desperately trying to find a way to make him escape from a jail, or leave somehow. two years did nothing to change his feelings and he is still in love with him and, as a hopeless romantic (who knew ?), he thinks that sehyun is his soulmate and that he'll never be able to forget him. he goes crazy whenever sehyun is allowed to call him and he does his best to manage the gang without him. to be honest, sehyun misses yongguk juts as much as he misses hakyeon, and he hopes that he's ok, but he doesn't have those feelings of love yet. he has a lot of affection for him and he'd do anything for him, same for yongguk, but he's confused. he's not stupid, he's seen how yongguk looked at him, he knows that he feels more for him than simple friendship, but he ignores him because he doesn't want to give him false hopes.
( status ) :
applicant : i don't care ~
yongguk : he's too in love with him to think of dating someone else ! 
the goodbye
( comments ) : holy crap his background is so long omg i'm so sorry. it's not even good, it's like 4 pages of crap i'm so sorry ;u; anyway, i hope you'll like him, he's a weirdo woops.
( questions ) : i have nothing in mind for the moment, everything is perfect for me ^^
( scene requests ) :  
• his love interest backhugging him, even before they're into each other.
• hakyeon is attacked by the killer (not killed), and when they arrive to save him, they get super confused because they mistake him for sehyun but the boy is safe and sound next to them.
• sehyun seeing a corpse and running away to cry and vomit, and someone comes to take care of him.
• a member/enemy saying something about the detective's daughter and sehyun punching them in the face while screaming at them, surprising everyone.
• sehyun being found by the genesis gang (his rival) and the whole team has to come rescue him.
• jihoon and sehyun having a super long philosophical conversation, while some of the members look at them as if they were speaking another language.
• i'll add more when they come ! ^^
( password ) : beasts with incentives
( turn-in ) — ( back to story )


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